Conan: The King of Villains System

Chapter 220: Don't go, sensible little cutie? [please customize, ask for full order]

After a while, the image of a big bulldog appeared in Matsuda's mind, because the system said that the dog could understand human speech, so Matsuda summoned it and let it run down to find him, if anyone asked, Said that this was a pet dog he had recently raised, and he found Matsuda by smelling it.

Then after a while a brown bulldog ran down the ground.

Many people saw the dog run to Matsuda's side, and Matsuda bent over and stroked the dog's head and back.

"Well, it feels really good, and it looks quite big."

The bulldog stood a little bigger than the average dog, and if it had more hair it would be a poodle.

If a normal-sized bulldog weighs 100 pounds, then the dog has 150 pounds.

And the system also said that it has strong lethality and stamina, and maybe it can do some tasks in addition to being a pet dog in a home and nursing home.

And it is also very safe to let this big dog protect Haibara Ai or the Belmode at home, and Haibara Ai's petite body If you put a puppy saddle on the dog, then Haibara Ai can ride it every day~dog go to school.

Of course, riding a dog to school was just a momentary thought for Matsuda - nothing more.

If you really ride a dog to school, that's really news.

At best, you can experience it at home when playing with Conan, but Haibara Ai's character should not do that.

Thinking of this, Matsuda tried to pick up the dog: "Hey, it's really heavy!"

"Is this the bulldog raised by the owner?" At this time, Letty brought two more bottles of beer to Matsuda and Dominic and said.

"Yes, its name is Aniu, because it is very big when it grows up, and it was very big when I was a child, like a calf, so I call it Aniu." This is completely what Matsuda thought of in an instant, otherwise he I really don't know how to explain it, and because I was curious about how big this bulldog was, Matsuda summoned it directly.

"Wang Wang" A Niu seemed a little dissatisfied when he heard Matsuda get his name directly, so he called out in a low voice.

"It's quite arrogant." Matsuda said, touching A Niu's head with one hand.

As long as the explanation is reasonable enough, anything can be said.

Just like these men of Matsuda.

However, after Matsuda saw the dog's skill list, he found that the dog could only do simple bites and punches.

"It seems that I still need to train Ah Fu."

"Master, not only Ah Fu can teach Ah Niu, but also Lawton. Matsuda does not have the temperament of Lawton, I think." Dominic said on the side, because Dominic knew very well how this dog came. There is no such dog in the real world,

And just like what Dominic said, if you let a professional hitman to train, it may not be worse than A Fu's training. After all, that scene during the day is still fresh in Matsuda's memory.

Ah Fu may only have the skills to kill, but Lawton can instill something in Ah Niu.

"Let's go upstairs to find Lawton, get to know him first, and then take you to meet your new home at night." Songtian said to Anniu, who then ran to the ground, and Lawton also received Songtian's words, a killer and a pet dog in the dark met in the night.

A passer-by saw a man and a dog, and was so frightened that he let go of his legs and ran.

It can be seen that this pet dog gives people the pressure.

Soon it was twelve o'clock, everyone was tired, some people continued to immerse themselves in it, some were racing, and Dominic was always by Matsuda's side, and Letty was also with Miyagi. Mano, four people were sitting around a small table. At this time, Dominic and Letty chatted with Miyagi Mano just like an ordinary person.

Miyagi Mano seemed to vent all his dissatisfaction here, and he drank a lot of beer. With Letty to accompany, no one dared to do anything to Miyagi Mano, nor would he want to do anything.

Because here, Dominica is the boss, and half of the people here are Dominica's subordinates.

Dominica is the boss, so Matsuda is like Dominica's boss. Of course, people here only know that this is Dominica's friend.

Seeing that Miyagi Mano was also a little tired, Matsuda asked if he wanted to go home. Miyagi Mano said that he was indeed a little tired, so the two were ready to leave.


Or as usual, just get in the car and leave after saying hello.

And when he got to the ground, Aniu was waiting for Matsuda in place.

Matsuda opened the back seat window and A Niu jumped in directly, causing the whole car to tremble.

