"Judy, Judy.……"

Shiraishi Takeshi couldn't help but think of Miyano Akemi.

The reason is that both Judy and Miyano Akemi were once FBI agents known as silver bullets within the organization, and Akai Shuichi's girlfriend.

"If I remember correctly, Judy is a blonde, blue-eyed foreign girl! It's really exciting!"

Thinking so, Shiraishi Wu stepped on the accelerator with a"boom" sound, and the rough engine sounded. The car rushed out like an arrow from a string.

""Y-Yume-sister? How did this car drive away by itself?" Miike Naoko asked blankly.

"Miaozi, are you stupid? The driver of that car was just staying in the car from the beginning! This bastard is laughing at us!"Miyamoto Yumi snorted in shame and anger

"Ah... eh?" Sanchi Miaozi's face was dull.

"Miaozi, why are you still standing there like an idiot! Speeding in a downtown area! I will not give up until I catch him today and give him a good lecture!" Yumi Miyamoto reached out and pulled Miike Miaozi, who had not yet figured it out, into the police car, and then chased after Shiraishi Takeshi in the direction he left.

Thirty seconds later.

Miike Miaozi's shameful cry suddenly rang out in the police car:"Hey!!! Sister Yumi, that, that, the guy who was driving, it turns out that he never left the car from the beginning, and has been watching the jokes of the two of us in the car the whole time!"

"Miaozi, you just realized it! Damn it, I'm going to put tickets all over his car!" Miyamoto Yumi said angrily with a red face.

"Well, well! You dare to tease the two of us, don't let us catch you, or you will be in trouble!"Sanchi Miaozi's face was full of determination, and her little head nodded quickly. About ten minutes later, Bai Shiwu arrived near Jiangchuan Hotel.

The speed of the car slowed down slightly and became normal, just like an ordinary car passing by.

A moment later, Bai Shiwu found a red Beetle car that was obviously hastily parked in front of a big hotel.

"I found you, FBI Agent Judy and the beautiful Vermouth."

Shiraishi Takeshi laughed playfully, then parked his car next to Judy's red beetle and closed the door, just like an ordinary customer who came to the restaurant for dinner.

His eyes inadvertently swept across Judy's red beetle, and a piece of information appeared in Shiraishi Takeshi's mind.

"The car was parked so hastily, there were no scratches on it, and there was no sign of disorder inside the car, which meant that Judy must have been driving when she suddenly discovered something, and then stopped the car temporarily and chased after it."

Shiraishi Wu walked towards the hotel with a smile on his face, and continued to infer in his mind:"In addition, from the moment I parked the car next to Judy's Beetle, someone in the alley to the right of the hotel has been spying on me."

"Combining these two factors, I guess that when Judy was driving past the hotel, she suddenly noticed Vermouth, who killed her parents, and then hurriedly stopped the car and chased after her."

While Shiraishi was thinking, he had already arrived at the door of the hotel, and then like an old smoker, he reached into his pocket and took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a deep puff. He started to puff out smoke.

"Excuse me, sir, smoking is prohibited in the restaurant!" The waiter at the door stopped Bai Shiwu with an apologetic look on his face.

"Oh, sorry!"

Bai Shiwu smiled at him apologetically, then glanced around, and finally walked towards the alley on the right side of the restaurant. The alley was gloomy.

Two ragged beggars were squatting at the entrance of the alley.

Their faces were covered with dirt, their hair was messy and dry, and their clothes were tattered, but Bai Shiwu could clearly feel the unique cold smell of killers on them.

"What a pity, the disguise is not enough!"

Bai Shi Wu pretended to be addicted to cigarettes, walked directly into the alley, and took a big puff of smoke.

After smoking one,

Bai Shi Wu stretched his body and saw the two beggars leaning against the wall of the restaurant staring at him. He frowned in disgust.

He reached out from his pocket and took out two 500-yuan coins. Under the gaze of the two people, he walked past with disgust.

""This is a reward for you. Remember to go down and say hello to the King of Hell for me!" As soon as the words fell, the two men's faces changed, and they hurriedly put their hands into the tattered clothes, trying to take something out of it.

But at this time, the two 500-yuan coins in their hands were suddenly thrown out by Bai Shiwu.


The coin burst out with a strong penetrating force.

It directly penetrated the necks of the two men, their Adam's apples were broken, blood spurted out, and they died.

Bai Shiwu smiled coldly, and walked into the deep and dark alley with an expressionless face.

Deep in the quiet alley,

Bai Shiwu faintly heard the sound of fighting.

Step by step, he walked slowly towards the depths.

Although he was walking with such big steps, he did not make any footsteps.

Like a ghost.

A moment later,

Bai Shiwu saw the two people facing each other.

Vermouth held the pistol, raised his head with a proud face, and pointed the black muzzle at Judy who was lying on the ground.

"The game is over, little Judy!" Vermouth said coldly.

"Absinthe, who are you? You must be Sharon Wynyard, right? Why don't you grow old?"Judy was full of reluctance.

"A secret makes a woman more feminine.

Belmode chuckled mysteriously,"Who am I? This is a secret.���Oh. A dead person doesn't need to know so many secrets!"

"The game ends here, little Judy! You really are exactly like your two reckless parents who died that year!"Vermouth chuckled.

"Sure enough, you are Sharon Wynyard, right? Why don't you grow old? Who are you?"Judy fell to the ground in despair.

"I didn't admit that I killed your two reckless and ignorant parents. I didn't know that they were shot to death with a gun pointed at their temples! Well, the game is over. Goodbye, little Judy!"

As she said that, Vermouth was about to pull the trigger.

But at this moment, a"whoosh" sounded in the quiet alley.

A coin shot from the darkness not far away and hit Vermouth's pistol. The powerful impact caused the pistol in Vermouth's hand to fly off.

""Who is it?!" Vermouth exclaimed, and turned her head quickly, her beautiful pupils constricted.

She saw that about one meter behind Vermouth's left body, Bai Shiwu had quietly stood there.

(Update 1!)

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