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Kid tentatively asked: "Well, can I wait until I get back to pay you back? Give me the hang glider first."

Yeyue's expression turned cold, "Do you want to default on your debt?"

"No, no, That's not true!" Kidd quickly explained, "I just don't have any money with me. I will definitely give you the money when I get back."

"I don't believe the thief's promise. If you don't want to pay the money, then I will hand you over to him. The police are fine, maybe they can get some rewards. "Ye Yue's shout came from the dim deck, "Everyone come quickly, I caught Kaito Kidd!"

Kid's face suddenly changed, and he wanted to He tried to snatch the hang glider from Yeyue's hand, but was almost kicked by Yeyue. Fortunately, he was flexible enough to dodge.

"You want to steal things without paying?"

"That's mine!"

"Now it's mine!" Mine!"

There were police officers searching nearby, and when they heard Yeyue's voice, they ran over and really saw Kaito Kidd. So he hurriedly used the intercom to contact his superior, "Inspector! Kaito Kidd is at the stern at ten o'clock, and the young man named Yeyue is fighting with him!"

Kidd knew that the longer he delayed, the more disadvantageous it would be for him, but without the glider, he He couldn't escape. Although he could jump into the sea and swim if he was desperate, the prerequisite was that he couldn't be seen. After all, no matter how fast he swam, he couldn't swim faster than the boat.

Yeyue's move was like strangling Kidd's lifeline, leaving Kidd with no choice but to They risked their lives to snatch the hang glider.

The two fought on the deck. Yeyue's fighting ability was stronger than his, but he had a pistol that could shoot playing cards, so he was not at a disadvantage. , so he could only use one hand, and the two sides were evenly matched.

Soon, chaotic footsteps sounded, and one person after another ran onto the deck.

Conan had just taken the Black Star back from Kid and returned it to Suzuki Tomoko when he heard Nakamori The police captain was contacted by his subordinates, so he was the first to run out. Although his legs are short, he runs the fastest.

When he came to the deck, he saw Yeyue and Kidd fighting.

"The glider... is in Yeyue's hands? Kidd is trying to steal the glider?" Conan immediately understood what was going on.

Xiao Ai also squeezed out of the crowd to watch the fight between Ye Yue and Kidd.

Oh my goodness, why are they fighting again? Fighting inside is not enough, running outside to fight again Are you there?

When Inspector Nakamori saw Kidd, he laughed out loud with joy, "Night Moon boy, well done! Kaito Kidd, where do you want to go without your hang glider? Everyone, pay attention, immediately..."

Nakamori was about to order his men Rushing to catch him, he heard Ye Yue yelling, "Don't get close! Kidd can disguise himself!"

Inspector Nakamori suddenly realized and ordered, "Back off! Everyone back off! Kaito Kidd is very cunning. Once we get close, he will kill us. He, he will find a chance to blend into the crowd. ”

A large group of people all stood ten steps away, watching Yeyue and Kaito Kidd fight. Overall, the advantage was on Yeyue's side. Kidd realized that sooner or later he would He would lose, so he took out something and threw it on the ground, and shouted, "Smoke bomb!"

With a "bang", the smoke exploded.

Yeyue broke through the smoke and punched Kidd in the chest. Kidd He took several steps back, but his eyes were full of excitement. Because Yeyue had fallen into the trap! This is not a smoke bomb, but a hypnotic bomb!

Yeyue must have inhaled some smoke just now, and he will probably pass out soon!

Hahaha, he is doomed! I can get my hang glider back!

Since we are on the deck, So the smoke didn't last even two seconds, and was blown away by the sea breeze. Kidd's excitement hadn't died down yet, and he was punched by Yeyue again, and the gun in his hand flew away.

But Kidd Don't care, because Yeyue is about to faint!

Then Kidd was punched again, and he curled up in pain. He couldn't help but doubt himself, "How is it possible? Why are you okay?"

Yeyue kicked Kidd De Gou fell to the ground, then twisted his hands behind his back and held him down. "Haha, that wasn't a smoke bomb, right? So I held my breath in advance, because I said, I don't believe a thief. . "

Seeing Kidd being caught, Inspector Nakamori was overjoyed, "Haha. Great, Kidd, you can't run away!"

When even Kidd himself thought he was doomed, something unexpected happened.

A figure suddenly leaped over from behind, passed over everyone's heads, and attacked Yeyue.

Seeing this, Xiaoai immediately shouted, "Yeyue! Be careful!"

Yeyue only felt the black shadow coming, and hurriedly used the glider to block

He tried to block it, but the whole person was knocked out and rolled several times on the deck before he got up. The sudden change made everyone at a loss.

It turned out that the figure was a strange man in a black cloak with a white mask on his face.

Inspector Nakamori's face changed, "It's Spider-Man from last time!"

He remembered very clearly that when Kaito Kidd was escaping on the roof of the Beihu Hotel, a cloaked strange man appeared from nowhere and flew between buildings with something similar to spider silk. In the end, even Kaito Kidd was taken away by him with spider silk.

Conan found something strange and shouted, "No, the man last time was wearing a black mask, and this time it's a white mask."

After Conan's reminder, everyone also realized the difference.

Xiao Ai came to Yeyue and asked, "Are you okay?"

Yeyue shook her head, indicating that she was fine, but did not speak.

In fact, this Yeyue was not the real person, but Chun Sanshi Niang. The real Yeyue was the one standing in front of Kidd. Ye Yue's voice just now was dubbed by the real person, and then it was emitted through the small speaker under Haru Sanshi Niang's clothes.

It is similar to Conan's dubbing for Kogoro, but the props were not invented by Dr. Agasa, but made by Ye Yue using the [Design Drawing] and [Technology Creation] skills, and the validity period is 24 hours.

Kid stared blankly at the black-cloaked weirdo in front of him, and never thought that the other party would appear here.

"You are really going backwards, Kaito Kid." A voice came from under the mask, "It's just some trash, you are so embarrassed, it really disappoints me..."

Kid got up from the ground and answered stubbornly, "This, this is just an accident."

Inspector Nakamori asked, "The guy wearing the mask, are you an accomplice of Kaito Kid?"

Ye Yue laughed disdainfully, "Accomplice? No, Kaito Kid is not one of us."

We? Conan immediately thought of the man who used spider silk before, and immediately asked, "Is the guy with the black mask in the same group with you?"

"You mean Hei? She is my subordinate." Yeyue said, "My name is Bai, and I am the leader of the dimension."

Dimension? Nakamori and Conan had no impression.

Nakamori smiled confidently, "Don't be mysterious. Although I don't know where you came from, you can't escape now, just surrender!"

"Can't escape? Haha, I don't think so."

Just when the police surrounded him to arrest him, an amazing scene took place.

The weirdo who called himself Bai took the Kaito Kid and flew up out of thin air. The police who surrounded him looked up at the night sky in astonishment, and the crowd on the deck were all stunned.

"How is it possible!" Conan felt that his worldview collapsed.

That person... obviously didn't have a hang glider, why could he fly?

Even if he had a hang glider, it would be impossible for him to take off from the spot!

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