Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 793: - Physics engine

The next day, the reception room of the Tokyo branch of Syndora Corporation.

"This thing...Are you sure it's okay to use it this way?" Hoshino Kaede wasn't very confident. "Although strictly speaking, this thing can simulate the real situation, but it is virtual after all..."

"No problem, don't worry." Saying this, Qianyu leaned on the sofa and tapped her chest casually.

"Oh..." Hoshino Kaede immediately understood, and his tone grew louder. "That's okay, just wrap it around us. So, are we here to start the simulation?"


Syndora Company, more than three months ago, they released the epoch-making simulation game system [Cocoon], and installed a very groundbreaking game engine in it to help gamers experience extremely realistic realistic simulations. real.

And what Chiyu wanted to borrow was the game engine of [Cocoon]—they hoped to use this system to simulate the crevice of the ice where the corpse was found, and to analyze the state of the corpse as it fell. Even if the state of the ice seam may be different from 20 years ago, at least one can analyze the fractures everywhere, find out the sequence of these fractures, and confirm whether the sequence of some wounds does not match the sequence that should be generated during the fall.

Of course, this system has never been used in any country's criminal investigation work, and even any tentative demonstration work has never been started, and this is why Hoshino Kaede is quite concerned about this. But Qianyu doesn't need to care about this - just like the implication represented by the action he tapped on his chest just now, he just needs such an excuse to let his auxiliary unit intervene in the calculation work and improve the efficiency of analysis.

Or if you use a pessimistic view of the current level of computing, the intervention of the auxiliary unit may almost be described as making the impossible possible: after all, if Qianyu did not allow herself in any forensic work. If the auxiliary unit is involved in the computing work, then all this is simply impossible.

Although the foundation of the entire physics engine has been fully laid out under the professional techniques of Hiroki Sawada, which is basically from the next century, it is precisely because of this element that if the current computer wants to run smoothly, it must first To disable most of them. Even Sindora's own high-level computer in Tokyo takes a very long time to complete a simulated drop analysis with most of the physical effects turned on. If you want to finally find a falling method that completely matches the fracture marks on the corpse, the final time may be calculated in days or even weeks.

[It is precisely because of this reason that these jobs are just pretending] - Qianyu looked at the busy attitude of the programmers inputting these data into the computer one by one, thinking like this. Because when the computer has not yet obtained all the required data, he is already sitting next to a computer connected to the central data center, connecting through the data transmission port to obtain the permission to use the physical engine, and using the auxiliary unit to transfer the relevant data. The game engine borrowed from Cocoon ran out - the computing power of his auxiliary unit is much stronger than that of Cocoon, and he can't do this work himself just because he doesn't have a physics engine in his hand that can be used for simulation computing work. That's it.

The results of the analysis showed that there were indeed abnormalities in the body: some wounds on his cheekbones did not conform to the normal falling environment, and the cracks on the cheekbones blocked the extension of some other cracks and damage marks, indicating that the injury was in the Sequentially precedes other injuries. And if this is the damage caused by bumping into some raised part in the ice crevice during the fall after being thrown off the ice crevice, then the obstacle caused by the blow on the cheekbone will inevitably deform the falling body. Injury caused by strong external force on the cervical spine with the help of the weight of the human body.

But now, only serious compression fractures have been found in the cervical spine and spine, like the scars caused by the corpse being inserted into the ground like a javelin. fracture.

Since the scar on the cheekbones is not from falling, what else could it be caused by?

"Well, then, we still need some time to input these data, and then we need to debug the program, why don't you go back first?" Seeing that Qianyu had probably started to think, knowing that the other party had already obtained the results, Hoshino Feng asked.

"Ah, yes, then... Thanks for your hard work, we'll go back and wait for the results of your calculations!"

Meanwhile, Hotaru is conducting other investigations along the way.


Didan University, outside the auditorium.

"Fujimura Shinichi, if the information is correct, he should give a lecture on 'The Perseverance and Spirit of Archaeologists'..." Hotaru looked at the sign outside the auditorium, and then glanced at the online bulletin printed in his hand Paper version, so to speak. "Well, in terms of time, it's over. Now it may be time to answer questions? But it's too long to answer questions, right?"

Standing at the entrance of the auditorium Hotaru glanced in for a while, and found that Fujimura Shinichi was still excitedly encouraging a student who asked a question, while the other students were also listening very carefully—no , not only the students in the school, because Ying also saw the traces of some high school students wearing Didan school uniforms.

"Ahhhh, he seems to be very popular? But seriously, this kind of chicken soup for the soul speech that is not materialistic at all is just a **** chicken soup that just needs to talk about those empty words," Ying pouted. "It's almost impossible to say the wrong thing in this kind of lecture, because you just have to keep talking nonsense. In contrast, those nutritious lectures don't seem to be so popular with the public?"

While she was muttering to herself like this, many students suddenly stood up from their seats and walked towards the door where she was. There is no doubt that the speech is over, and she can go in and ask Fujimura Shinichi about related matters.

"'To the enthusiastic Fujimura Shinichi, I would like to congratulate Reiko, who has the courage to pursue her dreams.' Well, your writing is over... Don't squeeze, don't grab it, each of you has a share!" Fujimura Shinichi smiled like this. A copy of his book was signed as a sign to the schoolgirls who surrounded him to relax. "I'm already very tired, so it's impossible to get all the energy to speed up, give me a little time to sign slowly, I promise to sign for everyone!"

At this moment, he inadvertently saw Yingying who was holding a memoir he wrote about the Henry Ito team in Canada 20 years ago, standing not far away, looking at him with a smile.

"Oh well, I'd better hurry up and sign everyone's names, don't waste your time!"

Looking at Fujimura Shinichi, who was suddenly energized, and occasionally took the opportunity of returning books to sneak a glance at her, Hotaru's smile became even brighter.

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