Conan: The King of Villains System

Chapter 295: Miniature Oxygen Tank! [please customize, ask for full order]

Because Matsuda Hiroshi felt that Haibara Ai's so-called alkaloid technology used to kill people, it didn't matter at all.

At any rate, the impact that the big scene brought to Matsuda Hoshi during the explosion made Matsuda Hiroshi feel happy.

But Hiroshi Matsuda felt that since Haibara Ai and him were close comrades-in-arms.

At this time, it must be inappropriate for him to refuse directly, so Hiroshi Matsuda talked about it for a long time.

Haibara Ai actually knew Matsuda Hiroshi's rejection from the first sentence he said.

Haibara Ai didn't have the intention to betray Matsuda Hiroshi: "Since you don't agree, then forget it."

Anyone can hear that Haibara Ai is particularly unhappy right now.

Matsuda Hiroshi thinks that Haibara Ai has gone too far, doesn't it~ Disagree?

What a big deal, so Matsuda Hiroshi also casually explained to Haibara Ai - what he thought.

Unexpectedly, after Haibara Ai heard it, Haibara Ai thought that the idea of ​​Hiroshi Matsuda was completely-just ridiculous.

"I'm just asking if you would like to enjoy the feeling of watching someone else struggling on the ground. Would you like to watch this person keep begging you in front of you and let you give him a way out."

Matsuda Hiroshi thought for a while, and felt that the feeling that Haibara Ai said was really wonderful, but Matsuda Hiroshi thought that the so-called alkaloids of Haibara Ai could really achieve this level?

Haibara Ai felt that Matsuda Hiroshi really underestimated the so-called alkaloids in his mouth. To know that alkaloids can do it, it only takes a little bit to destroy people.

Moreover, the huge pain caused by alkaloids at the same time will make people directly unconscious, and even incontinence.

Matsuda Hiroshi believes that if he needs to deal with some ordinary people, then he has absolutely no need to use the alkaloids mentioned by Haibara Ai.

But if he's dealing with someone he feels he needs to torture, he's perfectly fine with alkaloids.

Not only can he extract the information he wants from the other party's mouth, but it can also make the other party suffer.

Matsuda Hiroshi felt that Haibara Ai really deserved to be her closest comrade-in-arms, and Haibara Ai knew exactly what he wanted most.

It was only at this time that Nakata realized that the issues he was going to talk to Haibara Ai were all misdirected by Haibara Ai. Hiroshi Matsuda did not want to discuss alkaloids with Haibara Ai at all. He had more important things to explain to Haibara. Ai.

When Matsuda Hiroshi met with Chiaki Fairy before, although they did not reach any important agreement, Matsuda Hiroshi also knew at that time that the next place for Chiki Fairy to take revenge, most likely at the submarine restaurant.

Since Matsuda Hiroshi is a landlubber, Matsuda Hoshi felt that if he wanted to go to this underwater restaurant, she would have to carry a miniature oxygen tank with her no matter what.

This kind of miniature oxygen tank is not particularly easy to find. Matsuda Hiroshi asked his subordinates to find it for a long time and could not find it.

So Matsuda Hiroshi wondered if he could ask Haibara Ai to help him invent such a miniature oxygen tank. Otherwise, if there was an explosion on the bottom of the sea, Matsuda Hiroshi would die soon.

Haibara Ai knew that it was definitely not a good thing for Matsuda Hiroshi to keep it.


This is all about making Haibara Ai work overtime. Of course Haibara Ai is a little unhappy, but Haibara Ai is very happy when he thinks that this is what Hiroshi Matsuda asked him to do.

"I have invented this kind of miniature oxygen cylinder before, but it has been too long. I have to go to my floppy disk to find the information. I should be able to get the finished product for you soon."

Today, I feel that he is looking for the right person for Chiaki. Like this kind of capable comrade-in-arms, Matsuda Hiroshi can't wait to come to 10.

Haibara Ai felt that since Matsuda Hiroshi had already said the same thing to him, he could also go back and look up the information on the miniature oxygen tank.

Hiroshi Matsuda tossed about these things that day, Haibara Ai actually followed Hiroshi Matsuda around all the time.

Haibara Ai also felt very tired at this time, and he wanted to sleep too.

At this time, Hiroshi Matsuda also pointed to Haibara Ai to get him a miniature oxygen cylinder. Of course, it was Haibara Ai. He said what he said.

Matsuda Hiroshi felt that it was too late. If Haibara Ai was allowed to walk home alone, it would definitely be a little unsafe, so Matsuda Hiroshi thought that Haibara Ai should be delivered to the door.

Haibara Ai thinks Matsuda Hoshi's idea is very naive. He has a very good relationship with Matsuda Hiroshi, which is a well-recognized fact.

Now that Matsuda Hiroshi is backed by the biggest gangster, under such circumstances, how could anyone dare to touch Haibara Ai.

However, Haibara Ai was also very happy that Hiroshi Matsuda was willing to send him to his doorstep, so Haibara Ai did not directly break the matter.

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