Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1004 1004 [Don’t kill innocent people indiscriminately]


When Conan and Haibara Ai heard this, they looked at Hidehiko Kazama, and they were indeed not as wary as before. But it turned into looking at Zhazha.

Hidehiko Kazama: "..." Why are the expressions of these two children so recognisable? They are obviously just two first-grade elementary school students, but being stared at by them is like being despised by colleagues in the workplace...

While he looked at the two tomboys doubtfully.

Jiang Xia's cell phone vibrated.

He glanced down at the screen, walked to the side naturally, and picked up the phone in a deserted corner.

Soon, Gin and a hint of vigilance came from the receiver: "What are you doing in the Twin Towers?"

"Huh?" Jiang Xia glanced at the phone and heard the tone... "Are you nearby too?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia turned her head and glanced at Hui Yuan Ai.

Maybe it was because Haihara Ai had just returned from camping and had a baseball cap on his head. The short hair that hangs down to the shoulders is hidden under the hat and is not conspicuous - at least from a distance, it is difficult to associate this child with "Shirley".

Jiang Xia: "..." Ginjiu probably hasn't noticed her yet. Thinking about it, if he found out, his voice couldn't be so calm, and it would be filled with murderous intent. Maybe someone has already come...

Jiang Xia thought as he walked to the window and looked down at the building opposite: "Are you preparing for a sniper attack?"

"I'm downstairs." Gin heard that Uzo was wondering how she knew he was here. He leaned on the passenger seat of the Porsche 356A, turned his head and glanced at the front desk, remembering what he saw when he passed by just now, "The front desk secretly took a photo of you and is showing it off to his neighbor."

"..." Jiang Xia pretended to sigh, "There is really no privacy. This is the price of fame."

Gin: "..." Why does it look like "being a detective" means you have paid a lot for the organization. Obviously before the organization discovered his value, Uzo was already having fun as a "detective".

He ignored this sentence, remembering that the organization was planning to blow up the building in front of him, and repeated the question: "What are you doing in the Twin Towers? - You should know, that is our goal."

"I do know. But isn't it going to explode during the opening ceremony next week?" Jiang Xia turned around against the window and looked at everyone in the banquet hall, "While the building is still there, I'll come over and enjoy the view. I'll watch it later." No, it’s out of print—and there are a lot of interesting people in the banquet hall, and the owner of this building happens to be a classmate of my neighbor.”

After listening to this sentence in silence, Gin automatically replaced the word "happen" with "careful consideration" in his mind.

He felt that he knew Uzuo's purpose very well, and frowned and said coldly:

"Don't always keep an eye on Moritani Teiji's disciple. He has no conflict with us. The organization has business to deal with, and personal grudges should be put aside first - if Hidehiko Kazama also 'happens' to want to blow up the building, this will destroy our Plan. Our target is not just that building, but something else.”

"Something else" means Shirley, of course.

Organizing the bombing of the building was done with a plan and purpose, setting up a dragnet and waiting for Shirley to run into the net while escaping.

But if the person who bombed the building turned out to be Hidehiko Kazama, who knew nothing about it...if that guy did it before Shirley entered the Twin Towers, Shirley might not come back. Then the organization will have to look for a cunning woman who is deliberately hiding among tens of millions of people in Tokyo, even hundreds of millions across the country, and billions around the world.

In addition, even if the time to blow up the building is chosen right, Hidehiko Kazama's blowing up the building may leave a gap, causing the fleeing crowd to be too chaotic, and Shirley can escape among them.

Gin was thinking about all kinds of troublesome scenarios. At this time, Uzuo's serious voice came from the other side of the receiver:

"How can there be any personal grudges? Don't worry. I am a generous person and will not get innocent citizens into trouble because of trivial matters... Speaking of which, since you know that Hidehiko Kazama is here, you should also know about the banquet hall. Are there any other celebrities there—are there any organized partners among these people?”

Gin was silent for a moment: "...No."

After a pause, he remembered the number of celebrities in the banquet hall, and then said: "But I have said it many times. If the move is too big, it will attract investigations from those troublesome agencies."

Jiang Xia glanced at her phone silently, as if she saw Gin opposite him through the phone: "..." This person is about to blow up the building, and he thinks others are too big...

But then I thought about it, and it was true that every time Gin tried to explode, he couldn't kill many people in the end. It would be better for a detective to go on a trip and get into more trouble...

While he was thinking about it, he said skillfully and perfunctorily: "Don't worry, I have a sense of discretion."

the other side.

Mao Lilan was standing by the window at this time, looking out at the beautiful scenery.

At this time, Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya quietly walked behind her and shouted in a low voice: "Sister Xiaolan."

"Huh?" Mao Lilan turned around, leaned down and looked at this smart little boy, "What's wrong?"

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya took a deep breath, and like a little adult who came to meet him, he said furtively: "I, I have something I want to discuss with you... Can you find some time to meet tomorrow?"

Mao Lilan looked at this serious child and thought it was funny: "Okay, it just so happens that I will be fine tomorrow."

"Yes." Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya breathed a sigh of relief, "Then, after the time and place of the meeting are confirmed, I will send the corresponding information to your email."

He bowed, turned and walked away.

Mao Lilan laughed and was about to turn back and continue looking at the scenery.

But before he could turn around, the hem of his clothes was tugged. She lowered her head in confusion and saw Ayumi Yoshida.

Ayumi and Mitsuhiko's expressions were almost identical, full of worry.

She looked up at Mao Lilan, with a childish little face and an extremely complicated expression.

Mao Lilan blinked doubtfully and leaned down again: "What's wrong?"

After looking at each other for several seconds, Ayumi said as if she had made up her mind; "Sister Xiaolan, I have something to discuss with you! Are you free tomorrow?"

"I'm free." Mao Lilan touched her head in surprise, hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn't help but asked curiously, "What is it?"

Ayumi turned her head warily and glanced at the crowded hall.

Then she raised her hand seriously, put her fingers to her lips, and made a silent gesture: "This is a secret between women. It's not convenient to talk about it here. Let's go out and talk about it tomorrow."

When Mao Lilan was mysteriously entangled by two children.

Conan noticed the movement and looked over suspiciously.

He was about to approach and ask what was going on.

But at this moment, the elevator next to him arrived with a ding.

As the elevator door opened, two employees walked out of the elevator carrying some decorative materials.

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