Conan: The King of Villains System

Chapter 241: The purpose of these corpses? [please customize, ask for full order]

So Matsuda listened in the corner for a long time, but there was no sound of speaking, so he went forward to take a look and continued to do his thing.

"Whatever it is, I'm running for the reward anyway."

Matsuda saw a lot of corpses along the way, and each corpse was still hot. The murderer should still continue. I don't know what his purpose is.

I am afraid that this corpse is not so simple. Matsuda began to suspect that it was a phenomenon that someone deliberately made. All of this is coherent.

Why did the murderer do this? What are they for, are they fighting for something? Matsuda kept thinking about these questions.

"Who would be so idle and have nothing to do? Don't you panic?" Matsuda even suspected that the murderer did this when he had nothing to do.

then. Matsuda suddenly made up his mind. He planned to move these corpses together and study them carefully to see what was going on.

Let's see if these corpses have anything in common, or if there is any difference, why are these corpses left behind? If you don't want to find anything, you should dispose of the corpses.

Although he has been observing these corpses, these corpses have not brought him any clues, and Matsuda is even a little annoyed.

Matsuda thought that these corpses shouldn't be here, but if they do, there must be something wrong, or does the murderer want me to know something? Matsuda was curious.

But he just couldn't figure out what was going on, why did these corpses appear here? What do these corpses imply?

"Well,,,, this,,, what should be going on?" Matsuda fell into contemplation again.

Matsuda couldn't figure it out, why did the corpses appear here, what was the purpose of appearing here, and also, were these corpses trying to give him any hints?

A lot of questions kept going back and forth in Matsuda's mind like this. Matsuda didn't have any ideas, and he didn't even know how to think about these issues.

The more Matsuda thought about it, the more confused and angry he became. He just couldn't figure it out. He wanted to give up. He didn't think about these so-called unanswered questions.

"It's everything, I don't want it anymore." Matsuda seemed to give up.

"It doesn't matter what purpose these corpses have." Matsuda decided to stop thinking about these messes.

But at the moment when he gave up, a thought flashed through his mind. Matsuda wondered if this was deliberately delaying the time, and he deliberately left me here to think about some messy things.

However, who knows, Matsuda doesn't know what the situation is now, so he keeps thinking and guessing.

Matsuda continued to observe the corpse to see if there was anything to discover, or if there were some clues, it was not a waste of his efforts.

He moved the corpses for such a long time, these corpses must have some condition, otherwise it is really in vain, I have studied for so long.

"I have moved the corpse for so long, but I don't have a single thought." Matsuda was disappointed, but also helpless.

The corpse didn't seem to have died for a long time. It should have died within 24 hours at 1.0. Matsuda was very sure of this, because the corpse still had a temperature.

He couldn't stay here all the time, so he thought about checking it out again, what to do if there was any problem, wouldn't it be good if he found something wrong.

"It seems that I still have to continue looking for answers, and the investigation is clear."

"If the investigation is not clear, maybe I won't be able to sleep at night when I go back."

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