The truth is that the ... She wanted to be one of the world's best killers, so her parents had no emotional foundation, and her brothers and sisters had rarely met.

Such a person naturally could not understand what a blow the death of Miyano Akemi was to Miyano Shiho.

Although she could not empathize, she could see it from her state.

It must be very painful.

Because she had never seen such an expression on this person's face. It was a kind of despair that was close to destruction.

A few years ago, she joined the Black Organization. Her job was to eliminate foreign threats for the organization's people, so her hands were stained with countless blood.

On weekdays, she was arranged by the organization to follow Miyano Shiho as a bodyguard. As a qualified killer, she should always keep calm and should not have any extra emotions. But the appearance of this young scientist made her feel a different kind of fun in life.

Since then, she has been following the girl.

According to Gin, she is both a bodyguard and a life assistant, but the most important thing is surveillance.

The girl is studying the most important invention in the organization, a drug called Silver Bullet. Its role is immeasurable for the organization. As a major researcher, Shiho Miyano must master the existence of surveillance.

But all this gradually began to collapse because of the death of Akemi Miyano.

After learning of her sister's death, Shiho Miyano began to resist the organization, although they all knew that this insignificant resistance was not taken seriously by the people in the organization.

So she was locked up.

And the one who was responsible for monitoring and guarding her was still Aiba Yu.

She hadn't eaten for a few days, although they were not friends, but a potential monitor and monitored relationship. But there were always boring quarrels in the past.

Whenever he heard the girl's cold and emotionless tone complaining about himself, Aiba Yu always felt that this world was actually a little interesting and a little warm.

But now this trace of warmth has disappeared, and the person who was originally cold on the outside and warm on the inside, at this time, along with his own thoughts and blood, seems to want to solidify.

Aiba Yuu could smell it, it was the smell of death...

"...Live well, this is what Mingmei expected."

"...You see," after a long while, Miyano Shiho said in an almost cold voice: "You don't understand at all, you don't understand at all!"

The girl screamed hysterically, she lowered her head, and then tears fell to the ground.

"You won't understand... my feelings..."

Faced with the girl's tears, Aiba Yuu was stunned in place, she opened her lips, but clenched her teeth tightly.

——Yes, she didn't understand at all.

People who are determined to die, others can't stop. She has killed too many people, and she has long looked down on death. No matter who it is, she can press the trigger without changing her face. Of course, including herself.

The first lesson she took in the killer school was not to fear death and to be prepared to die at any time.

Now, she can also end her life firmly and without hesitation. But facing the girl in front of her, she actually felt a little reluctant.

She didn't want her to die.

At that moment, Aiye had a feeling he had never had before.

It was the fear of death.


Sherry disappeared, disappeared out of thin air in the completely closed laboratory.

It was Gin who discovered it. When Aiye Yu got the news and rushed over, the girl who was originally locked in the laboratory had completely disappeared, as if she had never been there.

No one knew how Sherry escaped from this laboratory.

Gin immediately took out a pistol and pointed it at Aiye Yu, and his eagle-like eyes under the brim of his hat stared at her closely:

"Only you could let Sherry go."

Aiba Yuu frowned, "But I was on your mission all day yesterday, and I didn't go back to the lab."

At this time, Vodka also said, "Brother, I was following Famas yesterday, and I can prove that it was not her who let Sherry go."

Hearing what Vodka said, Gin hesitated for a moment, then took back the gun. He stared at the handcuffs on the pipe and snorted, "Sherry, you will never escape from my palm."

Miyano Shiho escaped.

Aiba Yuu was glad that she saw the current scene instead of the cold corpse.

But at the same time, she felt as if something was missing in her heart. Sherry's escape undoubtedly explained the current situation.

It would be better for them not to meet again. Once they meet, Sherry will die.

Moreover, it is very likely that she died in her own hands...

A trace of loneliness flashed across Aiye You's eyes. Suddenly, she remembered something and her sight slowly focused on the APTX4869 that was being developed.


How come one is missing? !

An incredible idea emerged in Aiye You's mind. The handcuffs were intact. It was absolutely impossible for an adult woman to get out of the handcuffs without any tools. Even if she got out, the laboratory was sealed all around, there was no secret passage, and the door was locked and had never been opened.

If there was only one exit to the outside world except the main door...

She set her sights on the entrance to the garbage passage, but it was too small for an adult to get out.

Could it be? !

Her keen insight made her set her sights on the poison called the silver bullet again.

At this moment, someone suddenly patted her shoulder from behind, interrupting her thoughts. She turned around and saw that it was Vodka.

"Famas, pack up the things in the laboratory. There is an assassination that needs you to act in the afternoon. Big brother asked you to prepare in advance."

Aiba Yuu sneered while packing up the scattered documents in the laboratory: "What? He believes me now?"

"I thought he would shoot me without any reason, just like he killed Miyano Akemi."

"You know, big brother is always cautious. But I still remind you not to mention the Miyano sisters in front of him recently."

"I know, I know." She waved her hand and sent Vodka away. When there was no one behind her, she put down the materials in her hand, climbed to the table, and secretly took a pill from the box of medicine.

To be cautious, she picked up one of the empty capsules, filled it with undeveloped powder, and stuffed it back completely according to the angle gap.

She put the medicine in her pocket and started to turn the safe in the room, which contained information about people who took the silver bullet drug.

She had never had access to these things before, and naturally she didn't know the password of the safe. But it was not difficult for her, and she opened the safe in a short while.

She took out the medication record sheet, and the word "death" was written after each person's name.

Until her eyes swept over a name called "Kudo Shinichi".

She remembered that she seemed to have visited this Kudo family not long ago to confirm whether he was dead...

The follow-up report was written by Sherry, and Kudo Shinichi's death had been confirmed.

She found a description file about Kudo Shinichi among many files, and learned that Kudo Shinichi was a high school detective who was knocked unconscious by Gin and drank APTX4869 because he witnessed the transaction scene of the organization.

That day, she went to Kudo's house to confirm, and as a supervisor, Aiba Yu naturally followed.

The reason why this name impressed her was because Sherry was a little different that day. It was an emotion that she couldn't describe, but could smell.

She was jumping for joy, a joy she had never seen before.

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