Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 584: ——Repurchase

"Although I haven't stayed for a few days, it still seems like a long time." In the darkness, Qian Yu looked at the gate of the orange house in front of her and let out a long sigh. "If I can, I'd like to rest in peace at home for at least a week."

"In that case, do you have time in a week?" Ai Haibara said suddenly.

"?" Qianyu turned her head and looked at Haibara Ai. "What's wrong?"

"You..." Haibara Ai hesitated for a moment before saying. "Can you play with me?"

"Ah?" Qianyu's expression was quite complicated and somewhat surprised, but she also seemed to have a somewhat clear look - she guessed that Haibara Ai would definitely make such an invitation, but she didn't expect it to be now.

But no matter what, there is always only one answer he can and should choose.

"Is it just the two of us?" Qian Yu asked with a smile.

"Otherwise, I'll be lying at home as you originally planned." Haibara gave him a white look, as if questioning why he would have any doubts about such an obvious thing.

"Of course there is no problem," Qianyu nodded. "When and where?"

"Two days later (July 28, 1994), how about Dorobika Paradise?" Haibara said sadly.

"Okay, take a good rest today and tomorrow, and leave the day after tomorrow." Qian Yu's eyes narrowed into crescent moons.


At night, Chiba was about to go to bed when she received a call from Kaede Hoshino.

"Hello?" Chiyu connected the phone with the auxiliary unit and asked with some doubts.

"You..." Hoshino Feng apparently hesitated before saying. "Did you submit a custom order for body armor to a new material company called CN in the United States?"

"How do you know?" Qian Yu's brows furrowed—he sent this matter directly to the company's mailbox, so Hoshino Feng should have no chance of knowing.


"I have an insider over there, so we withheld your news." Hoshino Kaede said lightly. "Of course, we're not withholding your message to waste your time - we're going to take your order, and we're confident in fulfilling it because we have the same material."

"You have them too?" Qian Yu was stunned. "You mean, that..."

"Their code name is Future · M, and the code name we gave is NMM, which is a revolutionary material that has only recently entered the laboratory extraction stage from the pure theoretical stage," Hoshino Kaede said lightly. "I have all of their data, and I can promise you that our manufacturing materials will never be inferior to theirs - and if used properly, will even outperform theirs in a number of ways."

"..." Qianyu was silent for a moment. "You said so, it looks like I have no other choice?"

"I hope you have no other choice, because it's good for us." Hoshino Kaede's tone seemed quite relaxed. "By the way, I've looked at your blueprints and their quotes, so our people speculate that your design is tailored to the quality of the material. So there are two things, first of all you may need to re-base our The material properties of the design are slightly fine-tuned, and we will send you the relevant performance data. The second thing...our people have given your design a fairly high rating. Considering that you are a firearms designer, So I want you to be able to provide material design services for my personal business - you're not going to be working full-time for an organization anymore, are you? Wouldn't it be nice to do some work for me?"

"Okay," Qianyu sighed. "Well, send me the materials first, I still want to get things as soon as possible - your production efficiency will not be worse than those of the Yankees, right?"

"The price is easy to say, and the production efficiency is only high or not low," Hoshino Kaede was obviously relieved. "The data will be sent to your mailbox within 10 minutes, just check it."

"Ok, is there anything else?" Chiyu asked.

"Also," Hoshino Kaede replied. "It's basically nothing, it's just for you to act according to chance."

"When? What to do?" Qianyu asked.

"August 10," Hoshino Kaede's tone was very relaxed. "Mizuru Port, the newly-listed DDG-174 Hoijima destroyer of the Maritime Self-Defense Force will launch a public open day event on that day, and select passengers who are eligible to board the ship by lottery."

"Drawing lots?" Qian Yu frowned. "How can you guarantee that I will be drawn?"

"Because some of us have already been drawn—" Hoshino Kaede said. "Go ask your Dr. A Li tomorrow, he has already sent an application to Haizi in June, and just yesterday, our members have seen in the lottery system that Dr. A Li has indeed won the lottery. Consider The requirement for this visa is that all passengers must be at least no less than the number of children who are adult tourists, and it is almost certain that he will bring you.” (The reason why children must be brought is to screen for spies, because ordinary spies are sure No energy to carry out espionage while taking small children.)

"You... were you planning to use me at that time?" Qianyu frowned We didn't expect you," Hoshino Kaede replied. "In fact, we have two or three more this time. The team has sneaked in, and a word with you is just to prepare you mentally, don't be too warm-hearted when the police arrest people. "


After hanging up the phone, Chiyu turned on the computer and found that Hoshino Kaede had sent the data to the mailbox. After accepting the file, Chiyu began to read the data inside and compared it with the data obtained from CN Company.

Facts have proved that Hoshino Kaede did not lie, at least the data of this material is very similar to CN's material data, and can be considered to be the same material. But at the same time, this material is subtly different from CN's material in some data.

The density of this material is slightly smaller, but the protection per unit area is also worse. In terms of the weight per unit area of ​​the bulletproof vest required for the same protection capability, the data of Hoshino Kaede's material is probably higher than that of CN's. The data is 30% heavier, which means their material will be slightly worse. But considering that both are actually light enough for body armor, and Hoshino Kaede's price is 50% lower than that of CN, so ordering materials from him is indeed an option to consider.

However, does Kaede Hoshino have such strong achievements in materials science? Qianyu looked at the data in front of him and thought about it—he knew that Hoshino Kaede was in charge of Miyagawa Heavy Industries, but Miyagawa Heavy Industries didn't seem to be involved in the research of materials and chemical industry... How on earth could they develop such a product that is compatible with CN Company. The high-performance materials are similar, but the gap is large enough to prove that they did not obtain the material's manufacturing technology by stealing secrets from CN.

Where did you get the help from?

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