A 150-pound dog.

A dog sits in the middle of the back row like a person, holding onto the seats of the main driver and the co-pilot, as if to say something to the two people.

Miyagi Mano drank a lot of alcohol, and was a little confused after getting in the car, so he didn't say anything, just closed his eyes and listened to the music gracefully in the car.

Seeing this, Matsuda accelerated, and in about fifteen minutes he arrived at the downstairs of Miyagi Mano's community.

After sending Miyagi Mano back home, Matsuda actually wanted to go home first, because there was still one person at home, so he prepared to leave.


But Ah Niu gently bit the corner of Matsuda's trousers.

Probably means don't go, stay with this woman.

"Ha, you're cute and sensible, okay, then I won't leave tonight."

After Matsuda finished speaking, A Niu also loosened his mouth.

The next morning, Miyagi Mano woke up and screamed.


Matsuda, who heard the movement, was also startled, and quickly got up and asked what was wrong.

When Matsuda saw this scene, he was dumbfounded.

It turned out that the cow was sleeping under the bed, and Miyagi Mano who woke up wanted to get out of bed, but her feet stepped on the cow, and the cow felt that someone stepped on it and woke up.

That's why Miyagi Mano was taken aback.

Anyone who wakes up and sees a big dog under the bed will be startled because it's so sudden.

Then Matsuda put his arms around Miyagi Mano and said, "It's okay, that's my pet dog. He went underground to find me last night. There's no other way but to bring it here. I can't let it sleep on the street. cute."

"Yes, but, as soon as I wake up." Miyagi Mano said hesitantly.

"It's my fault baby, I know I'm wrong, I didn't tell you in advance, then I'll punish myself."

"No, don't, it's alright." Miyagi Mano suddenly hugged Matsuda and said.

"Then, shall I cook?"


dog! [please customize, ask for full order]

Chapter 221: Is this a puppy? No, it's a giant dog! [please customize, ask for full order]

"Let's go buy some food for Aniu after dinner." Matsudaza said lazily on the sofa.

"Aniu?" At this time, Miyagi Mano asked before she knew who Aniu was.

Matsuda took a sip of water and wiped his mouth, then pointed to the bulldog lying on one side: "That's it."

"Okay, you can also see if there are any suitable clothes for it. The bulldog's fur is relatively short, and it is still cold now, so keep it warm." Miyagi Mano put down his rice bowl and said.

Miyagi Ma, who woke up in the morning, disliked this dog very much, but in the morning, he found that Aniu was actually relatively gentle and quiet.

And after all, it was summoned, so it looks no less than a star dog, and it looks more seductive.

If Matsuda and Miyagi Mano were walking down the street with a dog like this, the turn around would be conceivable. After all, handsome guys and beauties, plus a bulldog with a physique, good looks and intelligence, anyone who sees them will be able to do so. Couldn't help but take a look.

"Matsuda, it seems to be different from other dogs. Its size is very large, bigger than the dogs I have ever seen." Miyagi Ma 30 looked at the giant pet in front of him and couldn't help but ponder, because this dog It's simply too big, and it looks very beautiful. Although it looks fierce at first glance, it is still very cute when you look closely.

The sturdy body, limbs, and the dog's head the size of a pig's head are simply too domineering.

"Uh, this? Actually, it was in the countryside before. I dragged my friend to keep it, and it ate better and my friend trained well." Matsuda explained forcefully.

After the two had breakfast, they took Aniu out.

Now the two have come to the most prosperous street near Miyagi Mano's company, which is full of various storefronts, entertainment, clothing, jewelry, and everything from all walks of life.

And there are a lot of tourists and tourists, and every store looks ok, even if it's only in the morning.

There will be more people here in the afternoon and evening.

Matsuda and Miyagi Mano were looking for the pet shop while shopping, because the street was a bit long, and if they were walking at the speed of shopping, they would have to walk for at least an hour to get to the end.

So Matsuda is holding Miyagi Mano's hand, and Miyagi Mano's other hand is holding a rope, and that rope is tied to a bulldog, although the rope tied around Ah Niu's neck looks tied It's not tight, but it's easy to hold.

