Conan: The King of Villains System

Chapter 145: The cool feeling of grabbing the lines, the analysis of the case! [please customize, as

They still didn't quite believe it before, thinking that Matsuda was just a person with a fake appearance.

Young people like this, these case investigators have seen too many.

It seems that he is very interested in these murder scenes, and feels that his reasoning is impeccable.

But in fact, these inexperienced young people always seem at a loss when faced with these complicated cases.

In the face of this case, Matsuda is very calm, it is already a rare thing, and it is simply impossible to count on him to find the murderer.

"Boy, make it clearer, you just said that you have found the murderer, is that true?"

Mouri Kogoro didn't care about his own face anymore, and hurried forward, looking at Matsuda and asked nervously.

If Matsuda really broke the case, then Mouri Kogoro's worldview and outlook on life may collapse completely.

Not only Mouri Kogoro, but also Conan was very rejected in his heart.

He even wanted to cover his ears or run out of the building, but he didn't want to hear what Matsuda said.

Perhaps every word, or even every word that 467 Matsuda said next, was an unbearable blow for Conan.

"Haoshi-kun, how is this possible? You just came to the scene. In less than half an hour, after asking a few questions, can you find the murderer?"

Xiao Ran's eyes widened as well, and he was shocked inside.

When he was in the hot spring resort before, Xiao Ran always thought that Matsuda might just be lucky, and he had seen a similar case-handling technique in a novel.

It was for that reason that the case in the hot spring resort was broken.

But seeing Songtian's statement again today, Xiao Ran realized how naive he was.

Maybe this boyfriend of hers is really a case-solving suspect.

"Of course. The murderer is among these people."

Matsuda smiled and nodded, pointing to the housekeeper's children in front of him.

When he said this line, suddenly there was a particularly refreshing feeling in his heart.

"It turns out that every time Conan says that line, that's how it feels."

Matsuda smiled faintly and muttered inwardly.

At the same time, he glanced at Conan without a trace.

Maybe his face is ashen now, and he can't wait to leave this place directly, and he doesn't want to listen to what Matsuda has to say next.

But no way.

My disguise will continue and I cannot leave this place.

What's more, you may have to hear with your own ears what method this guy used to determine the real murderer.

Although Conan was very unwilling in his heart, he also hoped to learn and make real progress, so that he could surpass the guy in front of him next time he handled a case.

"What did you say? Just among them?"

Mouri Kogoro couldn't believe his ears when he heard this.

These people are all the housekeeper's biological children, how could it be possible to kill their own father?

Before, everyone made subjective guesses, because these people were all the housekeeper's biological children, so they would never have a motive for committing crimes.

Of course, Conan had also put his suspects on these people, but he didn't have any evidence or clues to point out that these people were the murderers of the housekeeper.

"Yes, if my guess is correct, the murderer is this man."

Matsuda nodded and pointed to the youngest son.

After the younger son heard this sentence, the sweat on his face began to flow down instantly, and he said nervously: "Did you make a mistake? How could I kill my own biological father. If you have no evidence, be careful I sue you for defamation."

His attitude seemed a little exasperated.

"Yeah, we are all the biological children of our father, how could we do such an unconscionable thing."

"Officer, did you make a mistake?"

"Although our younger brother is very self-willed at times, he is a writer no matter what, how could he possibly do such a cruel thing."

The children of the other housekeepers were very angry.

They felt that Matsuda was humiliating the cultural quality and upbringing of several of them.

"Brother Matsuda, what kind of evidence do you have to prove that this person is the real murderer?

Officer Megure nodded embarrassedly and said to Matsuda very seriously.

There seemed to be a pleading in his eyes.

No way, in such a country it is not that you can say whatever you want.

In case the police are ineffective, they will definitely get pressure from fishing boats.

Officer Megure may not be doing well by then.

"This is of course, but if there is evidence, I want to find it later. Now I want to talk about the real motive of this young man to kill his father."

Matsuda nodded and said very seriously.

"Well, let's hear what you have to say."

The housekeeper's eldest daughter nodded and calmed down.

"Big sister, how can you trust an outsider but not me?"

After hearing the elder sister's words, the younger son's reaction was very intense.

Everyone was looking at the little son, frowning.

The reaction was just too intense.

It's not like a normal reaction at all.

"Brother Matsuda, just say it."

Officer Megure seemed to have noticed something, and said decisively.

"Well, let's start with the profession of this youngest son."

Matsuda nodded and continued: "Although this young son is a writer, he has been in debt all the time because his salary is not enough to support his high expenses. And the reason why he is in debt is very simple, because he Got hooked on gambling."

After hearing this, the other children of the housekeeper were shocked.

In their eyes, their younger brother has always been very rebellious, but he sneers at gambling.

They did not expect that their younger brother would degenerate to such a level.

"You are talking nonsense, what evidence do you have?"

The younger son's face changed greatly, and he defended anxiously.

"It's easy. Just ask Officer Megure to go to the police station and retrieve all your records and files over the past few years, and you can find out which casino you owe usury."

Matsuda said to his younger son very calmly.

"Yes, I am indeed capable of doing this."

Officer Megure nodded without losing any time, and said in coordination with Matsuda.

Hearing this sentence, the younger son was speechless.

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