Conan: The King of Villains System

Chapter 216: The dead fish, Belmod will also be afraid! [please customize, ask for full order]

Could this be the heat from that firestorm? ' Matsuda was puzzled.

At this moment, the sound of the system rang again.

"Master, because of the so-called flame storm, the temperature above is the highest temperature in the flame, plus the friction on the water surface, the moment after the friction caused by the flame storm touching the water surface, the entire lake The temperature inside reached 80 degrees Celsius."

After listening to the system prompt, Matsuda looked at the lake, squatted down and reached out to touch the water.

It's hot!

"This temperature can actually reach such a high temperature. It seems that this trick will be used less in the future. Not to mention the wide range, it is easy to harm innocent people, and it will also affect the nature. That is not what I want." Matsuda said.

And the katana and the fire man also signaled to be careful in the future after hearing it.

Everyone returned to the manor.

Letty's sports car could no longer be driven. At this time, Matsuda said, "You can drive the vehicles in this manor as you like, and you don't need my permission."

"But I like this car very much, can you lend it to me to drive it?" Matsuda said to Dominic.

"Of course, mine is the master's." At this time, Letty had fallen into Dominic's pit, and naturally regarded Matsuda as the master.

But Letty said very few words in front of Matsuda, and the two basically didn't talk much.

Now in the entire villa, except Matsuda, there are only three women who are human in this world, and the other two are naturally Miko and Suzuki Haruka.

Since Matsuda let them stay upstairs and didn't let them down, naturally he didn't see the scene of chopping stones and the water.

After everyone left, Matsuda drove the retro car back to the villa alone.

Park the car and go upstairs.

It's still night, and Matsuda can't wait to experience the thrill of the fairy-like bath.

But this time he didn't go with Belmod, because Belmod had already slept by this time.

Matsuda did not disturb Belmod, and went to the bathroom by himself.

Matsuda, who was lying in the bathtub, began to think of what happened today, so he looked at his criminal currency, which was just under half a million. Generally speaking, this criminal currency was not enough to draw more advanced subordinates.

Just one Lankan subordinate is 100,000 criminal currency. ,

"Hey, I'm so poor!" Matsuda looked at the criminal currency. Although this was the result of the night, it was still not enough, but the criminal currency was constantly increasing, increasing by several to dozens every second. vary between.

Because the videos of Ah Fu and Katana and Killer Crocodile in the boxing world tonight were all posted on the Internet, it just started to grow explosively, then it grew gradually, and now it continues to grow.

Matsuda believes that finding a few of those men will spread rumors about the Bloody Overture and the video on the Internet.

Because Matsuda realized that the power of the media is far greater than the power seen in reality.

What Matsuda is doing now is to let everyone in Tokyo, the entire island nation, and even the entire world of Conan know about the existence of that organization and instill fear, as if the organization is right next to you.

After thinking about it, Matsuda directly told Ah Fu to take care of this matter.

The choice of subordinates and how to spread it is left to A'Fu to organize.

If there is no content, let the clown make it.

After giving the order, Matsuda began to wash away the fatigue and troubles of the day in the bath.

Although Matsuda doesn't seem to be bothered, he wants to protect Haibara Ai and expand his strength, but the crime currency is just that.

So Matsuda is under a lot of pressure.

Although in the opinion of some people, it is not bad to send the heavenly soldiers.

However, various weapon research and development, various experiments, and the daily expenses of his subordinates are also a lot of investment.

But the money still in Matsuda keeps rolling back and forth.

Spend hundreds of trillions of billions today, and the next day Afu or Dominica can get that money for Matsuda.

Matsuda returned to his room after taking a bath.

Seeing Belmod's moving, cute and pitiful appearance on the bed, Matsuda couldn't help but made a quilt for Belmod and slept on the bed himself.

At nine o'clock the next day, Matsuda was still asleep, while Belmod had eaten breakfast and watched the terrifying news on the TV and on the Internet.

"The hidden monster in Tokyo."

"According to the information, every crime incident in Tokyo is related to the red-haired man in the picture and the man who looks like a clown."

"Recently, frequent murders have been discovered in our country. Every deceased was killed by a sharp weapon, and there was only one wound. From this point of view, the murderer's murder experience can be described as extremely rich."

"Yesterday, there was a massacre in the underground boxing arena in the central city. There were countless casualties. There are still dozens of missing persons, and the death toll may be as high as 300."

"And there is some evidence left at the crime scene. The evidence shows that the mastermind of this time should be the murderer who looks like a clown, and the red-haired man."

"Next, there is a news alert, just after a victim escaped from the underground boxing ring last night. It is understood that a monster with a human face and a beast's heart appeared in the underground boxing ring, exuding flames and shock waves. Weapons, and a clown and a redhead and a samurai."

"It's not easy to see this gang," he said.

"Then learned from the victim who escaped"

Belmod looked at the TV screen in front of him, and the sound from the 3D stereo that came with the TV, combined with the video footage recorded by the clown at that time, suddenly felt that the city was too unsafe.

Even the strength of that criminal gang is almost no less than that of the Men in Black Organization.

At this moment, Matsuda walked out of the room in a daze.

"You're awake!"

"I've prepared breakfast for you, you can eat it when it's hot." Belmod felt more comfortable after seeing the lazy man in front of him.

"Oh, I believe." Matsuda responded that Belmod went to the bathroom to wash up, while Belmod went to the kitchen to reheat the breakfast and put it on the table.

Before Matsuda left the room, he heard the sound from the TV.

At that time, Matsuda had already stood at the door and listened to today's news. No matter how Belmode changed the channel, it was the news.

And Matsuda also took a look at his criminal currency. He accumulated 200,000 in one night, and the existing one totaled more than 700,000.

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