Conan: The King of Villains System

Chapter 170: Kogoro, the unlucky broken bone, the crime stopped! [please customize, ask for full ord

Takahashi hurt another girl for Atsuko. No matter how much resentment, once the seeds of resentment are planted in his heart and take root, it will be very scary.

"Young people now, I don't know what's going on." Kogoro muttered in confusion.

"Never mind, I have to go to the concert tonight, so I'll go back and get some sleep."

Xiao Ran intends to stay and help Matsuda organize the follow-up content.

When Xiao Ran returned home in the evening, he was surprised to find that Kogoro was still sound asleep, "Aren't you going to go to the concert?!"

Waking up Kogoro, his sleepy-eyed response, suddenly heard a word saying concert, and sat up all of a sudden.

"It's too late..." Kogoro immediately changed his clothes and prepared to go out.

Xiao Ran laughed as he watched him come and go to prepare things, while secretly poking at such a big man, it's still so ~ unreliable.

"Ah!! Xiao Ran, it hurts so much, call the ambulance!" came the scream of Kogoro from outside the door.

Xiao Ran went out immediately and found Kogoro sitting under the stairs with his legs crossed.

It turned out that he was too anxious to look at the steps, so he fell directly, Xiao Ran said to him angrily, funny and helpless.

"It's good, I can't watch the concert anymore, and I have a broken bone. This is bad luck..." Kogoro was still regretting on the hospital bed.

Matsuda knew that Kogoro was hospitalized, and the group came to visit him, while making fun of Kogoro, Matsuda found that there were other patients in the ward.

The next bed is an old grandfather, and the one near the window is a middle-aged man who doesn't like to talk much.

Conan also began to observe the two men unconsciously.

The old grandpa's son came soon. It can be seen that he is very filial and has been taking good care of the old grandpa, but he made a small gesture when he handed the old grandpa water!

Matsuda and Conan saw him put medicine in the water at the same time!

There is a problem, this is Matsuda's most intuitive idea.

Is it the same as the old grandfather before, because of the family property dispute?

"By the way, did you catch the robber in the last robbery at your bank?" The old grandfather asked his son. It is said that his son works in the bank. The bank just had an accident and was robbed of some money.

"No, it is said that he is still on the run, and the police are investigating." His son cut an apple silently and handed it to his grandfather.

Seeing that Songtian Conan Xiao Ran was also there, he motioned everyone to eat some fruit, but Songtian declined.

Matsuda continued to inquire about the details of the robbery case, and it could be seen that the middle-aged man by the window was also very interested in this matter, and came close to listen.

But the grandfather's son stopped his voice when he saw him approaching, looking a little nervous.

"Well, I'll go back to my father first."

"Okay, okay." He said goodbye to the old man in a hurry. The old man also understood that the young man was busy with work, and hurriedly asked him to go back to work.

He went out in a hurry, Matsuda felt that something was not right, and quietly excused himself to go to the bathroom to go out.

But he found that he did not go to the elevator immediately, but chose the stairs.

Matsuda felt more and more strange that he chose to climb the stairs on such a high floor. In the stairwell, Conan saw the grandfather's son talking to a bald man.

"I'll give you a day, you have to..."

"No, there are too many people in the ward, I can't do it."

"You have to do it if you can, unless you don't want a daughter anymore." The bald man gave the ultimatum viciously.

The grandfather's son looked very distressed and tangled. He hugged his head and squatted in the stairwell. He didn't move for a long time. Finally, he stood up as if he had made up his mind and walked to the ward resolutely.

Matsuda guessed that he might have been coerced, and quickly followed, "Sir, can you tell me where the bathroom is, it's my first time here."

"It's on the right at the end." The man replied irritably.

Matsuda grabbed the corner of the man's clothes, "Sir, can you accompany me?"

The man wanted to refuse, but seeing that Matsuda's innocent eyes didn't look like a bad person, he couldn't bear to refuse.

When he got to the bathroom, Matsuda put away his innocent expression and returned to his usual calm and familiar look.

"You are being threatened, what do they want you to do?" Matsuda asked in a deep voice.

The man was stunned for a moment, surprised at the question asked by Matsuda.

After hesitating for a while, he still answered Matsuda's question.

"My daughter is in their hands. They asked me to kill the man in the ward. If I had to do it, they would kill my daughter."

"They? Who are they?"

"The gang that robbed the bank, they are waiting for me at the door now, I will kill the man before tonight, and then go to pick up my daughter, and then..." The man was silent.

"Do you want to pay for your life?" Matsuda seemed to see his thoughts.

"I can't help it..."

"There is a way, you can give me the number of the person who kidnapped your daughter, then go to the ward, try your best to make time, don't come out, control your speech, try not to be nervous, and try to let the people watching at the door occasionally hear a Two sentences, but don't hear them all and don't hear them all, keep them steady, and a little girl and a girl asked them to come to the toilet to find me."


The man was stunned for a moment, but he did as he did.

After a while Conan and Xiao Ran ran out "What's the matter."

After Matsuda explained it to Conan, Conan said and pinned the voice changer to his collar.

Turn on the voice changer and become the voice of a middle-aged man to call the kidnapper of the little girl.

Matsuda knew that Conan had a voice changer, and he didn't want others to notice his identity, so he asked Conan to communicate with them.

"Hello, I'm a member of the organization."

"Who are you?" The kidnapper was wary. "Is something wrong?"

Conan continued, "The organization knows that you have a girl in your hand, and you are really stupid, and you still put this hot potato in your hand. Could it be that the man did it and really returned it to him?"

"..." The other end of the phone hesitated. "That……"

"Give him back and leave more holes, you really don't want to live." Conan said in a playful tone.

There was the sound of the ambulance siren on the phone, and the other end of the phone was obviously agitated, "Then I'll solve her directly!"

"It's not a bad idea, but is it really good to get more blood on your hands?" Conan continued.

"It's better to sell your favors to us, and there will be many friends in future transactions."

"who are you?"

"It's not important, we need a girl right now, and we just have one ready-made, you don't want us to use one, the best of both worlds, right?" Conan continued to say seductively, when there was a whistling wind on the opposite side.

"Okay, how about the deal?" The opposite side was relieved.

Conan paused, "Just the woods next to Central Park, cover your mouth tightly, it's not easy to handle if you make a noise, go 50 meters along the fence, just throw it there, our people will go and fetch it, Remember, to live, don't let us clean up the dirty things."

It is estimated that there are no flaws, and the other side quickly agreed.

Conan put down the phone and immediately told the police who came to squat near the fence in Central Park. Once the little girl was found, the hospital would immediately arrest her.

Several people were very nervous, Xiao Ran kept asking the little girl if she was okay.

Matsuda took the group back to the ward. Sure enough, there were two strange people at the door who had been pacing back and forth. They didn't look like family members of the patient at all.

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