Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 1019: ——Keisuke Yamao

The morning of December 11th.

"..." Shibao opened his eyes and glanced at his phone—it was already 9:40 in the morning.

Last night... everyone ate a barbecue and played games together, so I slept a little late, so I only woke up this morning.

Then, what about that guy?

Thinking like this, Shiho turned his head and looked at Chiba on the next bed—he had already woken up and was reading a book with a bedside lamp whose light was blocked by the pillow toward Shiho.

"Morning," Chiyu inserted the bookmark into the book, then closed the book gently, and looked at Shiho with a smile. "Would you like to have breakfast together?"

"Your greetings today..." Shiho felt a little weird about such greetings. "Why are you so polite?"

"Because today, we are going back after watching the anniversary celebration of Kitanosawa Village," Chiho stared at Shiho's face with an inexplicable smile. "After going back... I'm afraid I can't help it, so this may be my last gentleman's moment in the last few days."

"Yeah, I'm excited to think that I'll be able to go back today~" After saying this, Shiho sat up from the bed and stretched. "But before I get home, I hope you'll keep your most gentlemanly side—preferably the kind of explosive gentleman who can use up all the gentleman's energy for the next week."

"Okay, a loyal and brave knight willing to meet all your demands," Chiba said in a French accent. "My most noble princess~"

Then, both of them laughed.

"Okay, okay, stop laughing, get dressed quickly, I'll wash up, and when you're ready, let's go have breakfast together."


But in fact, this meal was not clean, because when Chiba was about to go to Shiho with a plate, he was called away by Kogoro Mouri - the middle-aged uncle in his forties did this of course not because Jealous of young people's sweet comedy of youthful love, but because of the progress of the case, which is why he left the police station after nine o'clock and came back for breakfast.

"This Yamao Keisuke is a criminal who has just been released?" Qianyu raised her eyebrows and looked at Kogoro Mouri.

"Well," Kogoro Mori gestured to the piece of paper in front of Kudo Shinichi. "See for yourself."

"..." Chiba got close to Kudo Shinichi and saw that it was a document from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

The above shows that eight years ago, this Yamao Keisuke was sentenced to seven years in prison for causing death in a drunk driving accident, and was only released a few months ago.

"This guy..." Qianyu frowned. "But if it's been closed for seven years, does that mean that he has nothing to do with the dam? When it was closed seven years ago, the dam was still in the fantasy stage with no plan at all. After coming out, Yuichiro Asakura has already The position of transport secretary has changed."

"The problem is not here, the problem is that the purpose of his return may be impure," Kudo Shinichi shook his head. "As of now, the death of Governor Asakura is no longer important - it is a matter of the Metropolitan Police Department, not related to the case that is taking place here - the important problem is that before and after he returned here, he What did it do. And the more important thing is how it got to where it is now.

"First of all, when we went to the village office to investigate, we happened to meet Yamao and the others who were asking for the distribution map of the old village site that sank to the bottom of the reservoir - and at that time, Mr. Glacier, who is now dead, said the reason for doing so: [He Want to know where his sinking home is.]

"Secondly, according to the reactions of the neighbors at his new address after he was released from prison, he suddenly became a diving enthusiast more than a month after he was released, and he also bought a lot of high-level sports equipment. But ... he also Give up after about a month."

"..." Qianyu frowned slightly, because there seemed to be some connection between the two. "You mean there is a causal relationship between the two?"

"It's possible, in other words, Yamao's original plan might be to dive into the reservoir and return to his original address to find something." Kogoro Mouri nodded. "But what exactly... I don't know, and judging from the fact that he gave up diving training, the program has been automatically terminated."

"The depth of this reservoir is at least 40 meters. For non-professional diving enthusiasts, it requires a lot of time for systematic training. He must be too late." Kudo Shinichi also nodded and expressed his opinion. "Then, normally, a person who is immortal, after the failure of plan A, the more natural choice is plan B. That is to say, he may plan to hire someone to help him search underwater, and this person It must be a companion he found in advance... Qianyu, do you think there is a person who fits this description before he dies?"

"Mr. Glacier, right?" Qianyu nodded. "You mean, Mr. Hikawa was an experienced diver hired by Mr. Yamao to go into the water to find something. But the problem is, now he's dead in a snowy mountain - that's the problem."

"About Snow Mountain, the police found a piece of useful information," Kogoro Mouri said again. "Mr. Glacier's presence there may indeed be purposeful - the snowfield where his body was found is in the middle of the hotel where he lives and the residence of a villager who lives on the snowy mountains all year round: this His name is Muto."

"That is to say, Glacier went to this [Muto] during his lifetime?" Qianyu thought for a while. "So, as a result, he died while traveling, and Mr. Muto is the most likely culprit in the human-caused death?"

"Yes, and he also has a motive to kill the glacier." Kudo Shinichi continued to narrate. "When Kitanosawa Village was In fact, not everyone agreed with the plan - Muto was one of the most resistant, and he did not live in the village. core reason.

"And the more noteworthy thing is that, in the end, his parents turned against the water and became the head of the family for him, and according to the locals, it was the glacier that used the commercial benefits of the relocation compensation to open up the joints of the two elders. , which helped Governor Asakura to persuade their family to vote for the relocation. After the village was relocated, Hikawa immediately used the compensation to purchase real estate in Tokyo and abandoned the house in the village, which was also met with indignation at the time. Muto's uninterrupted and intense attack."

"Besides, one more thing—as we said before," Kogoro Mori drank the sake from his glass (though Chiba didn't understand why this was for breakfast), hiccupped and then said. "When we came out, the police were preparing to confirm the whereabouts of Yamao, because according to the research results, this Muto and Yamao also had a grudge.

"We said before that Yamao was arrested for causing death by drunk driving, right? The person he killed was the sister of Muto's favorite woman, and according to the neighbors, the two of them were related. They are like brothers and sisters, very close.”

"So," Chiba said that she already understood the current situation. "The question now is not to think about what Yamao came back for, but to confirm whether all this was a crime committed by the man named Muto for revenge, right?"

At this moment, Kogoro Mauri received a text message - the sender of the letter was from Maurilan.

[Dad, come back to the room as soon as you see it, people from the police station are here, looking for you in a hurry! 】

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