Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 808: - 2 people who were attacked

"What should we do if we determine this?" Officer Mumu asked again. "Even if the time of the crime is confirmed, it is difficult for us to determine who the murderer is? After all, there are so many audiences..."

"If it really doesn't work, we can adjust the related song to the end of the program, and then modify the program to be played by Mr. Domoto's solo--" Kogoro Mouri's solution was quite simple and rude. "Although it may be a little rude, but the matter is urgent, I think..."

"If you can be sure of your reasoning, then of course it doesn't matter," Domoto's voice came from behind them - the former pianist, now the famous organist was walking slowly towards them. "But, are you really responsible for your reasoning? Not every reasoning that seems seamless is ultimately correct."

"So we're all just at the theoretical stage," Fei Yingri was very calm when faced with Domoto's rebuke. "Please rest assured, if our reasoning is incorrect, it is probably impossible to find the relationship between the four of them and these three songs, then we will naturally continue to execute according to the original plan, so you don't have to worry too much that we may have interference and the like.”


Unknown place.

When I opened my eyes, it was pitch black, and it didn't bring any meaningful information to the visual owner.

Pain... This is Qiu Ting Lianzi's only thought after regaining consciousness.

The fractured leg seemed to rest on something slightly higher than her body, probably because of poor blood flow. She only felt a burst of pain in her leg.

And besides that...the burning pain from the back of the neck.

[By the way... I was asked out in the name of "Soma Hikaru"'s father, and then suddenly I don't know anything... Is this kidnapping? 】

What came from behind was a cold and hard touch...Is it a sheet metal surface? Could it be that he was placed in some sheet metal room?

Thinking like this, Qiu Ting Lianzi tried to move her hands, but found that the movement of one of the hands was restrained, accompanied by the same cold touch and... the sound of the iron chain colliding?

"Ah..." Just when Qiu Ting Lianzi was still a little stunned about what was going on, she heard a girl's moaning sound coming from her ear. Then, her chain-bound hand was pulled in the direction of the moan.



30 minutes before the concert starts.

"There's no news yet," the person in charge explained to Domoto with a bewildered wave. "If it goes on like this..."

"Then rework "Amazing Grace" into a Lala to perform," Domoto waved a gloomy face and glanced at the well-dressed Chikusa La behind him, ready to show his talent in front of the masters attending the concert. pull. "It should be fine, right?"

"Teacher, please rest assured," Qiancao Lala bowed slightly. "I am also prepared for this song, and I will definitely be able to sing it better than Sister Lianzi."

But just as she was talking about it, she found that there was a gloom in Domoto Yiwei's eyes.

What's wrong?

Qiancao Lala was a little uneasily wondering if she had said something bad—but... Could it be that he said something wrong? Could it be that he thinks he is inferior to Sister Lianzi, so he thinks he is talking big?

"You always have to remember that if you are thinking that you are going to sing better than a person, then you are not thinking about the soul of a musician, but the thinking of a vulgar and narrow money-worshipper. " Domoto waved at Chikusa Lala with a very stern expression. "Music is not a lewd sound to seduce and flatter people, but a human question to God, and it should be sung in a prayerful way. If you use good sound as a criterion, who are you asking, and are you trying to get one Stupid answers and pursue this musical path?"

"Yes..." Only then did Chikusa Lala realize what she had done wrong - Mr. Domoto is a famous idealist, so he valued the "transcendental" of music more than anyone else.

Take, for example, Amazing Grace, written by former slave ship captain John Newton after he repented and became a priest. The theme of the aria is [Confession, Gratitude, Atonement, Rebirth]. Such a pious topic is indeed not an existence that should be delivered to the audience, but should be for the audience to observe their own voice to God.

Or, does she look down on those pop singers herself? Maybe some of them have a good level of music, but most of the self-proclaimed singers... I'm afraid they don't even clean up a single note in a range before they come out as shameful?

[Bel Canto has very strict aesthetic requirements for sound, and popular singing method... As long as it can satisfy the audience, it will be successful. Catering to the needs of the audience is better than the purity of The conservative bel canto masters of the era watched pop music The mentality of the group of singers... is roughly equivalent to the feeling of VBS3 military users who watch Battlefield or Call of Duty players who claim that their games are **** simulations? (Of course, if compared with more magical games, it is indeed relatively hardcore) A natural, condescending]

"All in all, get ready." After seeing Chikusa Lala's apology, Domoto calmed down a little and looked at Yamane Ziyin, who was playing the violin. "The world's top violin is already in your hands. I hope to see that what you have actually got is a different violin, not garbage that is no different from ordinary things."

"Yes!" Yamane Ziyin quickly expressed her determination.

The concert is about to start.


"Sister Lianzi, don't move yet..." Ying reluctantly rode on Qiu Ting Lianzi's body, groping for something in the darkness - although this space is very long, it is also a bit narrow, so if Ying wants to use touch to perceive The surrounding environment can only ride on the opponent's body. "It's like a... a coffin-like container."

"Can you not use such an unlucky adjective," Qiu Ting Lianzi frowned slightly. "By the way, what happened?"

"We were attacked," Hotaru knocked on the wall of the enclosed space where the two of them were, making a thin metallic sound. "I was attacked with a stun stick from behind. I only saw a suit sleeve and no face."

"Thin metal skin, at least we're definitely not in the coffin, but..." After saying this, Qiu Ting Lianzi paused before continuing. "I heard the water and the slap of the water on the boat - it looked like we were in a boat."

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