Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 441: - transfer

(Please call me Wugeng Liuli!!!)

"Cultivate the source of infection spread by droplets, and then spread it on a large scale in crowded areas?" Qianyu frowned. "But if this is the case, there is no need for them to spread the fact that they got the virus? Although it is true to say that this can effectively create panic, but it will affect the efficiency of disease transmission..."

"Hmm..." Hai Yuanai nodded.

"What do you mean by droplet transmission?" Ayumi asked.

"Bacteria are spread through coughs, sneezes or other secretions," Chiba explained. "Generally speaking, this mode of transmission has a shorter distance of infection and less contagiousness."

"How weak is it?" Mitsuhiko asked. "Are we in danger?"

"If you keep your distance from other people and wear a mask, everything is easy to say," Haibara Ai replied after receiving Chiba's unknowing gaze. "Judging from the data of surviving for one hour in ideal natural conditions, the survivability of this bacterium in the natural environment is relatively poor, and it is not even as good as B. pertussis (Bacillus pertussis can survive for 30 minutes at 56 degrees, and can survive for an hour under direct sunlight. ; by contrast, the new bacterium can only survive for about an hour under ideal natural conditions) - which is also the reason why this bacterium is transmitted by droplets, because its weak viability can only be transmitted by droplets, Droplet nuclei transmission (pathogens and remaining proteins spread in the air in the form of aerosols after dehydration of droplets, which requires higher resistance to drying of pathogens) and dust transmission (dust formation after droplets fall to the ground) , once it is dusted or inhaled for other reasons, it can be infected, and the environmental resistance to pathogens is relatively high.) The requirements for the transmission of these two air sources. Just try to keep a distance of one meter - two meters away from other people. Preventing the direct spread of droplets, and then wearing a mask to prevent other modes of transmission with a small probability should be safe."

(Author: The reason why Hai Yuanai changed his mouth from one meter to two meters is to ensure everyone’s safety, because for the transmission of droplets with a very short transmission distance, a distance of one meter is already recognized as a relatively safe distance, but two meters The distance is considered to be an absolutely safe distance in the absence of wind, and it is impossible for droplets to spread so far.) "That means, can we continue to go out to play?" Yuanta said in surprise.

"Uh..." Qian Yu's mouth twitched. "this……"

Strictly speaking, even if you go out to play, you shouldn't be so unlucky, and you happen to encounter infectious bacteria residues, but...

"It's a great fate for you to survive until now..." Haiyuan sighed.

"Huh?" Yuan Tai was stunned.

"Don't think about going out to play or anything!" Dr. A Li's attitude was very firm. "What should be considered now is how to ensure safety!"

Although there is no specific information about the spread of bacteria, and there is a high chance that nothing will happen to you when you go out, once something happens, it will be completely irreversible.

He must be responsible for the safety of all.

At this moment, Dr. Agasa's cell phone rang—the call was from Sonoko Suzuki.


"What?" Sitting on the bus, Yuan Tai was stunned. "Take us to the Astronomical Observation Center at Sister Yuanzi's house now?"

"That's right," Chiyu replied while watching "Fayang Lun" with Haibara Ai. "After all, it's too dangerous to carry it in the downtown area."

"That's why Conan and the others were invited together?" Genta asked Mouri Kogoro, who was not far away.

"Shut up, brat," Kogoro Mori closed the newspaper and said dissatisfiedly. "You think I want to go to that kind of place?"

"Dad!" In the seat on the other side, Mao Lilan said helplessly. "They're just kids!"

"Hey, Xiaolan," At this moment, Yuan Shan and Ye, who were sitting beside Mao Lilan, asked softly in Mao Lilan's ear. "Are these detectives all this eccentric?"

"Perhaps—huh?" After half of his answer, Mao Lilan was suddenly stunned. "Wait a minute, Hattori has a good temper, isn't he?"

"How is that possible?" Yuan Shan and Ye Baiyan. "That idiot is dumb and has a weird temper!"

"That might really be the case, right?" Maolilan smiled wryly. "My dad himself has such a temper, and that guy from Shinichi is a pure reasoning madman, the kind who doesn't eat a bit of human fireworks."

Yes, the people sitting on the bus are not only Qianyu and the others, not only Qianyu and Conan, but also Yuanshan and Ye. As for why this happened, Qianyu didn't know.

"What if this is the case?" At this moment, Haibara Ai seemed to have discovered something. "If here—"

Saying so, Haibara Ai tapped a spot on the chessboard on the book with the cotton swab in her hand. "What happens when black is pulled out?"

"Are you planning to hit the corners?" Qianyu raised her eyebrows. "There's no problem with thinking. After all, White is really not strong here. If White is out of sight, what will you do?"

"One room jump," Hai Yuanai's brows twitched slightly, but she still said without hesitation. "I thought you were going to cut off my pawn."

"No hope," Qianyu shook her head. "In that case, white on the corner will fall into a duel with you, black - at worst, you can rob and live, and I can't win no matter what."

Having said that, Qianyu gave the next to cut off, and then the next move should be the official move, right? "

"Otherwise," Haibara Ai said noncommittally. "The constellation fights and eats - you are also an official."

"Small eyes are connected." Qian Yu said lightly.

"High eyes."

"Super high vision." Qianyu replied. "The idea is right, once again ensuring that White does not dare to cut off your solitary piece, pull another part of White into a duel-killing situation."

"Super high Meghan." Haibara Ai's nervous expression softened a little - Chiba's answer meant that her way of solving the problem so far was correct. (There are two super-high eyes in one corner, and the super-high eyes mentioned by Haibara Ai is the other one)

"Liu Liu is glued." Qian Yu's expression was still very calm.

"Am I still right?" Haibara Ai's expression was a little subtle again.

"You are the strongest resistance so far," Qianyu nodded. "The content of this question is completely unfinished, at least not within 5 steps."

"But I obviously can't get out here..." Hai Yuanai frowned.

"Think about it slowly," Chiba smiled and handed the book to Haibara Ai. "This question is quite complicated."

At this moment, Chiba, who had turned her attention away from the book, suddenly realized that something was wrong. "Wait a minute, where are we going?"

According to what he had confirmed before, the Suzuki family did have a small observatory on the outskirts of Osaka, but it didn't seem to be in this direction.

"The seaside," said Conan, who was watching Sherlock Holmes, of course. "Don't you know yet?"

"What?" Qian Yu was stunned.

"Where we're going next - Uncle, Sister Xiaolan, Sister Ye and I all know, didn't Sister Yuanzi tell you?"

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