Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1015 1015 [Parents: Good children should not go out at night]

When Jiang Xia looked at Suzuki Sonoko, she blinked and tried hard to mobilize her blank brain to answer:

"They're all terrible, they're all fatal, they all... all happen in school!"

"..." Jiang Xia nodded, "Well, indeed..."

Kudo Shinichi looked at the ginkgo tree swaying in the wind in front of him and sighed: "The incident happened at night, that is, 'after school', and the same is true for the Seventh Mystery. And these locations are all blocked. Get up, even the ginkgo trees have such high fences erected around them, if you force your way through..."

He glanced to the side out of the corner of his eye and saw a security guard. The man was pacing back and forth more than ten meters away, eyeing these "naughty students" eagerly.

——Just now, the high school students went to two or three "unbelievable" places. After finding that the doors were all closed, they finally couldn't help but want to pry open the doors.

But just a few seconds after they started to attack the keyhole, the security guard suddenly appeared from behind and stopped their behavior.

...Since then, the security guard has been hovering near them like a ghost, eliminating their hope of sneaking in to check.

Jiang Xia followed Kudo Shinichi's line of sight, glanced at the security guard, and whispered:

"He has a walkie-talkie on his waist. I just passed by the security room, and I remember there were three or four people inside. If I hold down this security guard and force my way in, I'm afraid he will immediately call his companions.

"But there won't be so many security guards in the school at night. There is a shift list on the wall, and only one person is on duty every night. If you want to explore those 'unbelievable' places, just in terms of 'breaking through the security guards', at night It’s a lot easier than during the day.”

Several others nodded. Hattori Heiji's eyes swept around, and he murmured in a low voice: "I'm going to find some rope to tie up the security guard at night."

Suzuki Sonoko: "..." These detectives are really good at talking about crimes. but……

She thought of the six legends that made her skin crawl, and couldn't help but touch her arm:

"However, if it is not the security guards that need to be dealt with, but the legends, the danger at night will immediately double."

Jiang Xia shook his head and secretly corrected the rules: "Judging from what Sakura-senpai said, those 'legends' should be man-made. Otherwise, it would be too difficult to pass the level."

Kudo Shinichi strongly agrees. There are no ghosts in the world, and there should not be any in the detective copy:

"The series of 'Few Mysterious Things on Campus' actually just turn the assumptions that most people are afraid of into legends - such as returning to an empty classroom alone at night and looking for something you forgot. At this time, you will worry about something. I turned around and saw a terrifying scene, so there was a legend that 'when I turned around I could see a female student hanging in the classroom'; the guillotine in the printing room was extremely sharp, and when I saw it cutting the paper, I couldn't help but think about what it would do. You can't cut off human hands so neatly, so we have 'bloody handprints in the printing room'..."

"Yes, but in this school, the legend of 'incredible' is too specific." Hattori Heiji touched his chin and felt something was wrong:

"The 'Music Classroom' and 'Old Well' are normal. These are places with many legends.

"But here, the legend is also specific to the 'biology classroom' - either something really happened in that classroom, or someone deliberately spread this news with some purpose."

Hattori Heiji has also played a lot of games. When it comes to this, he boldly hypothesized: "According to the idea of ​​​​breaking through the game, I think things may be gradual - the first one to six, from ordinary Oolong events, lead to a mini-boss , and finally the seventh most incredible 'after school magician' is a truly terrifying murderer."

We were planning to discuss where to look for the suspect.

Before he could speak, a harsh ringing sound suddenly sounded in the air.

Several people were startled and looked around cautiously. After a few seconds, I slowly realized:

"This seems to be the end of get out of class bell? ... Such an old bell."

As soon as he finished speaking, a strange voice suddenly sounded in his ears: "Hmph! How many new ringtones do you want, and a song "Jingle Bells" for you?"

Suzuki Sonoko was so startled that she said "Ouch!" and turned her head away.

They saw the security guard who had been lingering near them walking beside them at some point.

The security guard was also startled by Suzuki Sonoko who suddenly screamed.

After a moment, he came back to his senses and did not argue with the girl. He waved the anti-explosion stick in his hand: "It's time for school to end. You are not allowed to stay on campus. Go back quickly!"


Several high school students nodded perfunctorily and exchanged glances secretly - pretending to go back to the classroom to get something, and then just hid in the school quietly. Later, in the dead of night and all the extra security guards have left, they come back to explore the "Six Mysteries."

The abacus was calculated well.

However, in the next second, several people's eyes were blurred, and familiar spatial fluctuations suddenly appeared.

When they opened their eyes again, they looked around in shock.

——He actually returned home directly.

The "residential area" in the game.

Mao Lilan stood at the entrance and looked into the house in surprise.

——This is exactly the "Maori Detective Agency" in reality.

For a moment, she almost suspected that she had left the game.

But when I looked down, I saw that what I was wearing was not the uniform of Didan Middle School, but the uniform of "Fudo High School".

In addition, if you look carefully through the window and look outside, you will find that the street scenes are actually a bit strange. They are different from reality - these are probably blocks that the game has pieced together without authorization.

Mao Lilan sighed sadly: "..." It seemed that he was still in the game. It must have been that the bell rang just now and it was time to get out of school, so they were all thrown back home.

He walked around the room curiously, looking at various items. After a moment, she remembered something and suddenly looked out the window and saw that it was already dark.

"Well... I remember Ms. Miyano said that those 'mysterious phenomena' all happened at night. If you want to get more information, I'm afraid you have to go and investigate at night. Jiang Xia and Shinichi should also be able to think of this, so the next step should be You want to visit the school at night, right? They've probably all gone home..."

Mao Lilan murmured in her heart and walked to the table, wanting to call her classmates.

I found the landline and just picked up the receiver. Before I could try to dial someone else's home, a voice suddenly came from behind me.

A man poked his head out from behind the door: "Hey, the phone is broken. Now I can only answer calls, but I can't make outgoing calls. I've already found someone to fix it, but that bastard let me go, and it hasn't been fixed yet."


Mao Lilan was startled and turned around. She was shocked to see that the person speaking was "Moori Kogoro". She was stunned: "Why are you here?!"

"Mouri Kogoro" was startled: "This is my home! Where would I be if I weren't here?"

Mao Lilan: "..." Her father is not among the players.

It looks like... this is also an NPC?

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