Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 795: - separate investigation

An hour later, in an apartment.

"..." Hotaru fastened the buttons of his coat, and after tidying them up, he picked up the bulging briefcase beside him, and at the same time looked at Fujimura Shinichi who had been staring at him with a pure smile. "Then, Teacher Xinyi, I'll bring these materials back first?"

"Well, no problem!" Fujimura Shinichi hurriedly refocused his gaze on Hotaru's face and nodded with a smile on his face. "Oh, by the way, remember to send the original back after copying!"

"No problem." Hotaru said this, bowed to Fujimura Shin without the top button being fastened, then turned and walked towards the door, leaving behind her with an unscrupulous user. Shinichi Fujimura looked at her figure. "Teacher, I'm leaving first, goodbye!"

"Okay, come and sit when you have time!" When she opened the apartment door and stepped out, Fujimura Shinichi's reluctant voice came from behind.

"Boom!" With the sound of closing the door, Yingying, who had finished this data collection, immediately put away all the smiles on his face, and took out his mobile phone from his pocket at the same time.

[I got all the information, and I also got a batch of original records at that time and rushed back immediately]——This text message was sent to Fujiwara

[Original? That guy gave you all the original scientific research? ] - Fujiwara

[A guy who is not at all wary, can't be excited if he gives any sweetness] - Yingying

[Come back as soon as possible, we need your information here] - Fujiwara

After seeing the text message, Ying showed a genuine smile, put away the phone, and left with brisk steps "~~~"


"I'm back!" Firefly hugged the document bag in her arms with her arms crossed, and walked into the workshop. "Did anyone take these documents out and analyze them?"

"Finally back, I'll wait for your documents." Fujiwara came over, and after seeing Hotaru clasping the documents to his chest and looking at him with subtle eyes, he immediately put his hand into the document bag and Between the gaps in Ying's body, after experiencing a gully friction for a while, he hooked the file bag out of Ying's arms. "That guy, didn't fool you with fake documents?"

"In principle, it is definitely possible, but can't we check these things with the boss?" After finishing the interaction with Fujiwara, Hotaru immediately became serious. "Did you find anything over there? Didn't you specifically ask me about the ice crevice..."

"But the relevant information still needs to be checked." Fujiwara put the cowhide bag on the workbench next to him and picked up a brand new pair of gloves. "The guy said that the crack in the ice might be deep before, right?"

"Yeah, he said that the island at that time was at a tipping point before the temperature was rising rapidly, so it still had a very large scale of ice. But in 20 years, there seems to be a very large-scale warming effect, and that's it. There's also a pretty serious melt in the ice."

"I knew it was like this. The schematic diagram in the book and the local environment described in the paper about the distribution of the remains of the Franklin expedition found by Shinichi Fujimura published 20 years ago are completely irrelevant to the current island. Above." Chiba looked at the sketch in her hand and said to Fujiwara, who was looking for information. "Brother, did you find it?"

"Well, I found the duty log," Fujiwara quickly pulled out a list. "Well... on the day of the disappearance, the person who worked near that crevice was... Yoshiko Kamada, that young girl."


In the afternoon, an izakaya

"Well, this is probably our distribution situation at the time," said Kamada Yoshiko, who was already middle-aged, after briefly drawing a sketch based on her own notes. "How about it, are you still satisfied with this description?"

"Well, then, in the area where the crevice of ice where Henry Ito was abandoned, you were searching there, right? Are you alone?" Fujiwara nodded, recording and asking.

"No, strictly speaking, it's not like that," Yoshiko Kamada shook her head. "I was supposed to be on duty there, but when I was planning to go there, Mr. Moritomo - he was Mr. Ito's assistant - said it was dangerous and told me not to go there yet."

"Can anyone prove it?" Fujiwara raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, I didn't go to work there at the time, and I also had evidence to prove that I really stayed in the camp very peacefully at that time," Kamada Yoshiko suddenly showed a rather unpredictable smile. "However, I still hope you can keep this matter a secret from the outside world."

"What certification?" Fujiwara looked at Yoshiko Kamada and seemed to sense that the other party expressed this matter in such a tone, which seemed to mean that she was about to say something very interesting.

"I was with our university intern, Gregory Ask, who can prove that I have an alibi." Kamada Yoshiko nodded.

"Gregory?" Fujiwara was taken aback. "But according to old... Gregory's own records, he should have been sleeping at that time, right? During the time you were supposed to be on duty, his own records stated that he was sleeping."

"Well, understandable, after all, if he doesn't write that he is sleeping, there will be trouble." Kamada Yoshiko nodded seriously. "All I can say is that I was actually with him and he was definitely not sleeping - of course, if you were talking about sleeping or not, you could understand me do you mean?"

"..." Of course Fujiwara understood what Yoshiko Kamada meant, and then began to record with a very calm attitude.


Meanwhile Gregory's office.

"Boss, are you here?" Ying pushed open the door of the office and found Gregory here. "What about going to the outpatient clinic?"

"Well, this is my outpatient clinic. Considering that the patients are only crowded on the first floor, I don't think it's possible to be here for a while, so I don't want to see patients yet." Gauri looked at a copy of Playboy very leisurely, not even looking up at her. "What do you have to do with me, did you ask me what happened at that time?"

"Well... to be precise, I want to ask you to help me see something," Ying shook her head. "We had a sharps remodeling wound on the front of the deceased's right upper femur, probably 2-3 years before his death. As his student, are you aware of some of the deep-bone wounds he suffered?"

"I'm a suspect, does what I said make sense?" Gregory glanced at Yingying, and then took his eyes back to the magazine.

"As long as you don't touch the remains, it's not a big problem. Those judgments you make should be regarded as witness testimony, so what is the answer?" The possibility that Gregory was the murderer is seen as a possibility out of respect for the case, rather than a real possibility.

"That word, it is said that his assistant made it. In 1972, Mr. Moritomo, the teacher's assistant, injured him with a fishing gun in an accident."

"Accidental?" Hotaru captured what was to be investigated in Gregory's words. "Are you sure it was an accident?"

"I think... No way, so if we were you, we would definitely investigate."

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