Conan: The King of Villains System

Chapter 140: Master, do I look good? Cooperation between organizations! [please customize, ask for f

Matsuda has always been a man of foresight.

He couldn't let himself stand still like this.

Now that this manor has been settled, he must transfer all his subordinates as soon as possible.

Matsuda decided to take Rice Flower Town as the center and began to gradually annex other forces.

In this way, their power can grow stronger and stronger.

When his power grows stronger, there will be a chance to compete with the Black Organization.

But those are things that take a long time to come.

The most important thing Matsuda needs to do now is to subdue all the forces of the organizations near Mikacho.

Just when Matsuda was thinking about it, the bedroom door was suddenly opened.

Shui Yueyao walked in slowly from the outside, and there was a strange aroma floating on her body.

Matsuda glanced at Shui Yueyao casually, and was immediately startled.

The clothes that Shui Yueyao was wearing at this time were really indescribable.

Even Matsuda looked at it, and his heart could not help but feel a little hot.

"Master, do I look good in this dress?"

Shuiyueyao stood obediently in front of Matsuda, blushing like a ripe apple.

She had already made up her mind.

Anyway, sooner or later, it must be Matsuda's people.

It's better to take advantage of this evening, this opportunity, to adjust everything.

Shui Yueyao is a strong woman, she will never allow herself to miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"It's not bad, it suits my taste."

Matsuda nodded in satisfaction.

Then, after a while, the fierce fighting began! ! ! ! ! !

The terrifying battle begins again.



The next morning, Matsuda woke up and went to the living room.

He still has a lot of things to do today, and he has to deal with it as soon as possible.

Although Shuiyueyao went through last night's battle, she woke up earlier than Matsuda.

She had already set the alarm clock and had to get up early to make breakfast for her master.

Although this is the first time in his life to experience such a thing, Shui Yueyao's ability to bear is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

Maybe it's because she's a strong woman in the first place?

When Matsuda just walked to the living room and sat on the sofa, Shuiyue Yao immediately came over with a sandwich and obediently.

"Master, breakfast."

Shui Yueyao knelt down, placed breakfast on the table in front of her, and backed away very virtuously.

She's a very measured woman who knows when to interrupt and when to avoid.

After breakfast, Matsuda began to talk to his subordinates.

The first to connect must be the twin clown brothers.

These two men are the closest subordinates to their position.

Others, such as Captain Boomerang and A Fu, are all within other spheres of influence.

Even if Matsuda Mae wanted to transfer them over, it was impossible.

Harley Quinn is being reused by the FBI, and it is definitely not a good choice to contact her at this time.

The previous subordinates basically each had their own tasks, and there was no way to move them.

The best people to lose money are the twin clowns and the Burning Man who were drawn in the Nan F Hotel before.


After opening the hologram, the twin clowns instantly appeared in front of Matsuda.

"How's it going? Are there any new developments?"

Matsuda said straight to the point.

"Master, recently, the two of us have developed a strong force in the vicinity of Rice Flower Town. But recently, it seems that an arms dealer seems to want to negotiate with us. The two of us are a little uncertain, so I would like to invite the master to come over. trip."

The twin clowns explained in detail what happened to the two of them before.

Under Matsuda's order, the twins are responsible for cleaning up the surrounding forces.

All this is proceeding in an orderly manner.

The twin clowns have extremely high IQs.

And the criminal ability of the two of them is unique.

Soon, basically all the forces around Rice Flower Town were swept away by two people.

And the weapons the two of them used in their operations were the arms that Matsuda had seized before.

Because of this, some of the more powerful organizations noticed the twin clowns further afield.

One of the top arms organizations in this country found the two of them.

And want to talk to them about the arms business.

Because the weapons used by the twin clowns are all extremely special 0

Also highly unusual in this country.

The leader of the arms organization was very curious in his heart.

Regarding the previous incident of the bombing of the Nan F Hotel, basically all the well-known organizations have received the wind. .

This is one of the best through organizations in the country, of course, is also clear.

When they knew that the weapon used by the twin clowns was the one that was scattered in that hotel before, they were even more curious and couldn't help themselves.

So the leader of this organization personally went to the twins' sphere of influence to negotiate with the two of them.

The process doesn't have much to say.

It's nothing more than negotiating some things about arms deals.

Not only that, but the arms group seems to want to collaborate more with the twins.


When the twin clowns listened to all the content of the cooperation, they were also very surprised.

However, the two of them did not show it immediately, and there was no surprise on their faces.

And the twin clowns, let the leader wait for two or three days, and he will give him an answer at that time.

At this time, Matsuda happened to contact the twins.

In this way, Matsuda learned all the news.

"Have you two checked the guy's background?"

Matsuda rubbed his chin, and his brain began to run fast.

If there is such a good thing, of course, I will not have any reason to refuse.

The amount of arms that took 1.0 from the hotel was enormous.

Neither himself nor the twin clowns have any sales channels.

If you only use it for your own forces, it is really overkill.

Matsuda doesn't need such a powerful weapon yet.

And this batch of arms is just enough to allow Matsuda's organization to open up the situation internationally.

So for Matsuda, it is an urgent thing to want to sell this batch of arms.

But no matter how much he thinks of a way, even the twin clowns are trying their best to sell.

The speed at which these arms are sold is still very slow.

Now there will be a person who will come to cooperate with him, and this person is the arms dealer he needs most now.

This was a temptation hard for Matsuda to refuse.

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