Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 860: - boys and girls

"What are they doing?" Seeing Haibara Ai walking into the room behind Suzuki Sonoko, Conan was speechless. "Xiaolan, Sonoko, Huiyuan, Kasaka Natsumi, and Miss Pu Siqinglan, five people went to a room for a secret meeting..."

"According to someone's words," Chiba also looked at the back of Ai Haibara walking into the door. "Learn how to... ride me."

"Huh?" Conan was stunned.

"Hmm..." Qianyu looked at Haibara Ai who was about to close the door with a bitter face.

After noticing his gaze, Haibara Ai gave him a smile that made him shudder.

"I seem to see a large line of characters on this door: 'The way to control a husband is in it'." Conan noticed the interaction between Haibara Ai and Qianyu, and said with schadenfreude.

"Yeah, don't forget that Sister Xiaolan is also inside, so you are just as miserable." Qian Yu, who was a little pale, glared at Conan.

So Conan's face also paled.


At the same time, the room was indeed discussing a very important topic.

"My boyfriend's... control method?" Pu Siqinglan's expression was very wonderful.

"Yes, yes!" Sonoko nodded vigorously. "How can I better control my boyfriend's whole body? Miss Qinglan, you are much older than us, so you should have a lot of experience, right?"

"This... I'm afraid it's a bit difficult," Pu Siqinglan said after hesitating for a moment. "After all, you are not a slave owner. It is still too difficult to completely control the other party's whole body."

"That's right..." Sonoko was a little listless. "All right……"

"I'm sorry, her boyfriend has gone abroad again because of his studies," Ma Lilan, who was beside him, helped his best friend. "That's why she hopes to tie down her boyfriend's heart..."

"It doesn't matter," Pu Si Qinglan seemed to not care about Yuanzi's previous demands, but put forward a more realistic goal. "It is difficult to control the whole body, but if you just keep the other party's exclusive enthusiasm for you, it is still possible! After all, the so-called "control" has never been a hard control, but to make him obey through guidance. Your mind. And in order to do that, you have to have an understanding of the nature of men."

First of all, most men are **** embryos when they get along with their girlfriends, full of lower body animals, no matter how innocent they appear, it is only temporary! "


Meanwhile, Chiba and Conan's guest room.

"Why are you so indifferent to this topic?" Hattori Heiji's rather unhappy voice came. "It's obvious that you are the second most experienced person in this area of ​​ours, right? According to that reason, you shouldn't have the second desire..."

"How can you be richer than the two of you?" Qian Yu asked back while looking at the speakerphone. "To the extent that B has not reached the level, what's the point of my point when everyone has gotten through C early?"

At this moment, the man who cleared C early spoke up.

"You asked me to hang up the phone too. Could it be that it was for a boy's meeting?" Fujiwara's indifferent voice came from Chiba's cell phone. "Isn't it a bit boring just to have a counterpart with the girls over there?"

"Actually, I think so too." Qianyu lay on the sofa. "Just for this kind of thing..."

"However, is what you said just now true?" Fujiwara suddenly interrupted him. "I thought you were looking forward to it as much as the two famous detectives--no, maybe it became more expected after the relationship gradually deepened--"

"About the thing you suddenly said just now, 'I don't really want to do it with her'."

"Even I and Heiji are actually looking forward to it. You can't really have no thoughts at all, right?" Conan asked Qianyu with the bottom half of his face buried in the pillow.

"I can't say that I don't want to do these things—although I don't expect it—but..." Chiyu turned around and looked at the phone that called Fujiwara. "Maybe it's a mental disorder or something, I always find it a little weird."


"Is it because of that?" In the end, it was Fujiwara who spoke.

"Probably, it's a psychological barrier or something." Qianyu responded with a sullen voice.

"What kind of riddles are you two playing?" Conan asked curiously.

"It's alright, just a while ago, he became a big one and annoyed someone." Fujiwara used such an unwarranted reason to dismiss Conan's questioning, and he didn't continue to say anything.

"..." Qian Yu stared at the surface of the sofa in front of her and said nothing.

[Cheating], an existence that completely broke the loyalty contract of love. The executor unilaterally tore up all the giving and jumping that he signed, betrayed the person who gave everything to him, and chose to hook up with others.

But now, he has to accept the pure love of the girl he once hurt like no one...

"Let me remind If you back down at this time, you will really cause secondary damage." Fujiwara felt Chiba's shaking and reminded. "The first time is outrageous, and the second time is outrageous... I suggest you find a rope to hang yourself."

Even in the face of such a warning, Chiba just sighed.

"Let me think about it again," he said weakly. "Just...give me some time."


"If you are sure of your own vision, this step is the least worrying thing," Pu Siqinglan has taken the topic of the girls' meeting in a strange direction - even if there is a little girl like Hui Yuanai in the room The same goes for children. "For those boys who cherish you, they were as scared as you at the first time. How could they take the opportunity to squeeze your mind."

"Miss Qinglan, what was your first time like, or as you said..." Xiaolan asked curiously. "Aren't you all too... scared?"

"No," Pu Siqinglan's answer made everyone's eyes widen. "I found an old hand to guide me through the first time."


"Well," Pu Siqinglan didn't think her experience was outrageous at all. "I found a very experienced person to take me through the first time, so my first experience was actually very comfortable, and I also learned a lot of skills in this area, which can be said to be very pleasant memories."

"Is that your ex-boyfriend, Sister Qinglan?" Sonoko bit the bullet and continued to ask.

"No," Pu Si Qinglan shrugged. "I found a heartthrob who... met by chance, and we made a mutually beneficial deal."

【Are young women in the Far East so open? 】This is the most direct reaction of everyone present.

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