The passers-by on the street also turned their heads when they saw this, and some took out their cameras to take pictures.

Some are amazed, some are afraid, some are curious, and some are ignoring.

Matsuda and Miyagi Mano are so-called talented women on this street, and this dog is also very eye-catching. Just as the two were walking the dog gracefully, there was an old man's behavior that caught Matsuda's attention.

One was wearing a white robe, with a black-rimmed glasses, a melon hat, and Pea-bean shoes.

"Isn't this what the ancients wore!"

Although Matsuda saw that this was the costume of the ancients, the things around the old man made Matsuda feel a little interesting.

Next to it is a row of paintings.

At this moment, Matsuda suddenly had an idea.

That is to ask the old man to draw a picture for Matsuda, Miyagi Mano and Anu.

And just after Songtian had this idea, A Niu was the first to run to the old man. This move was nothing for the old man. Maybe it was because he was old and experienced a lot of wind and waves, so he was not scared.

But the guests next to him were really startled.

"Where did the lion come from!"

"It's not a lion, it's just a bulldog, just huge."

"Where did such a big dog come from, Laozi was startled."

"I see it's coming from there."

Those guests were talking about this dog, but the old man could see that this dog was entrusted by the owner to cut in the queue.

Seeing that the old man was sitting on the stool and gently stroked the goatee, he smiled and said, "Do you want me to draw you a picture too?"

"Wang Wang."

"Haha, although I don't understand, but you are strong in appearance but gentle in character, then I will draw a picture for you."

At this time, the old man was ready to start flowers for Ah Fu, and Song Tian next to him also greeted the old man.

"Hello this senior, the junior's dog has not been watched. If there is any offense, please feel free to offend him." Matsuda said.

"There's no such thing. Today, the old man is very happy to see this dog. Since you are its owner, you might as well come over and let me draw a picture for you."

As the old man spoke, he borrowed two more chairs from the shop beside him.

On the other hand, Matsuda and Miyagi Mano posed a pose, a posture of two people sitting and petting the dog, which looked very warm.

In less than an hour, the old man was finished.

"Well, it really looks like it, Mano, look."

"Yeah, it does seem, senior, how much do you plan to charge us for this painting?" Miyagi Mano said to the old man, because Miyagi Mano's family is powerful after all, and he also has a company and owes money to others. She has never done anything, and she doesn't want to do it.

The old man said that he didn't charge money, and he was just entertaining himself, so he couldn't talk about whether to charge or not.

Matsuda probably understood what the old man meant.

The old man is ready to enjoy his old age again, painting every day and enjoying the beauty of art in the crowd.

Later, Matsuda rolled up the painting, put it in the painting tube given by the old man, and left.

After they left, the two did not mention anything about the old man, but started looking for the 520 Pet Shop.

After walking for a while, the two encountered a pet shop.

All luxury cars are parked in front of this pet store, and the owners who come to take care of the dogs are also people who are worth hundreds of millions.

When Matsuda and Miyagi Mano walked into the pet store, there were bursts of dog barking.

Not because of anything else, but because Matsuda's dog was too big, it scared the other dogs here.

Many dog ​​owners are also holding or holding their dogs to hide a little away.

For fear that the big bulldog will come and fight with his beloved dog.

"Excuse me, is this gentleman and this lady here?"

A waiter at the store said.

"Let's buy dog ​​food." Before Matsuda could speak, Miyagi Mano said.

Then Miyagi Mano pointed to A Niu and continued: "Please see if there is any dog ​​food suitable for our puppy. It's the first time he came to this city, I'm afraid his food will be affected."

After Miyagi Mano finished speaking, the waiter looked at Aniu.

"God, where is this puppy!"

"This is clearly a giant dog."

People in the store who were a little closer to Miyagi Mano could clearly hear what Miyagi Mano just said.

"Puppy." The word sounds a bit exaggerated after seeing the prototype of the puppy.

Push Book ————————————【 Conan: Inheriting Black Organization at the beginning】————————————

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