Conan: The King of Villains System

Chapter 414: The Disappearing Billion Yen! [please customize, ask for full order]

Turn off the TV if you don't watch it, and don't pile rubbish on the table. Dad really makes such a mess every time. "

Xiao Ran said with a sigh of relief.

Mouri Kogoro, lying on the sofa with the book on his face, snores.

Xiao Ran shook his head and started to clean up the table, just about to turn off the TV.

It was on TV right now

"Recently, there was a case of missing money in this city, and the missing amount was as high as one billion yen..."

"Clap." With the sound of the TV turning off, Mr. Mouri Kogoro also woke up.

"What billion yen?" Mouri Kogoro's eyes were still a little confused, apparently just waking up.

"Dad, you are always like this..." Xiao Ran began to ramble. But Mouri Kogoro was still thinking about what happened on TV.

And I thought in my heart, "If I pick up these 100,000 yen, it will be a fortune."

Then he stood on the sofa and laughed "hahahaha".

Xiao Ran said speechlessly, "I don't know what I'm dreaming about in the daytime. I smile like this."

"Ding bell, ding bell, ding bell, ding bell..." Xiao Ran was interrupted by the rapid ringing of the phone.

"Hey, hello, this is..." The words were not finished.

There was a hurried voice inside: "Is Mr. Mouri Kogoro there? Have you watched the news?"

"Officer Higurashi, Dad, Officer Higurashi's phone number." Xiao Ran said to Mouri Kogoro on the sofa.

"This is..." Mouri Kogoro didn't finish his sentence. It was interrupted by the police officer at sunset.

"Mr. Mouri, have you read the news? One billion yen, just disappeared." The police department has no clue, so I ask your detective to participate in the investigation.

With the speeches of the police officers at sunset, Mouri Kogoro and Xiao Ran recalled at the same time, the content on the TV this morning "There was a huge theft in this city today..."

At this time, Xiao Ran had already prepared clothes for Mouri Kogoro, and the two decided to go to the scene to have a look. Xiao Ran and Mouri Kogoro happened to bump into Conan when they were out.

"Conan, where are you going so early?" Xiao Ran asked enthusiastically.

"Wherever the little kid can go, go and play, don't disturb your uncle's work," said Mouri Kogoro.

"Sister Xiao Ran, Uncle Mouri." Conan asked after greeting the two: "Sister Xiao Ran and Uncle Mouri are going out."

"Yeah, just now, the police officer Higurashi called and said..." Xiao Ran was interrupted by Mouri Kogoro before he could finish speaking.

"What are you talking about to a little kid." Then Mouri Kogoro said to Conan, "Hey kid, go and play, don't disturb your uncle and sister."

Conan ignored Mouri Kogoro's words and said to Xiao Ran, "Is it the missing billion yen on TV?"

"Hey, Conan knows that too."

Just as they were talking, the car stopped in front of them, and Conan asked Xiao Ran if he could go over to take a look.

Xiao Ran said yes, Mouri Kogoro said that Conan would disturb their work or something, and was afraid that Xiao Ran would be in danger, so he wanted Xiao Ran to take Conan to play.

But Conan and Xiao Ran completely ignored Mouri Kogoro, Mouri Kogoro couldn't do anything, and the three got into the car.

On the way Conan said: "I just happened to see that while watching TV today."

A little interested, thanks to Sister Xiao Ran and Uncle Mouri for taking me there.

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