Conan: The King of Villains System

Chapter 307: There is no father who does not care about his daughter! [please customize, ask for ful

When Chiaki said these words, he was downstairs at Mouri's detective office, and Hiroshi Matsuda didn't act immediately.

Because Matsuda Hiroshi was afraid that Ran Mouri might see this scene if he really passed by this place.

But when they passed the corner of Mouri's detective agency, Matsuda Hiroshi quickly used a few tricks and directly pressed Chiaki to the wall.

"I told you that even if you knew about my relationship with Ran Mouri, you better not be okay - use her to threaten me."

"Don't try to press me with Mouri Kogoro, you know I'm not a clean-handed person."

"Even if we have reached a certain agreement at this time, as long as you put your mind on her head, I will tell you that it will only take a few minutes for you to disappear."

Matsuda Hiroshi never liked to reveal his identity until the system assignment task was completed.

But this time, Hiroshi Matsuda thought it was Chiaki who crossed the line fairly.

Chiaki also knew that his test just now was a bit too much, but Matsuda Hiroshi's reaction made Chiki quite interested, so Chiki quickly struggled to get Matsuda to let him go. .

Chimu Fairy originally thought that he was a tall boy about 1.8 meters tall.

Although his body is a little weak now because of some things, it is not that he can't fight.

But no matter how much Chiaki struggled, Matsuda Hiroshi could firmly press Chiaki on the wall with only one hand.

Matsuda Hiroshi secretly laughed in his heart, Chiaki was just too self-sufficient.

Don't look at Matsuda Hoshi when he usually does things, mainly rely on his brothers to take action, if Matsuda Hoshi really has no ability at all.

When danger comes, Matsuda Hiroshi is alone, and he may not even be able to protect himself.

In order to be able to train himself better, Matsuda Hiroshi actually had a special training in this area.

Besides, among Matsuda Hiroshi's subordinates, the most important thing is that they can fight. If Matsuda Hoshi's ability is not good enough, how can they calm down these people.

Chimugi struggled for a while, and found that he really had no way to compete with Matsuda Hiroshi, so Chimugi gave up the struggle and could only be softer to Matsuda Hiroshi.


"It seems that this girl is really your weakness. You can't even poke it, but I can warn you that Mouri Kogoro is definitely not an easy role."

"Don't underestimate him easily, you must know that no one cares more about Ran Mouri than a father."

After Chiaki said these words, Matsuda Hiroshi let him go directly. About Mouri Kogoro, Matsuda Hiroshi had thought about it for a long time.

Although the relationship between Matsuda Hiroshi and Ran Mouri has not been deliberately concealed from Mouri Kogoro, Mouri Kogoro does not know much.

Although Mouri Kogoro did talk to Ran Mouri about Matsuda Hiroshi, Ran Mouri was more protective of Matsuda Hiroshi at the time.

Out of trust in his daughter, Mouri Kogoro went with Ran Mouri without too much fuss.

But Hiroshi Matsuda has a very strong underworld aura. If it is said that Hiroshi Matsuda is in the place of Hiroshi Matsuda's mission, Hiroshi Matsuda really meets Mouri Kogoro.

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