Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 1033: - Drug reanalysis

[Summary of the previous situation: The starting point chapter 726 (bachelor party after the wedding celebration) - chapter 729 (deception from top to bottom) - In the bachelor party of Mr. Lai Tai, the classmate of Maori Kogoro and Fei Yingri, and the attendant before marriage, his Fiancee Kamon Hatsune (Gregory's former patient, unable to secrete estrogen normally) died in a car explosion in front of everyone. But what is concerning is that Fujiwara and Hotaru found genetic evidence at the scene that the groom had appeared at the death scene, but Gregory suppressed all this and claimed that the bride committed suicide due to the diagnosis of rabies. At the same time, Gregory, in a rare manner, asked them not to inform Chiba of their findings. 】

December 12, 18:40, in a bar.

Hoshino Kaede, Fujiwara and Gregory sat at a table.

"I've never heard anything like this..." Hoshino Kaede frowned. "I only know that they made a big fuss at the beginning. I didn't expect that the reason for the operation to erase the memory was because of this."

"That's why," Gregory shook his head. "It would be cruel for their two children to not let them forget about it. From this perspective, the purpose of the operation was to protect them."

"But the problem is that the secret that the operation was intended to hide may now be causing us trouble," Fujiwara reminded. "I have a conjecture-if it is this incident, which caused the two of them to test positive at the same time in the physical examination... Is this possible?"

Gregory and Hoshino Kaede turned their attention to Fujiwara at the same time, and Hoshino Kaede and Fujiwara turned their eyes to Gregory who was in deep thought.

"In principle, since it is a test, it must be a test, not an observation, so we don't know what is responding to the test. We know that there is an antigen with many characteristics of HIV, and we know that his body Antibodies that are characteristic of HIV antibodies are being produced," Gregory finally spoke up. "But the problem is, they've always tested negative for HIV before, and there's no reason to suddenly turn positive this time, unless..."

"Unless something new happened recently that caused their bodies to change?" Fujiwara responded quickly. "Could it be caused by APTX or the antidote for APTX?"

"It's possible," Gregory nodded. "The direction of this idea is good, but the question is, how do we verify it? Although I also participated in the development of APTX's antidote during that time in the middle of the year, but ... in essence, the speed of the antidote taking effect was slowed down at the end, The principles of other pharmaceutical ingredients are not touched. According to the organization, APTX's development log was destroyed in the fire accident when Dr. Miyano Atsushi died, so we have lost the work to re-understand APTX and its antidote The ability of the principle can only be copied and produced, but the core mechanism cannot be modified. (The re-discovery of this part of knowledge is also the main work of Shiho)”

"That said, our problem now is to find a person who has the ability to identify the connection between APTX4869 and its antidote to the antibodies and antigens of HIV testing in a short period of time, and the person's mouth needs to be tight enough. , don't talk nonsense?" Hoshino Feng summed up the conditions that this candidate needs to meet.

But...where to find such a person? To be honest, if the requirements of this candidate are divided into two parts, the first part’s ability requirements are too harsh – even Gregory and Miyano Shiho can’t re-understand the principle of APTX. It means that the person who can do it must be a world-renowned medical scientist. But such people... even if there are in the organization, it is difficult to guarantee a strict tone.

Just when Gregory and Fujiwara were thinking about which young talent in the organization might be more qualified, Hoshino Kaede came up with an idea that seemed a bit outrageous at first glance.

"That..." Hoshino Kaede raised an idea with some uncertainty. "If Tachibana does it...will it be better? After all, in terms of reading and parsing efficiency, will he have a natural advantage?"

"He?" Fujiwara's originally clenched brows suddenly opened. "Yeah, he actually has this ability, and he should also have the will to investigate to the end? After all, if he can really prove this, it means that he and Miss Miyano are actually healthy, so neither of them betrayed the other. ——This should be the result he most wants to see, right?"

"Then..." Gregory thought for a while and seemed a little worried, but he didn't say it in the end. "That's it, I have the composition and structure file of APTX4869 here. Hoshino, you will send this thing to that kid later."



"..." Qian Yu was lying on the bed, staring at the wall indifferently.

He is not looking at the wall, but using the auxiliary unit to recall the happy time he had with Shiho.

Why did all of this become like this? Everything was going so smoothly, how could it become like this overnight?

The auxiliary unit has taken over the function of the lacrimal glands so as not to stain the bed sheets of Hoshino Kaede's house, but Chiba can still feel her nose The pain in her chest makes people want to dig out her heart.

Why is this happening... Even if it's her fault, I'm sure there is something I can do better... Where is the problem?

The door was opened.

"You..." Hoshino Kaede sighed in the bottom of his heart after seeing Chiba's red eyes turning around. "Are you still crying?"

"I didn't cry..." Qian Yu gently covered her eyes with her hands. "It's just... Forget it, my lacrimal glands are physically locked anyway, so I'm not crying."

"Instead of crying, let's study this possibility." He threw the data card to Chiba, and Hoshino Kaede immediately sat down beside the bed. "Research the possibility that APTX makes you and Sherry all false positives in AIDS-related tests, such as screening the structure of the antidote to see if it can cause these antigens and antibodies to be tested three months later. Still full sun branching structure."

Before he could finish speaking, he saw Qianyu's eyes suddenly light up.

"Too nonsense, isn't it? It's impossible!" Jumping up from the bed, Chiba connected the data card to the socket of the auxiliary unit. "Give me some time...the air conditioner is on low, give me some food and water...I'll try to parse it out."

Seeing Chiba eager to try, Hoshino Kaede breathed a sigh of relief—as they had guessed before, although Chiho was very disappointed with Shiho now, he would never let go of any possibility that might prove Shiho's innocence. Because...he still loves Shiho after all, and that won't change in a short period of time with anything. If there is a chance to prove that this is just a misunderstanding, he will definitely go all out.


But unlike the relatively relaxed atmosphere here, Gregory is in big trouble.

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