The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

"Graybara-san, Jianzuru-san, what are you talking about?"

Ayumi, who came out, seemed to have heard the two whispering in the cubicle, and asked curiously.

"......Ah" Lin Jianzuru had not yet recovered from the joy of what Graybara said just now, and hurriedly jumped off the sink and touched the soft silver hair, "Nothing, nothing, let's go out."

Ayumi looked at Lin Jianzuru with some surprise, but still nodded, "Okay."

——Why does Jianzuru-san's face seem a little red...

Back in the screening room, Lin Jianzuru saw Conan running out from the last row, and soon, Dr. Agasa also came and followed Conan into the screening room.

Conan looked at the children of the Junior Detective Team and shook his index finger: "We need your help for this reasoning."



When the children heard that they were going to help, they immediately shouted excitedly.

"Officer!" Officer Takagi ran in from outside, "We found the staff of the deceased Zhang Tian's real estate agency and asked them. They said that their president Zhang Tian was very anxious recently. He came here today after a big fight with the bank they deal with."

Officer Megure: "Big fight?"

Officer Takagi nodded: "Because he didn't get a loan smoothly, it is said that he is still about one million away from buying this place."

"Huh?" Officer Megure turned to look at the curator, "So this place hasn't been sold to him yet?"

"Yes, we agreed to wait until tomorrow to sign the formal contract and pay the amount." The curator replied.

The saleswoman added: "He must have made things difficult for the bank, so they refused to lend him money."

The uncle in the projection room also agreed, "He is really bad..."

After these words, the angle of murder gradually changed to suicide. Because the company was not doing well, the project of acquiring the cinema was finally going smoothly, but because the bank loan was not approved and the funds were insufficient, it could not proceed smoothly. So he was desperate and chose to commit suicide.

After coming to this conclusion, Lin Jianhe smiled and shrugged his shoulders, watching Conan running to the projection room with the doctor. Then the lights in the hall dimmed, and there was a sound of knocking on the glass above his head.

"After killing Mr. Zhang Tian in the audience, he used this projector to prove his alibi. Mr. Gu Qiao, you killed him!"

Conan, who changed his voice into the doctor's voice with a bow tie, gradually uncovered the mystery of the murder.

"Okay, let's go."

Hearing Huiyuan calling her, Lin Jianhe hurriedly followed.

The place they were going to now was the conditioning room. According to the arrangement of the great detective, they had to adjust the air volume of the air conditioner when they received the command.

According to Conan's arrangement, Genta grabbed the rope and hung in the air early, and then used books to block the glass behind him, so that he could hide in the dark. Even if the body was hung in the air early, it would be difficult for people to find it.

Then he asked Ayumi and Mitsuhiko to hold Genta together, so that the weight of the three of them was equal to the weight of an adult.

"Okay, Huiyuan, Lin."

After receiving the order, Huiyuan adjusted the air volume of the air conditioner to the maximum, and then, because of the increase in the air volume of the air conditioner, the body hanging in the air was blown.

At this point, the mystery of the body shaking in the air, giving people the illusion that it had just been hung up, was solved.

"You seem to have forgotten the most important thing. The movie was projected from the window where the children were hanging," Mr. Guqiao walked forward, put his hands in front of him and said, "If Zhang Tian was hanging there from the beginning, there would be a shadow. If the light in the projection room was blocked by books, there would be no way to project it. Can you tell me how I projected the movie before that?"

"That's it."

As the doctor's voice came, the movie screen appeared on the screen and kept changing during the speech. The window where Yuantai and the others were hanging was still blocked by the book.

To do this, the tape must be cut into sections and the two machines played in turn. The saleswoman, who realized this, immediately ran to the projection room angrily.

"This is really too much! I have to return the tape later!"

But when everyone entered the projection room, they found that the doctor was standing honestly between the two machines, and the same machine was always projecting the picture.

Just after the doctor asked everyone to look at the front of the machine, everyone realized that the lens of the machine

A mirror was stuck in front of the window.

At this time, everyone realized that the movie images were refracted through mirrors so that they could be projected from all windows. In this way, even if the window where the body was hanging was covered by books, the movie could still be played normally.

"To be honest, I like the view from this observation window the most. I can see the audience's reaction to the movie from this special seat." Mr. Gu Qiao lay in front of the observation window and looked at the empty seats in the projection room. "But that abominable guy has gradually reduced our customers. Yesterday was clearly Sunday, and he was the only customer. So, I want to hang him in front of this window and let him experience what it feels like. Look at this desolate, tragic scenery and this lonely feeling..."

As he said, Mr. Gu Qiao sighed, "He's dead, and he will never have the chance to experience it again."

Inspector Megure stepped forward, "Let's talk about other things at the bureau."

"Director, I'm really sorry."

The director heard this and said slowly: "In fact, before he came here, we The number of customers has decreased. "

"A small cinema like ours can't get popular new movies at all, and it should have closed down. In addition, televisions and VCRs are so popular now, and using movies to create dreams may not be able to keep up with the times..."

"That's not the case!" Ayumi's voice suddenly appeared, "For me, I love watching movies the most!"

Yuanta nodded and said, "And the movie screen is much bigger than that of TV!"

"Here is a place where many people can have dreams together, the best space for dreaming!"

"Yes, in a dark place with only sound and pictures, it feels like I'm alone!"

Listening to the children talking about their true feelings, everyone was touched by this most sincere emotion.

Lin Jianhe leaned against the wall not far away, looking at the innocent smiles of these children, and couldn't help but sighed: "These children will definitely become outstanding adults in the future..."

Huiyuan, who was standing next to her, couldn't help but smile.

At the end of the event, the doctor screened the unfinished movie of Gemera. The joyful and excited voices of the children watching the movie awakened the most beautiful fragments in the deep memory of the curator.

"It's good to have such a customer in the end." The saleswoman looked at the screening room with satisfaction.

"No, this is not the end," the curator looked at the screen silently and said slowly: "I don't plan to sell it. I have completely forgotten the excitement that I felt when I was first inspired by the movie. The space was completely filled with the cheers of the audience."

"I can't give up so easily. I want to fill the audience seats with their smiles..."

After the movie was over, Lin Jianhe was awakened by Huiyuan. She fell asleep as expected, and fell asleep in the shouts of these children.

Lin Jianhe rubbed her eyes and walked out of the cinema. She felt that it would not take long for her to be completely immune to all external sounds and fall into a deep sleep easily.

After waking up, Lin Jianhe and Huiyuan said goodbye to the detective team. She rode on the bicycle, and Huiyuan sat on the back seat, with his hands on her waist to prevent her from falling off.

"Let's watch "The Thrilling 24 Hours of Top Killer" next time..."

"Okay," Huiyuan raised her hand and gently tucked her messy hair behind her ears, "but in return, you have to accompany me to watch "The Glory and Sorrow of Einstein""

"Okay!" Lin Jianhe immediately sped up and turned the wheel: "It's a deal!"

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