Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1045 1045 [Where is the next classroom]

Yoshitomo Uemori took a critical look at the invitation and found that it was indeed something he had sent out. So she snorted from her nose and stopped pestering Subaru Okiya. Instead, she lowered her head and looked at Conan beside her.

Conan was instantly shrouded in her huge shadow: "..."

A few seconds later.

Conan was carried by the collar and thrown out of the door ruthlessly.

As a bonus: "Children these days are really becoming more and more rude."

The door slammed shut behind you. Conan straightened his clothes silently and looked back at the strange classroom atmosphere: "..."

After struggling for a moment, he took out "Kudo Shinichi's" mobile phone and took a look at it, thinking that if anything happened, Xiaolan would contact him. And he really didn’t want to face that “Teacher Kamimori” again…

So Conan didn't try to sneak back to the classroom again.

He turned around and walked out, intending to go to the banquet hall below to see what was going on. I heard from Yuanzi that the flower arrangement performance that was about to begin was quite magical and a scene worth watching.

Originally, Conan was still wondering whether the banquet hall required an admission letter.

However, as soon as he reached the door, he noticed two figures in the corridor - Jiang Xia and Suzuki Sonoko who hadn't left yet.

"Haha, I said this little devil must be thrown out." Suzuki Sonoko saw Conan's wilting look and laughed happily.

Then she raised her head and glanced in the direction of the classroom, but she didn't see Mao Lilan and Okiya Subaru being thrown out.

Suzuki Sonoko couldn't help but raise an eyebrow: "They actually managed to sneak in... It seems that Mr. Uemori is not so arbitrary. He still has a bit of professionalism."

Jiang Xia nodded: "After all, it is a paid classroom, so it should be somewhat of a 'customer first' habit."

Suzuki Sonoko sighed, and soon stopped thinking about the critical teacher:

"Let's go to the memorial dinner."

When he reached the elevator entrance, Suzuki Sonoko turned around and looked in the direction of the classroom through several walls, feeling a little worried:

Although I managed to escape this time, judging from this attitude, I don’t know how I will be scolded by Teacher Uemori next time I come to class. On the surface, Michi Uemori will not do anything to abuse students, but she He's so picky.

During the training process, the teacher taught the students that even if they were "severe", it was only natural... Hey, thinking about it is a big headache, or just change the classroom. It just so happens that the location here is too far away, making it inconvenient to get back and forth.

Worry turned to worry, Suzuki Sonoko has always been an optimistic person, and she quickly started thinking about a new classroom in her mind - this time she would choose one with handsome boys!

The three of them quickly entered the elevator and headed to the banquet hall.

At the same time, in the classroom behind them, the cooking class finally started after going through all kinds of twists and turns.

As everyone began to get busy, the tense atmosphere before was diluted. The classroom was full of clinking sounds of various utensils, and it sounded much more peaceful than before.

Okiya Subaru looked around and reminded himself secretly: Don't relax.

Due to their brief acquaintance before, Okiya Subaru and Mao Lilan sat relatively close to each other.

Mr. Uemori passed by them and stared at the two critically for a while. But now, the class hadn't officially started yet, so there was nothing to criticize for the moment. In the end, she could only regretfully pass by the two of them and pick up a menu in front of the classroom.

"What we are going to make today is shiitake mushroom soup, as well as duck and orange sauce. The dessert is pear pudding." After Yoshitomo Uemori finished speaking, his eyes suddenly sharpened and he looked at Subaru Okiya, "What's your problem? ?”

"..." Okiya Subaru glanced at the ring on her hand, thinking of the ingredients that needed to be kneaded by hand, and felt vaguely unhygienic.

However, considering certain factors, Okiya Subaru shook his head and said nothing.

——He came here to attend class today, it was a last-minute idea.

As an "unexpected factor", it is best to act like an honest scenery board and not cause any interference to the surrounding environment...

at the same time.

In the banquet hall downstairs.

Today's dinner is a commemorative party for winning the "World Art Award" - Rika Okano won the grand prize with her magical flower arrangement skills. She will perform on stage later.

But now, it's not time for the show to start yet.

The protagonist Okano Rika did not appear. The banquet hall was in the reception stage, and many well-dressed celebrities were walking through the hall, smiling and chatting.

In the corner, Jiang Xia looked at the people coming and going, thinking of the business cards she had brought, and planned to get in among them and distribute them.

But before that, he glanced around the hall and walked to the long dining table on one side of the venue.

Jiang Xia came to the table, looked at the wine, and then at the Coke next to him, feeling a little confused.

If it were in the past, when no one was paying attention to him here, he would probably have a glass of wine first to taste it.

But now...

Ever since he picked up Matsuda Jinpei and had an adult vest, Jiang Xia could take whatever wine he wanted to drink with him.

Then I picked up Noah, and in that conscious space, I drank whatever I wanted, and drank wherever I wanted.

After playing in the consciousness space for a few times, the attraction of bars and wine to Jiang Xia has invisibly decreased a lot.

And once the mysterious halo is removed, there doesn't seem to be much difference between wine and cola.

However, at this kind of adult social drinking party, there is something different between holding a glass of wine and holding a glass of Coke...

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Xia's wandering eyes finally stopped and landed on a clear and beautiful cocktail. He planned to carry this cocktail later - although smoking and drinking are prohibited for those under 20, he was just holding it, not Pour it into your mouth and it shouldn't be a big problem.

He calmly extended his hand towards the glass.

However, before he touched the cup, a tray suddenly came up next to him and accurately blocked his reach.

Taking a closer look, there were three drinks on the tray - two glasses of juice and one coke, except for the wine he was interested in.

Jiang Xia: "...?"

He paused and raised his head.

Just before they met, Toru Amuro was wearing a waiter's clothes and a business-like smile, blocking the way to the table.

Looking at Jiang Xia, Amuro Toru raised the tray in his hand and motioned for him to pick a drink from it. At the same time, he asked in a low voice: "Who was the person who talked to you next to the Toya Design Building at noon?"

Jiang Xia: "..." The boss really doesn't hide his peeping behavior at all...

But then I thought about it, it was a coincidence that I came here today, and it should also be a coincidence that Subaru Okiya came here - Toru Amuro was really not peeping, but after following Usa's "invitation letter", he happened to come here through the window. Saw them.

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