Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 836: - sprays and kettles

"Are you awake?" Just when Mitsuhiko was relaxing, Chiba suddenly looked at Haibara Ai who was carrying her behind her back.

"Ah..." Haibara Ai was very lazy, but because she was a little weak, a rather pleasant voice sounded softly in Chiba's ears. "Yeah, just woke up... what did you do to me?"

With some surprised and uneasy twisting, Haibara Ai frowned, trying to move her body with her head resting on Chiba's shoulder due to her weakness, but found that her whole body seemed to be unable to move because of the restraint. move.

The five flowers are **** - this is the current state of Haibara Ai.

The net bag woven from the magic silk pulled out from the end of the traceless umbrella held by Chiba wrapped Haibara Ai's body, and more silk threads bound Haibara Ai into both arms and legs. The form with her legs hanging on Chiyu's body——although this can indeed allow Chiba to move with Haibara Ai while retaining her combat ability when Haibara Ai cannot move, but when Haibara Ai wakes up...

"Well, you are temporarily **** by me." Qianyu tilted her head slightly and touched Haibara Ai's head lightly.

"What are you doing...hiss!" Haibara Ai was about to struggle, but felt a burst of pain in her left foot.

"Did you forget that you sprained your foot, or did Mitsuhiko do the binding?" Qian Yu sighed. "'re in a coma yourself, and then I have to beware of bears that may run out at any time...if I don't immobilize you, how can I take you here safely?"

"Then you don't have to... tie it so tightly, right?" Haibara Ai twisted the other parts of her body that were not injured, but at the same time she and Qianyu made some unnatural sounds.

"Don't move for now, okay? When we meet up with the people in front, I'll put it down and hug you, the princess, okay?" Taking a deep breath, Qianyu pleaded with as calm a voice as possible.

Beside them, Mitsuhiko walked slightly faster than Qianyu, and his face turned in the opposite direction, embarrassingly dodging Qianyu's sight that had long been proven to be as sharp as a falcon.

[But... I'm still a little envious, if I could get along with...]

And at this moment, the people in front seemed to have discovered them too.

"You are..." It was a young hunter who showed a surprised expression after seeing them. "Children, do any of you know... the juvenile detective team?"

"We all know, are you the one who came to look for us?" After seeing that Chiba was not able to salute due to being overloaded, Mitsuhiko replied on his behalf.

"Well, that's probably you, let's search and rescue the three children." The young hunter nodded. "Come with me, it's so late, it's too unsafe to carry it here."


At the same time, Conan was standing in an open field—according to the bullet casings on the ground, this should be where the old hunter shot Mitsuhiko and Haibara Ai.

"..." Conan crouched on the ground, carefully observing the soil on the ground a few meters away from the shell. After hesitating for a moment, he picked up a smear of soil and observed it carefully in front of him.

Then, a light sniff.

"Hmm..." With a somewhat understanding look on his face, Conan's mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at a group of traces beside him.

It was a remnant of an unusually large footprint.


Chiba and Mitsuhiko followed behind the young hunter.

"Brother, can I ask what this is?" At this moment, Qianyu suddenly focused on the young hunter's waist - it was a bottle that Qianyu was familiar with, because the old hunter's waist was also hung on the waist. Same thing.


"'s her, I didn't notice at all!" said gritted teeth, the old hunter grabbed the shotgun with one hand and tried to touch a bottle on his waist with the other hand, but then stopped immediately, revealing A rather wary expression. "Be careful, this guy is very difficult to deal with - don't turn around, or she will immediately hunt you down as prey.


"Ah, in this case, it's anti-bear pepper spray," the young hunter glanced at the bottle on his waist. "When the bear comes, spray it about five meters away, and the bear will run away—much better than a gun or something. Even a polar bear, it's almost the same as a spray."

"Is one spray enough?" Qianyu frowned and asked.

"Just press it down, it will spray out a long string of brown spray, and then the bear will immediately give up all attack plans, then turn around and run."

"How long can it be sprayed? To be precise, how many times can it be dispelled?"

"Many times, more than a few times."

"That's right..." Qianyu nodded, then lowered her head slightly, thinking about something.

If that's the case, why didn't that old gentleman use such a good thing...

This question, I am afraid I can only ask the old hunter himself? It's a pity that Qianyu probably won't have the opportunity to do this again.


About an hour later, in the restaurant of the hotel where they stayed, the matsutake mushrooms picked before had been cooked and were about to be served on the table.

"If my judgment is correct, he just wanted to drive you away," Conan said with his arms crossed, a little unhappy. "After driving you away, he can calmly use the spray to drive Jubei away, and then leave on his own."

"But I can't do anything about it. How could I know about this under such circumstances?" Qian Yu crossed her arms, pouted, and looked to the other side unhappily. "I'm not a professional hunter. When I see an ordinary kettle hanging around my waist, how can I tell whether it's a kettle or something else?"

"You can clearly tell the difference. Would a normal kettle be designed in the shape of a spray can?" Conan The shape of the kettle is different from the ordinary water bottle, and the latter It's a bit like a spray can. If you are calm enough, you should be able to distinguish the two very different. Besides, if you think about the volume of a jar, is it really possible to store enough drinking water for an adult hunting activity for a day? Or do you think he'll go back in the middle of the day to get water, or even unsafe water directly from those unreliable sources in the woods, for such a frivolous thing? "

"..." Conan's refutation made him lose face, Qian Yu's face flushed, and she turned her head to the other side. "Don't say it, I know I'm wrong!"

However, Chiba was facing Haibara Ai who was looking at him in a relaxed manner.

"Pfft!" The expression on Haibara Ai's face was very exciting, and she even lightly tapped Qianyu's face with a look of watching the excitement. "I like this expression very much, please keep it up."

"Hey, you often have this expression too!" Qianyu protested dissatisfiedly.

"Well, maybe, but you know what," Haibara Ai sighed as if Qianyu had unlocked some dark history. "When I put on such an expression, you're more idiot than the one behind me."



"What do you mean by the look in my eyes?" Conan frowned and questioned Qianyu.

"I'm thinking about how bad things I've done before are compared to you."

"How dare you say it!"

"What's the matter, you have the ability to bite me—don't really bite me, you bastard!"

"?~~~" Holding her head with one hand, Haibara Ai smiled and looked at the two boys who were fighting.

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