Conan: The King of Villains System

Chapter 298: Undercurrent

Although Ran Mouri thought Conan was weird this morning.

But she didn't have the heart to care so much at this time.

Conan's side is depressed, but Matsuda Hiroshi's side is very happy.

Because Matsuda Hiroshi had negotiated fairly with Chimu before that he arrived at 8:30, and it was just 8:00 when Matsuda Hiroshi packed up and came to the cafe, so Matsuda Hoshi quickly ordered a breakfast, which he usually prefers.

Matsuda Hiroshi was eating at the cafe while waiting for Chiaki to come over.

Chiaki is a very paranoid person, and he has a very strong sense of time.

As long as she decides that she should appear during this time period, the Fairy Tzu Chi will definitely appear during this time period, neither earlier nor later.

Matsuda Hiroshi carefully looked at some of the materials that his brothers handed him.

Matsuda Hiroshi wanted to try it out to see if Chiaki would do what the information said.

As a result, Chiaki was really on time and entered the cafe at the clock of 8:30.

Don't look at Chimu Fairy as a professional sommelier, but in fact he doesn't like to eat western food, and he is not interested in things like cafes.

If it wasn't for the fairness to see Matsuda Hiroshi's ability thoroughly, the fairness of the wood might not allow Matsuda Hiroshi to come to the cafe.

Matsuda Hiroshi had almost eaten his breakfast when Chimugi came, so Matsuda Hiroshi motioned to the waiter to remove his breakfast.

"I know you don't like ordering in the cafe, so I made a special appointment to this cafe. After all, I have an acquaintance, so don't worry even if the two of us don't order anything."

As soon as Matsuda Hiroshi came up, he told Chiaki that he didn't like to drink in the cafe, which was a habit.

As a wise man, Chimugi, of course, understands the meaning of Matsuda Hiroshi's words.

"Since we are going to cooperate this time, we should retain some trust in each other and investigate my background from the beginning, isn't it a bit inappropriate?"

If Matsuda Hiroshi really felt it was inappropriate, Matsuda Hiroshi would not be able to directly reveal his various hobbies that he knew about the fairness of Chiaki at this time.

Although Chiaki is not so disgusted with this matter, he is somewhat unhappy. After all, Matsuda Hiroshi is now very aware of Chichi, but Chichi doesn't know anything about Matsuda. .

Originally, the series of revenge plans of the fairness were all planned to be completed by himself, and now Hiroshi Matsuda who suddenly came out will make the fairness of the wood feel insecure to some extent.

"Mr. Chimugi, you don't need to be too nervous, I will investigate you, just to get to know you better, and nothing else.

After all, you have also seen my ability. If I really plan to do something else, I have absolutely no need to join forces with you. 1.0”

The reason why Matsuda Hiroshi chose to cooperate with Chimu Fair is because Matsuda Hiroshi felt that with the help of a smart person like Chimu Fair, it can sometimes save him a lot of things.

Although Matsuda Hoshi's subordinates do have some capable officers, sometimes they don't quite understand what Matsuda Hiroshi wants.

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