Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 497: ——Vine No.

A few minutes later, Chiba and the doctor walked out of Suzuki Sonoko's isolation room.

"Sister Sonoko's symptoms are a rash," Chiba said with a puzzled expression. "It's strange that the symptoms of Honda and Haibara are different..."

"It's true, and her symptoms are not exactly the same as Honda and the little girl." The doctor was also very confused. "She's also been on fairly large doses of antibiotics, but unlike the little girl, she hasn't gotten any better so far."

"Her symptoms are actually the most frightening now," Qianyu nodded. "If Honda and Haibara's symptoms are more like suspected bacterial meningitis, Suzuki Sonoko's symptoms are more like..."

"If that's the case, the trouble will be big," the doctor's expression became solemn. "Really... how can there be such two troublesome situations at the same time..."

Just then, the doctor's cell phone rang. The auxiliary unit told Qianyu that it was Mao Lilan who called the doctor's mobile phone.

Will something happen again? Such thoughts reverberated in Qian Yu's mind.

It's a pity, because something really happened again, and this time it was Mao Lilan.


Outside the other cabin, Kogoro Mori and everyone in the boy detective team except Ai Haibara were waiting anxiously.

"What's going on?" Qian Yu asked. "Why is Sister Xiaolan also infected?"

"She was with Sister Sonoko before, maybe she was infected at that time." Mitsuhiko said solemnly.

"..." Qianyu frowned. "Tsk..."

"Sister Xiao Lan, like Sonoko, are both infected with the bacteria from the red Siamese cat?" Ayumi asked with concern. "Will Xiao Ai, Sister Yuanzi and Sister Xiao Lan all die?"

"Bacteria from the red Siamese cat?" Chiba's brows furrowed even tighter. "Who told you that this is a symptom of the bacteria in the red Siamese cat?"

"Isn't it?" Yuan Tai asked. "Sister Yuanzi and Sister Xiaolan have redness and coughing on their bodies!"

"Cough?" Qian Yu was a little surprised. "You mean, Sister Yuanzi and Sister Xiaolan have cough symptoms?"

"That's right!" Mitsuhiko nodded. "While it was not on TV that the bacteria caused vomiting, the rashes and coughs that were on TV did appear."

"..." Qianyu glanced in the direction of the door.

Honda's symptoms included high fever, stomach pain, vomiting, bruising spots and a coma, which showed little sign of improvement after taking antibiotics.

Hai Yuan's symptoms were vomiting and bruising, which improved after taking antibiotics.

Suzuki Sonoko's symptoms were coughing, vomiting and a red rash that showed no signs of getting better after taking antibiotics, but it didn't worsen either.

And Maurilan's symptoms are the same as Suzuki Sonoko.

The other three people did not have the high fever, stomach pain and coma that occurred in Honda, and Sonoko and Maurilan did not have the bruising spots that appeared on Honda and Haibara Ai, but had coughs more similar to those produced by bacteria in the red Siamese cat. and rash symptoms.

Four patients, three symptoms?

At this moment, the door opened and the doctor came out.

"Doctor, how is my daughter's condition?" Kogoro Mouri asked immediately when the doctor came out.

"Rash, cough, vomiting," the doctor replied. "It should look similar to Miss Suzuki's symptoms at the moment, and it's different from Honda and the little girl's symptoms."

" there any danger?" Kogoro Mori asked again. "It's not really the kind of bacteria in the red Siamese cat, is it?"

"It's hard to say right now," the doctor shook his head. "But the fact remains that the worst-case scenario cannot be ruled out."

"Then what should we do now?" Kogoro Mori asked after a moment of silence. "My daughter's treatment..."

"I have given her the highest dose of penicillin to fight bacteria, but how effective is it..." The doctor shook his head helplessly when he said this. "There is only penicillin on board, and if there are drugs like vancomycin, there may be a greater possibility of non-resistance, but we only have penicillin now."

"..." Kogoro Mori's face became ashen. "That is to say, my daughter she..."

"Nothing is conclusive now," the doctor hurriedly shook his head. "As I said just now, there is no way to confirm whether the young lady is actually infected with that kind of bacteria, because in fact, the fact that that kind of bacteria will appear here is even purely theoretical. It's also a very puzzling thing. At least in comparison, I think bacterial meningitis should be more likely -- and penicillin works very well for this condition."

[Nevertheless, the rash probably doesn't look like a symptom of bacterial meningitis...] Although Chiba remained calm, she clearly knew in her heart that this could never be an acute "simple" disease of bacterial meningitis.

However, Haibara and Honda are more like this, right? That is to say, if it is not the meningitis caused by antibiotic-resistant strains, should at least slightly inhibit the progress of inflammation.

But the rest of the patients... don't even know the specific cause of the disease, how to ensure the curative effect...

"Anyway, we must first block the infection of the disease as much as possible," the doctor sighed and said solemnly. "Everyone will go back to their cabins first and wait for the airship to arrive in Guam before taking care of it... But before that, it is necessary for everyone to self-isolate, otherwise there may be serious consequences. We will release the full report soon. The boat broadcast, please notify the people you know, and then return to your cabin as soon as possible, if you have symptoms, please contact the medical room, we will bring you the necessary medicines and masks to prevent the spread of external droplets."


"Is it serious enough..." Lying on the bed, Haibara Ai muttered weakly.

"Yeah." In the next cabin, Chiba was sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall—behind him was where Haibara Ai was lying on the bed. "I've started quarantine, but to be honest, I'm not optimistic that this can block bacteria without disinfection measures. Then again, why do I think your voice is weaker than when I called you before?"

The last time Chiba called to ask about Haibara Ai's physical condition, Haibara Ai seemed to have shown signs of improvement, but now her condition seems to be worse than that time.

"Perhaps," Haiyuan smiled bitterly. "By the way, what happened to that Honda?"

"There are new symptoms, but they are not particularly fatal." Qian Yu shrugged and said lightly. "It's just the symptoms of convulsions. Although the spasms are severe, they are not fatal in themselves."

"That's good, at least there's still time..."

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