Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1017 1017 [Kudo, look at this pot]

Chapter 1017 1017 [Kudo, look at this pot...]

After making this decision, Haiyuan Ai took a deep breath, stood up suddenly, rummaged through the cabinets for a while, found an electric shock device from the drawer, took it out and put it in his pocket.

Then he randomly brought some things that could be used to hit people.

Finally she walked to the door, opened it, and carefully looked out.

The street is filled with thick fog, and the street lights are like hazy balls of light, connecting into the distance.

There was no one else on the street, and various houses stood in the fog, like eerie haunted houses.

Hui Yuarai watched in silence for a while, and finally made up his mind.

She pushed open the door and walked towards the street sign on the corner. At the same time, I secretly thought that if they encounter obstacles or dangers, they will run back immediately - at present, it seems that exploration at night is an indispensable part. After all, if "night" is useless, then they will probably close their eyes and open them again. It's daytime. But now, there was no sign of time moving forward, which meant she had to do something.

Although Haibara Ai is only an eighteen-year-old girl in her prime, she has spent a lot of time in the black organization. Currently, she is only afraid of men in black, not the dark, and she is much more courageous than her peers.

However, when she came to the corner of the street and looked at the road sign surrounded by fog, she was suddenly startled.

"..." The "pole" supporting this road sign is actually not a normal iron pole, but a human figure! The "person" stood quietly in the thick fog, his figure occasionally distorted by the swaying fog, like a monster with a road sign on its head.

This strange appearance made Haiyuan Ai's mind buzz. At this moment, the "signpost man" suddenly took a step towards her.

"!" Haiyuan Ai grabbed the electric shock device and swung it towards the "person".

Hui Yuan Ai's wrist was suddenly grasped like an iron pincer. His hair stood on end and he struggled hard, but couldn't get away at all. She gritted her teeth, stretched her other hand behind her waist, and held a small dumbbell.

Just as he was about to hit it with force, the "Signpost Man" suddenly made a familiar voice: "...What are you doing?"

Huiyuan Ai was startled and his movements froze.

After a moment, she recognized the owner of the voice: "...Jiang Xia?!"

"Yes." Jiang Xia took two steps forward, left the road sign pole she was leaning on, and stood under the street lamp.

He looked at Haiyuan Ai for a moment, then let go of her hand: "You want to go to school too?"

"Yes, I don't know which direction the school is, so I came here to look at the road signs." Haiyuan Ai breathed a sigh of relief. She looked around, "Where are the others?"

"We're all at home. We probably won't be able to get out." Jiang Xia pointed to a house in the distance:

"I was passing by there just now and I heard something moving in the house. I took a closer look and saw Hattori Heiji being beaten by his mother, who seemed to be preventing him from going out... I knocked on the door but no one answered me. The situation at home is the same.”

"..." Haiyuan Ai thought of the troubled black-skinned detective and silently lit a candle for him in his heart.

She quickly figured out what Jiang Xia just said and sighed: "It seems that tonight, we are the only ones who can act normally."

"Let's go to school first." Jiang Xia didn't seem to want to talk about this topic anymore and turned towards Fudo High School. "Although it's a six-person game with only two people searching, it's difficult to pass. But we can collect some relevant clues first. By the way, Find a way to get everyone moving at night.”

Hui Yuan Ai nodded.

She jogged a few steps and caught up with Jiang Xia before his figure disappeared into the thick fog.

The two of them walked quickly towards the high school in the distance.

The school gate is locked.

Fortunately, the school wall is not high.

Jiang Xia skillfully climbed up the wall, and while reaching out to pull Hui Yuan Ai up, she looked at the ancient ginkgo tree with lush branches next to the sound of leaves rustling.

Hui Yuan Ai also quickly climbed up.

She carefully held the wall and followed Jiang Xia's gaze towards the tree: "This is the sixth most incredible thing... I didn't see a body on it. Maybe it's because we are investigating those 'unbelievable incidents', which is equivalent to You came here for the corpse, so you don’t meet the conditions for seeing it?”

"It may also be because there are no corpses on the tree." Jiang Xia said materialistically, "Judging from what Sakurashu said, there should be someone behind the scenes with some purpose."

There was nothing unusual about the ginkgo tree until they jumped off the wall, dodged the security guards and sneaked into the teaching building.

After the two entered the building, they went straight to the activity room of the "Mysterious Phenomena Research Society". They did not turn on the lights in order to avoid alerting the security guards.

Hui Yuan Ai covered the light of the flashlight and shined a light on the table.

I saw the stack of bound volumes of conference journals and the disk containing the "Seven Incredibles" information, all still placed on the table.

She breathed a sigh of relief, walked to the computer in the corner with the information, and turned on the computer.

A faint fluorescent light emitted, and Haihara Ai opened the bound book and took a look.

She thought of how quickly Jiang Xia had been able to see through the truth. She couldn't help but look to the side and asked the question in her heart: "What's going on with this game? When I was pulled in, I was obviously not in the game cabin."

Jiang Xia looked away from the dark window, sighed, and secretly blamed her neighbor:

"Me too, I just played with my phone before going to bed, and things turned out like this... Ask Kudo when you have time, he seems to be the first to come, and he seems to have some understanding of the situation."

Haibara Ai remembered that when the five of them entered the "office", Kudou Shinichi had indeed been there early, and asked them "Why do you have to press consent" with a look of hatred on his face, and he suddenly understood. Nodding: "Maybe it was caused by the last 'London copy'."

At the same time, she secretly thought: If she asked Kudo Shinichi, she might not get much information. Kudo also looked confused.

But if I could meet my sister, maybe...

Haiyuan Ai quickly came back to her senses, turned over the page of information, and cleared her throat calmly: "I can barely see the words with the brightness of the computer, so I'll just read it here. You..."

Jiang Xia obviously had a plan: "I'll go to those 'unbelievable' places to check out the situation. If I have any clues, I'll come back to you."

Hui Yuan Ai nodded: "Be careful on the road."

Jiang Xia quickly pushed the door open, and the door clicked shut again.

Huihara Ai was the only one left in the room.

She didn't know if it was because Jiang Xia opened the door just now, but she always felt a chill on her back, as if a cold wind was caressing her spine.

Hui Yuan Ai tightened her grip on the stun device in her hand and continued to flip through the book with her head down.

Since there were no more detailed clues yet, she decided to find out the most basic reports about the "Seven Mysteries" in the conference journal.

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