Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1008 1008 [Professor Moriarty]

Jiang Xia: "..." Wonderful.

Noah is obviously looking forward to this: "Want to give it a try? I think I can get a lot of material to fill myself in from the plot and players' reactions - one day I can become a real ghost!"

While talking, it secretly tucked the little tail behind it into the corner of the quilt and hid it.

"..." Although he didn't care much about it, the jerry-built "Z" pattern on his tail really made Noah care about it for a long time.

"It's a game..." Jiang Xia thought for a moment, "We have business coming soon. The twin buildings haven't exploded yet, and the people who should be invited haven't been invited yet."

"...That's right." Noah fell down and collapsed from a ghost ball into a ghost cake.

"Since we have to do business soon, of course we should relax beforehand, and then be in the best condition to meet the important tasks of the organization!" Jiang Xia sat up and flipped through his address book under Noah's shocked gaze. Start randomly grabbing lucky players.

With the contract, Jiang Xia can also roughly sense the game system and related rules established by Noah.

Noah stayed for two seconds, then jumped up with him, and happily added:

“Although this dungeon is also a detective script, it is somewhat different from the last ‘London dungeon’. It is a player-playing game, with a stronger crime-solving experience.

"The framework of the script was left by Hiroki. He met a talented cartoonist a few years ago. That gentleman inherited hundreds of millions of dollars from a distant relative. He was too busy at work, but he didn't want to waste his dreams. He also found that Hiroki liked these things very much. , so I sent him the script. After that, Hiroki adapted those stories into various basic frameworks."

When Noah mentioned the producer "Hiroki", there was a trace of soft nostalgia in his eyes: "But Hiroki is also very busy at work, and Sindora feels that for a genius like Hiroki, 'games' are not his real job. He should make more meaningful software. So in the end, Hiroki failed to complete the script, and there were still some details that needed to be filled in."

Jiang Xia nodded while flipping through the address book: "Have the details been filled in now?"

"That's right!" Noah clicked a few times happily, "There are many high school detectives around the master, and there are a lot of related materials, so the first thing to fill in is the campus copy - this time there are six players in total The theme is 'Seven Incredible Things on Campus'!"

"Six..." Jiang Xia decisively counted herself among them, "That is to say, we have to find five more people."

Thinking of these candidates, several figures in black could not help but flash through Jiang Xia's mind.

——I don’t know if I can get the murderous aura dropped by players in the dungeon...

But soon, he dismissed the figure in his mind, and his eyes fell on the normal address book again.

"..." For the first time in the game, let's bring in a few controllable people.

Once you are familiar with the process, you can turn Black in next time and have a lively murderous party.

"Then let's choose these people." Jiang Xia clicked on the address book and said expectantly, "Including me, there are exactly six."

Noah folded it gracefully, as if bowing. This fake ghost was obviously full of expectations and said seriously: "Okay, Master!"

To abduct people into the game, you must first trick them... well, invite them and sign Noah's "User Confidentiality Clause." This seems to be part of Noah's skill set.

Regarding this, Conan's side is the most worry-free.

——In the previous holographic game of "Cocoon", Conan had already signed the extremely effective confidentiality clause because he was curious about Noah's Ark.

So this time, only four more people need to be signed.

Haihara Ai, Mao Liran, Suzuki Sonoko, Hattori Heiji.

These four people are all in Conan's address book and can be considered to have close contact with him.

In this way, even if Conan cares about the selection criteria of the "game", he will feel that it is because he has cleared the game and was targeted by Noah, so the unreasonable AI followed Conan's address book and found other people he knew. Jiang Xia no longer has to go through a series of questions from curious classmates.

As the candidate was confirmed, several pieces of data flowed out silently and entered the mobile phones of all targets.

Late at night, on the third floor of the Mori Detective Agency.

Conan lay on the quilt and secretly played with his phone for a while.

After playing, I was about to go to bed, but suddenly my eyes blurred and I became extremely sleepy.

Conan yawned, put his phone next to his pillow, covered himself with quilt, and closed his eyes.

The next second, his body was still asleep in the bed.

But his soul stirred, and he opened his eyes with great clarity.

Then he was shocked to find that he came to an office with simple decoration.

Sight, smell, touch...all the details are exactly the same as in reality, as if you have traveled to another space.

"Welcome to Anonymous' Game."

Under Conan's vigilant gaze, the heavy chair turned in front of the large mahogany desk, revealing a familiar face.

"Moriarty" sat lazily on the office chair and looked at him with a smile.

Next to him, Noah's Ark was like a little book boy, holding a cup of fragrant and hot coffee, and carefully placed it on the table.

After a pause, he looked at "Moriarty". Noah slowly reached behind his back again, brought out a colorful cocktail from nowhere, inserted the straw, and placed it next to the coffee.

"Professor Moriarty" reservedly stretched out his hand, picked up the wine glass, and paused for a moment on the straw.

Then, it seems that sucking the straw in front of the players is unsightly. He moved the straw to the side in a natural movement, put it on the rim of the cup, raised his head and took a sip.

Conan didn't pay attention to those details.

He looked at "Moriarty" in great surprise: "It's you?! You're not..." Aren't you the villain NPC in the Noah game? !

Why now, suddenly he seems to be the master, and instead wants Noah, the "Creation God" in the eyes of NPCs, to serve tea and water...

However, Conan did not say these words.

He gradually realized something:

The "cocoon" that day was indeed controlled by Noah.

But Noah is controlled by Anonymous!

Anonymous seems to have always been interested in high school detectives. Suddenly, when he encountered such a game, it seemed reasonable for someone to ask Noah to go in and play.

Conan: "..." And if you think about it carefully, although they all say "the customer is God", on that day, in the game, only "Professor Moriarty" seemed to really enjoy the treatment of God - even if he was sitting on that quilt. In the shattered opera house, not a single brick dared to fall on him. Even those blazing flames that brushed against him seemed to have only a light effect, but in the end they failed to even light the corners of his clothes.

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