Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 847: - Kidd and Nikolai Blood Clothes and the Egg of Memories

On October 5th, Didan Primary School.

When Chiba, Ai Haibara and Conan entered the classroom, Ayumi seemed to be describing something vividly with Mitsuhiko and Motota.

"You guys are here too, I saw Kaitou Kid yesterday!" She was about to show off like this, but found that Qianyu and the others were holding a strange list in their hands. "what is this?"

"Part of the transfer procedure." Chiba shrugged. "It is nothing special."

"Hey, are you transferring?" Ayumi was taken aback and quickly looked at Conan.

"Yeah, our three parents actually knew each other, and now they are going to work abroad together again." Conan nodded apologetically. "If nothing else, just this month, we will all transfer and leave."

"No way!?" by Mitsuhiko

"A lie?" By Yuan Tai

Just after the two boys made their remarks, Haibara Ai seemed to realize something, and looked at Ayumi, who had not been able to express her feelings because of her surprise and nervousness. Afterwards, Qianyu and Conan also seemed to realize this, and looked over as well. Following their actions, there was a brief silence in the originally noisy classroom.

"Then... that concert on the 15th, Conan, will you... come again? It's really a great concert!" Ayumi asked nervously.

"Ah? Oh, that." After hesitating for a while, Conan answered in the affirmative. "Well, although I'm not sure about the date, but after discussing it with my family, it should still be in the second half of October, so I can come on the 15th."

"That's good, then Conan, you must come!" Ayumi breathed a sigh of relief and showed a relieved smile. "I specially prepared a very front seat for everyone!"

Haibara Ai looked at Ayumi's expression, she didn't know what she was thinking, and finally she just sighed softly in her heart.

"By the way, Ayumi, what did you mean when you said [I saw Kaitou Kid]?" Chiba naturally felt a little weird in the atmosphere, and after thinking about it, she chose to pick up what Ayumi said earlier to change the subject. " did you see that?"

"He appeared on the balcony of my house, and he seemed to be being hunted by the police—he..." Ayumi suddenly glanced at Conan who was listening to her story with interest, and then seemed to be deliberately hiding something. "Anyway, he said hello to me and flew away again. Although I can't say for sure, but since he has that ability and is still being chased by the police, I think it can be inferred that he is the real phantom thief Kidd. wrong?"

"I remember, isn't Kidd always appearing when he is preparing to commit a crime, has he been eyeing something recently?" Haibara Ai looked at Qianyu and asked.

"I remember that he obviously stole something in St. Petersburg..." Qianyu spread her hands. "It seems to be... the blood coat of Nicholas II in 1891. Logically speaking, since he has already stolen it, he doesn't need to do it."

"Yes, he made another announcement a few days ago to steal a treasure called [Egg of Memory] from the Suzuki consortium. But that thing was actually placed in Osaka, and I don't know why he appeared. In Tokyo." Conan, who has always been most concerned about these things, provided the correct answer.

"The blood coat of Nicholas II?" by Ai Haibara

"Nicholas II?" by other children

"Nicholas II, the last emperor of Tsarist Russia - the country that was overthrown by the Soviet Union - came to visit Japan in 1891... Of course, he was only the prince of Russia at that time." Qianyu sighed He took a breath and began to explain from the beginning. "Japan received Nikolai with the highest standards at that time, but a Russian hater (Tsuda Sanzo) was mixed in with the security guards in charge of Nikolai's security and assassinated Nikolai, which is known as the "Otsu Assassination". Fortunately, the Greek prince was also nearby, and finally succeeded in subduing the assassin. The **** suit was what Nicholas was wearing at this time."

"After the incident, the Russian side must have been angry. After all, it was the crown prince who was assassinated here, and then demanded that the murderer be executed according to the great treason of assassinating members of the royal family according to Article 116 of the Criminal Law as agreed between the two countries before. But son. The Grand Court of Justice (that is, the Supreme Court at that time) led by Shima Yuken personally interfered in the case and finally forcibly sentenced the prisoners to exile. , Minister of Justice Yamada Kenyoshi resigned in anger."

"Fortunately there are no lawyers' children around here, otherwise you may be taken out to be a living target of people who advocate [judicial independence]. (Yiken Kojima is regarded as the patron saint of Japan's judicial independence, although in this case , his identity is far less glorious Haibara couldn't help smiling but looked at Conan as if he had noticed something. "By the way, it seems that there is a person here who may have a legal person who is a lawyer in the near future..."

"Don't look at me, I won't take that kind of attitude on this matter - those who manipulate the case and those who abuse the law have no moral excuse to accuse anyone." Conan shrugged. "But even so, the sincerity of the country at that time was already enough, and it gave Russia a step down - the citizens sent more than 10,000 apology telegrams; the school was closed, and the students went to the shrine to pray for Nicholas; there were even people in He left a suicide note expressing his apology to Russia in front of the Kyoto Prefectural Office and committed suicide..."

"...In addition, let's turn the topic back to the egg of memory. The time that Kidd announced this time is the day after tomorrow. At that time, Uncle Kogoro and the others will also go, and I will follow if there is no accident. By the way, Are Chiha and Haibara going?"

"We?" Qianyu was stunned, and Haibara Ai didn't expect Conan to send such an invitation.

"Uncle Jiroji said, the more clever children like you come, the better, at least you won't be imitated by Kaitou Kid in disguise. And on the airship last time, your performance was quite good."


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