Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1061 1061 [Case closed]

On a residential street.

Behind Okiya Subaru, dozens of meters away.

Toru Amuro saw all Subaru's actions under his eyes. His thoughts moved slightly, and he quickly split the target's movements into useful information.

Subaru Okiya's series of actions just now made Toru Amuro vaguely aware that his tracking might have been exposed - there must be Subaru Okiya's accomplices nearby, and they had just informed Subaru Okiya.

Amuro Toru glanced around, but could not find the hidden guy for the time being.

Toru Amuro: "..." If Uzo wanted to hide, it would be really difficult to find him immediately in this complicated street...

He frowned for a moment, stopped worrying about it, and instead picked up the vibrating cell phone.

"Mr. Furutani, we found relevant information about Okiya Subaru!"

Kazami Yuya's voice came along the receiver: "Although the information is not complete, we have found a lot of doubts so far."

While sorting out the materials he had received and sending them to Toru Amuro's mailbox, he said:

"Subaru Okiya, male, 27 years old, was born in Shizuoka Prefecture. His family moved to Tokyo when he was 12 years old. His parents traveled to the UK five years ago and were unfortunately killed in a car accident... Regarding this part, after all, it happened abroad, Details have not yet been found.

"But in China, we have already investigated his apparent interpersonal relationships - this person is very suspicious!

"The admission procedures for Subaru Okiya when he was in junior high school were actually not very legitimate. At that time, his dean was secretly engaging in illegal admissions. After letting the students enter the school, he used this as a threat to extort huge sums of money from the parents of the students.

"However, on the day when the fraud was committed on Subaru Okiya, the dean met a drunk student's parents after work and was hit in the head with a bottle of wine. He died - the police who handled the murder case at the time found part of the dean's Email records. However, due to the subsequent involvement of too many people, the lack of conclusive evidence of illegal enrollment, and the fact that the teaching director was gone, the matter did not ferment in the end, and the case was hastily closed. Subaru Okiya’s studies were not affected."

"A few years later, when he was about to graduate from junior high school, Subaru Okiya came home from school and was kidnapped by mistake for another rich second generation in the school.

“It wasn’t until the extortion call was made that the kidnappers discovered that they had kidnapped the wrong person. And because of this call, the target was already alert, and all the previous plans made by the kidnappers could no longer be used.

"The two kidnappers had no choice but to decide to make a small deal first and then quarrel with each other. Because their desire to get rich suddenly was shattered, when the two of them were waiting for Subaru Okiya's family to pay the ransom, they were sad and drunk in their den. After they were drunk, they hugged each other and cried - they originally They planned to wash their hands of each other and marry the woman they loved after making this deal. Unexpectedly, after such an exchange, they discovered that the woman they loved was actually the same person.

"The two people got angry and fought. The last one died, and the other was seriously injured and sent to the hospital, but rescue efforts were ineffective. The emergency call to the hospital was made by Subaru Okiya. Because all the kidnappers died, the reasons for the fight recorded by the police were all Testimony from Subaru Okiya. The police who handled the case at the time had no doubts and felt that this was the truth. But it seems now..."

Kazami Yuya sighed meaningfully, with a look of fear and regret that "so many murders happened under the nose of the police, but we knew nothing about it."

He continued sadly:

“After that, ‘accidental murders’ continued to happen around Okiya Subaru.

"Based on rough statistics, there are three cases in junior high school and five cases in high school. When you enter college as an adult, it is even more terrible. We have to change the count to quarterly. These change curves are all shown in the document just sent to you—— Although there is no evidence to prove that Subaru Okiya was involved in these cases. But this frequency change trend is very consistent with a serial killer who is getting more and more out of control!"

Toru Amuro: "..."

According to this, Subaru Okiya is really "Usa"?

——This "killing" method is indeed highly consistent with the rumors about "Uzo" in the organization.

However, thinking about tonight's contact and just now, Okiya Subaru was not surprised that someone was following him until he received a message from someone...

Toru Amuro still feels that this is very inconsistent with the feeling Uzo gives people.

——At least Okiya Subaru didn't seem to be the kind of person who would boldly send an email to invite Bourbon to a dinner after discovering "Bourbon"'s temptation to him.

Amuro Toru: "..." Thinking more carefully, maybe Okiya Subaru, like Jiang Xia, is actually just an ordinary event physique owner?

Thinking of this, Toru Amuro pulled up his mask and whispered into the receiver: "Continue the investigation."

After experiencing the last trip with Jiang Xia, Toru Amuro always looked at similar situations with a little more suspicion unconsciously.

He pondered for a moment and remembered something:

"By the way, let's focus on checking the people around Okiya Subaru. Especially those guys who appeared near him before and after the murder - Okiya Subaru is suspected to be related to Uzo, but he doesn't look like Uzo... Putting all this together, and thinking about it from another aspect, maybe Subaru Okiya is not Usa, but he knows Usa, and Usa tailor-made these cases for him."

...I heard that some monarchs in the past would cultivate things like "shadow warriors" from childhood to use them as substitutes for themselves.

At this time, Toru Amuro couldn't help but have similar speculations in his mind.

——Although he has never had direct contact with Uzuo, his intuition tells him that this kind of tradition with a bit of chuuni style may be unexpectedly liked by Uzuo...

"People around Subaru Okiya?" Kazami Yuya hesitated for a moment, feeling that the workload on his back suddenly doubled.

However, since it was his superior's task, even though he didn't understand it, he could only nod: "...Okay."

Kazami Yuya: "..." Thinking on the bright side, it's just checking a little more information anyway, it's not that difficult - it's better than Jiang Xia's time, running around in the wilderness with his boss and bumping into "ghosts" .

Toru Amuro ended the communication with his subordinates and hung up the phone.

Ahead, Subaru Okiya kept walking slowly and quickly, and soon came to an apartment and turned in.

Amuro Toru's eyes fell there and didn't get closer.

For him, it was not difficult to find out where Okiya Subaru lived. He could quickly find out the room number without following him.

And if he follows Okiya Subaru into the house now, it will undoubtedly be like stepping into the enemy's territory - facing a person who seems to be standing behind Usa, Toru Amuro will not be so confident.

Toru Amuro: "..." Anyway, there is still a lot of time, don't rush in, and it's completely late to investigate slowly and safely - since Usa dares to throw out the "Okiya Subaru" bait, then he must be prepared to be taken advantage of. Take the fishing line and feel the preparation of the body.

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