Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 557: - disappear; leak

Grabbing the rope that was constantly spit out from the end of the Umbrella, Chiba slowly descended down the wall of the passage.

At this moment, Qianyu felt that the whole airship seemed to be spinning, and the direction recognition function of the auxiliary unit pointed out that they had turned to the northeast when they were flying in the southeast direction, and the altitude remained at the previous level of 5000 meters.

Northeast? From the current direction, the airship will fly along the eastern coastal areas of Japan for a long time, and it may take thousands of kilometers to fly out of the Japanese territory. What is the purpose of such a flight?

With a light collision, Chiba fell to the bottom of the passage. Turning to look forward, there are scattered bright spots on the floor of the pipeline - these should be the light from the ventilation window above the living area corridor.

Under the guidance of these lights, Chiba easily found the first fork on the left, and then turned in.

In front of him, a shutter was shining slightly.

Just as Qianyu was about to walk over, the roar of the machinery suddenly rang out.

"?" Qian Yu frowned, looking in the direction of the sound of work with some doubts.

Wait a minute, he should be in the ventilation duct now, if the sound of the machine is heard here, then this machine should be...

"Tsk!" Qianyu smashed her mouth, and then accelerated her steps to rescue Haibara Ai.

Now this thing has become very troublesome. The most troublesome thing is not exactly the matter of increasing the power of the central air conditioner, but why the central air conditioner starts to increase the power.

Previously, when the Pearl Tree was on standby on the ground, the central air conditioner only maintained the daily temperature control, and the working power of the air conditioner itself was also maintained at a constant level, and the power would not suddenly increase as it is now.

If it was the worst possibility, would they have been discovered?

After hesitating for a moment, Chiba decided to move on - Haibara Ai should be right in front, there is no reason to stop here.

But soon, he had to stop.

The sound of footsteps came from the blinds in front, and it was quite heavy footsteps.

What's more, the footsteps are quite rapid, and the distribution of the sounding nodes is not uniform, which means that there may be more than one person coming.

"This is the last room, if there is one, it's here." An unfamiliar voice sounded from the blinds.

Then, there was a loud shout.

"do not move!"

Qianyu's heart was immediately tightened.

Who else will be in this TV room now besides Ai Haibara?

"Oh, there's actually a little girl here?" The owner of the loud shout just now had a subtle tone. "Aren't you too rough?"

"This guy is actually hiding here..." Different voices rang out. "When I took those two away just now, I didn't expect that there was a little guy hidden here? Well - don't move around, just raise your hand obediently. It's a little bit ungentle to beat the child, what do you think?"

"I have hands and feet, so I don't need to bother you." Haibara Ai's voice sounded, as calm as when Qianyu first met her, but Qianyu had never heard it so distressed.

Qianyu bit her lip, knelt in the pipe with one hand on the ground, and heard the sound of three footsteps, two heavy and one light, and disappeared in the distance of the corridor.

Right in front of her, Haiyuan Ai was taken away, but she couldn't do anything to deal with it... If she was quicker, she might be able to pull Haiyuan Ai up, so that she wouldn't be able to be caught by these red Siamese cats. members captured. If those guys are really a bunch of lunatics, maybe this time the separation is...

The auxiliary unit used the second mental reminder to forcibly interrupt Qianyu's depression - in fact, the intensity of the reminder signal from the auxiliary unit was not high. The main reason why Qianyu was able to recover was because his back was cold. This coolness is not a psychological effect, but a physical coldness - a very strong cold wind is passing through the pipe, and the intensity is unprecedented.

What is this for? If the wind blows, everyone in the airship will freeze! ?

Chiyu's expression changed immediately.

Especially for them inside the pipe, they will definitely be frozen to a cold heart earlier than those outside. This is summer, and they are all wearing single clothes. At this time, it is definitely quite uncomfortable to encounter such a strong cold wind.

If it is said that the people with the red Siamese cat turned on the air conditioner after knowing that they were here under certain circumstances, then wouldn't they be...

Frowning, Qianyu looked in the direction behind her.

Then they...


Qianyu quickly climbed back to the vertical part of the passage, and tugged at the rope in her hand - Genta and the others should pull themselves up immediately.

But Qianyu immediately found that the rope couldn't be pulled at all—if it was Yuanta and the others who were really holding the rope, she should be able to pull the rope a little bit, and then Yuanta and the others pulled the rope. But now the childbirth seems to be fixed, not moving at all.

The ominous premonition made Qianyu frown. He grabbed the fixed rope with both hands, and then climbed up the vertical pipe by After climbing up, there was no one above, only one left. The hook at the end of the traceless umbrella was hooked on a raised iron sheet in the pipe.

"..." The surprised expression was beyond words, and Qianyu couldn't hide her confusion at all now.

In the end what happened?


Time goes back to a few minutes ago.

Everyone has been detained in groups - members of Fujioka Takamichi's press team were controlled in a semi-enclosed space in the observation hall, the waiters were locked in another room, while Suzuki Jiroji and others Imprisoned in the main cabin of the observation hall.

"By the way," one of the female reporters suddenly whispered to the other male reporter next to her. "It seems that you haven't seen those children?"

"Yes," another reporter nodded. "Those kids don't seem to be here..."

"Children?" A member of the red Siamese cat who had been monitoring them walked up to them and asked. "What kid are you talking about?"

Having said that, the member pointed the miniature submachine gun in his hand at the two reporters.

"Ah..." The female reporter showed a panicked expression. "Don't kill me, I'm very obedient!"

"What kid were you talking about just now?" The Red Siamese cat member's tone was even more severe. "Be honest!"

"I said...I said..." The female reporter's expression became even more panicked. "That old man with glasses over there and they brought six children, but five of them didn't show up here!"

This time, everyone's eyes are focused on this side.

"..." After pondering for a while, the leader made a gesture to a few people beside him, and those people walked out quickly.

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