Conan: The King of Villains System

Chapter 184: Crying Xiao Ran, a poker game linked to life

At this time, the police had received the news and quickly surrounded the auction venue.

A team rushed to the hall to rescue the hostages.

However, Matsuda's men had already left the scene and searched for the sniper's remaining party.

When a part of the squad is ready to start rescuing the remaining people.


The whole building was bombed!

Everyone and the entire building no longer exists.

At this time, Mouri Kogoro, who was still watching TV at home, suddenly saw this news.

The drunk Mouri Kogoro thought it was a movie, and the special effects were so realistic.

Ran Mouri, who was about to help Mouri Kogoro clean up his room, saw the photo of the hostages just popped up on the TV.

She saw Matsuda among the hostages.

"Dad, look, this is it!"

Ran Mouri shouted anxiously, and the ashtray in his hand fell to the ground.

"What, that kid again." Drunk 30 Mouri Kogoro stood up abruptly.

Just then Mouri Kogoro's phone rang.

It was Officer Megure calling.

"Hey! Brother Mouri, you must have seen the news, it was a terrorist attack, and those people stole everything of value."

"The police are investigating now. Come and assist in the investigation, Brother Mouri."

"Yes, I got to know Officer Megure, and I rushed to the scene immediately."

Drunk Mouri Kogoro got dressed and went downstairs.

"Dad, I'm going with you too." Ran Mouri said anxiously.

She was obviously worried about Matsuda, who was taken away by the robbers and is still alive or dead.

Of course Ran Mouri's mood will not be calm.

"I'll go as well."

At this time, Conan also stood up and said.

"Okay, but don't make trouble for me."

After talking, a few people drove to the scene of the crime.

Mouri Kogoro was drinking, but Officer Megure's phone call made him instantly sober.

And Mouri Kogoro is a certified detective, and naturally he won't be checked.

Mouri Kogoro and others who arrived at the crime scene met with Officer Megure.

It's a mess, except for the fire and the rubble.

Firefighters can only put out the fire here.

And all the objects inside have been taken away by Matsuda's men.

"At least 600 people were injured or killed in this panic. Only a few dozen people escaped, but they were still caught."

Officer Megure said to Mouri Kogoro.

"It's hard to do," Mouri Kogoro said, rubbing his chin.

Ran Mouri on the side was full of concern for Matsuda, and she was caring about Matsuda all the time.

"Sister Xiao Ran, are you still worried about Brother Matsuda?" Conan said comforting Ran Mouri.

"Yeah, I don't know how he is now." Xiao Ran looked at the crime scene with tears in his eyes.

"No one answered the phone call to him, and no one responded to the text message."

"But I switched off when I called Matsuda."

At this time, Xiao Ran was rescued by Songtian a few times before, and the two had been together for so long. His affection for Songtian gradually increased, and he fell in love with Songtian, but this disaster did not know whether he would see Songtian again.

"It seems that this is not a simple terrorist attack, Mouri brother." Officer Megure said thoughtfully as he looked at the fire caused by the explosion.

"Xiao Ran, you don't have to worry too much. Our police and your father will definitely arrest the murderer as soon as possible, and will rescue the hostages as soon as possible." Officer Megure said to Xiao Ran, who was crying.

That would really bother Officer Megure.


Inside the Matsuda car.

"Let's talk about it next. At this time, there is a deck of poker cards. You will deal the cards. In the end, whoever has the smallest card will be shot. How about it, hehe."

The clown pointed to the inch, because this inch sold a necklace, so all the hostages in the car were people who participated in the auction.

Including Matsuda.

Inun Tou raised his head cautiously, looking at the terrifying smiling face of the clown, the more he looked, the more scared he became.

"Okay! Okay!" Inun Tou replied in a trembling voice.

"Then let's start shuffling the cards, but don't make me wait too long."

The clown bent down and said softly to the inch head.

After speaking, he got up and turned back and continued to laugh, and by the way shot and killed a person.

Miyagi Mano was so frightened that she kept hiding in Matsuda's arms.

Bad Miyagi did not dare to speak out.

It was the first time that Cang Ren had such an experience in his life.

Others were also sitting in the carriage one after another, all bowing their heads.

No one dared to look up.

And the one who had just been shot and killed by the clown raised his head.

Bunch started to take out the playing cards from the playing card box to prepare for shuffling.

"I'm also going to make a rule that this deck of cards has tape on the back, no one will need to look at the cards for a while, and you're going to put every single card on the head of the person above it."

"Is it okay, hahahahahahaha." The clown smiled and said to Bunchou.

"If you don't do it, I'll throw you out and tie you up to the car."

Cun Tou nodded quickly, he no longer dared to speak.

"Mad, you're just a lunatic." Someone couldn't help but stand up and say.


"Speak up."

The clown's face looked at the inch head.

"Let's start dealing cards." The clown said in a low and firm voice.

Inun Tou began to stand up in the rickety carriage, shaking as he walked.

Everyone was leaning against the car in a circle.

Except export here.

Inch glued the first playing card to Captain Boomerang's head.

Next to Captain Boomerang is Matsuda.

Then there are Miyagi Mano, Miyagi bad, Cangren, and now there are only 493 or less than fifteen people left in the car besides these clowns and a few white board men.

All are worth hundreds of millions.

Even hundreds of millions.

These people are undoubtedly the most powerful people participating in the auction.

Cun Tou turned around in the car, posted the last person and came to the clown.

Indicates that it is finished.

But the clown was still staring at him.

After a few seconds, I realized that I didn't put it on my head.

Inun Tou trembled, his hand tremblingly took out a card and stuck it to himself.

That is Zhang Hong Tao Er.

If anyone else has a lower hand than his.


But no one knew what was on his head.

I was even more scared after I finished posting the poker cards.

Everyone's heads were covered with playing cards, and the playing cards were blocked from their eyes, so naturally they could not see other people's cards.


One fell.

"Ding, congratulations to the master for getting 1000 criminal currency."

"Ding, congratulations to the master for obtaining 2000 criminal currency."

"Ding, congratulations to the master for obtaining 4000 criminal currency."


"I'm going, so strong."

Matsuda was overjoyed.

Obviously, this move scared everyone off.

Miyagi Mano has been leaning against Matsuda's arms.

Matsuda hugged Miyagi Mano's head and said comfortably, "It's okay, Mano, it's okay..."

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