The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next meal.

"Takahashi, Chikako, it's time to come down for dinner." Ayako stood downstairs and shouted to the two people upstairs.

"Okay, I'll be down right away." Takahashi Ryoichi responded immediately after hearing the voice. However, just as he was about to go downstairs, he suddenly looked out the window in shock and shouted loudly: "Who's outside!"

Others heard Takahashi's shout and looked out the window. A bandaged man was swinging past the window, and Chikako's head was exposed in his arms.

Conan saw this and immediately jumped off the chair and quickly opened the window to look out. However, it was pitch black outside and nothing could be seen. Conan climbed over the window without hesitation and chased after the bandaged man.

The boys picked up flashlights and followed closely. Before leaving, they also specifically told the girls who stayed in the house to close the doors and windows to ensure safety.

Although Takahashi Ryoichi had an injury on his leg, he still threw "氵" "也" "日" "日" "矢" "口" "亻" "圭" "子" outside for everyone to find, and chased after him despite the pain in his leg.

Not long after, the people who chased out returned to the house, and they brought a shocking news: Chikako was dead. This sudden bad news plunged everyone into grief, and the mood that was originally prepared to enjoy dinner was instantly gone.

Faced with this situation, Suzuki Ayako suggested: "Since it has already happened, let's check the doors and windows carefully again and rest early. We will go down the mountain immediately after tomorrow morning."

Hearing this, everyone took action and began to check whether the doors and windows of each room were closed properly. However, at this time, Xing quietly sat at the dining table and secretly ate dinner while no one was paying attention.

"Xing, what are you doing?" Sanyueqi had just checked the windows upstairs and saw Xing eating secretly. She jumped down from the second floor without hesitation and quickly pounced on Xing, shouting, "Leave some for me!"

After the two finished their meal and washed up, they returned to the room together. The two of them were lying on the bed. Sanyueqi asked Xing who was lying next to her: "Do you think that guy will come and kill me again?"

"Don't worry!" Xing said leisurely. Sanyueqi was slightly relieved when she heard this, but Xing's next sentence made her heart hang in the air again, "You shot him with two arrows. After he kills the people he wants to kill, he will definitely come back to settle accounts with you."

"How can you comfort me like this?" Sanyueqi said unhappily, "In that case, I won't sleep tonight. I'll just wait here and wait for him to fall into the trap."

Time passed by minute by minute. Half an hour later... Xing looked at Sanyueqi who had already fallen asleep and even began to snore softly beside her, and shook her head helplessly, "It seems that I still need to watch over him..."

Ten minutes later, Xing fell asleep holding Sanyueqi.

Another hour and fifty minutes later, a guy with a bandage on his face suddenly poked his head out of the window. In fact, according to the original plan, the bandaged man should have waited until 2:30 in the morning to take action, after all, people usually fall into a deep sleep at that time. However, the increasing pain in his calf made him unable to endure it any longer.

Recalling the previous experience in the woods, he couldn't help but feel annoyed. He could have chopped her at that time, but the man intervened and saved her. But now there are only two girls left in the house, and I guess no one will come to hinder him this time! So he decided to act immediately.

With the mechanism that had been prepared long ago, the bandaged man successfully opened the lock of the window and slowly pushed it open. But at this moment, there was a harsh friction sound between the window and the window frame. This sudden change made the bandaged man nervous instantly, and he hurriedly retracted his head to observe the situation. Fortunately, the two little girls did not seem to notice the abnormality and still had no reaction.

Seeing this, the bandaged man breathed a sigh of relief and carefully got into the house again. However, when his feet just touched the ground, he stepped on several sharp steel nails several centimeters long. Instantly, severe pain came, and the injured leg could hardly support the weight of the body, causing him to fall heavily to the ground, just pressing on those steel nails, and then he let out a miserable scream.

"Ah~ What happened?

Who is yelling in the middle of the night? "March Seven sat up sleepily and couldn't help yawning. With the help of the lightning outside the window, he saw the bandaged man who fell to the ground with nails stuck in his body.

"Ah!" March Seven hurriedly woke up Xing who was still sleeping beside him, "Xing, wake up, that guy is here."

Xing was awakened by March Seven's violent shaking, looked at the bandaged man on the ground, said "Oh" and fell asleep again.

Conan and Dan Heng rushed over first, and Dan Heng anxiously knocked on the door, "What happened to March!"

"The bandaged man is here again. "

Hearing this, Dan Heng kicked the door open. Just as Conan was about to rush in, he was grabbed by Dan Heng. When Conan calmed down and looked, he was dumbfounded by the scene in front of him.

I saw Sanyueqi desperately shaking the sleeping Xing, while the bandaged man fell to the ground with steel nails stuck in several places on his body. But the most important thing is that except for a few centimeters around the bed, the whole room was full of nails, so dense that people had no place to step.

"What happened?" The other people heard the sound and rushed over. They were also shocked when they saw the scene in the house. "Will the bandaged man be stabbed to death?" Ota Katsu pointed at the bandaged man in the house and said uncertainly.

After several efforts, everyone finally cleared a way out, threw away the bandaged man's axe, pulled out the nails, and then untied the bandage on his head and stopped the bleeding of his wound first.

And Sanyueqi finally woke Xing up with the help of Ayako, Sonoko and Xiaolan.

"Takahashi, why is it you! "Ota Masaru looked at the face under the bandage in shock.

"Did you kill Chikako?" Hiroki Kakutani said angrily.

"Yes, I killed that woman... (reason for the crime omitted)"

At this time, Xing, who was a little more sober, said, "By the way, it's best to get a tetanus shot. I remember that some nails seemed to be rusty when they were found."

"I *you***, you*****" (°□°/ )/ Takahashi Ryoichi fainted due to excessive excitement.

"He cursed so dirty." (・^・╬) Xing was a little angry and wanted to kick a few more times, but the nails on the place where his foot stepped on had not been cleaned up. He heard a "ah!" and Xing stepped on the nail.

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