Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1072 1072 [Gin, please don’t run around]

"?!" Toru Amuro suddenly looked up at him, "What did you find?"

Jiang Xia pointed to the hem of the corpse's skirt. From his perspective, there was a vaguely upside-down small wine cup underneath.

"This is not an ordinary murder case." Jiang Xia whispered, "but a serial murder case. This wine cup is the keepsake left by the murderer - similar cases have happened twice before. I just went upstairs. I saw the file from the Memu Police Department before."

Toru Amuro: "..."

...A serial murder case is just a serial murder case, why do you say it so solemnly? I almost thought Jiang Xia had discovered some important clues and caught the tail of a cunning cadre.

However, of course it is difficult to say this directly.

Amuro Toru just nodded like a detective: "...I see."

Before they could talk any more, the elevator dinged.

The police who had been waiting downstairs for a long time came upstairs and rushed over.

"Did someone fasten a wire on the necklace of the deceased, and then use the power of the falling painting to pull the person up?" After hearing what Jiang Xia said, the Mumu Police Department pondered and touched his chin, "Since we can do something to the deceased, The necklace he was wearing was tampered with, so the most suspicious person must be the employee who stayed on the stage at that time - who was on the stage at that time?"

"It's just me and Teacher Kisaragi." Hidehiko Kazama sighed, "By the way, the secretary is also there, but she is standing at the edge of the stage, responsible for controlling the lifting platform, and is some distance away from us."

Toru Amuro glanced at the designer subconsciously, remembering his master who had "a criminal record and intended to blow up all asymmetrical architectural works", and couldn't help but secretly take a look at Mio Tokiwa.

——Although the pattern on the chairman's clothes is symmetrical, his hairstyle is not symmetrical. The corner of the hair on the forehead is slightly tilted to the side. It is barely in line with Hidehiko Kazama's "no symmetry" aesthetic, so the murderer should not be him. ……Snapped.

In the middle of his thought, Toru Amuro slapped his forehead expressionlessly, forcibly interrupting his thoughts:

How could a murder case be speculated on such childish ideas... Jiang Xia and I stayed at the scene of the murder for a long time, and our thoughts seemed to be disturbed. There were really too many suspicious people, so we had to exclude them randomly and focus on the direction of the investigation.

Next to him, although Jiang Xia was innocently thrown into the blame, his thinking was obviously different from that of Toru Amuro, who was in a state of confusion, and he sounded more reliable than his boss.

He asked several suspects: "Where did the necklace that Chairman Tokiwa wore come from? It is difficult for a normal necklace rope to have the strength to hang someone up for several minutes without breaking... This is more like It is a specially prepared killing device.”

Several men looked at each other, as if they didn't pay attention to these details at all: "How do we know where her necklace came from..."

"That pearl necklace seems to have been given by someone else."

Secretary Sawada Chienami whispered: "She said it was a gift she received recently, and it matched today's clothes, so she put it on. I didn't ask more about who gave it to me - I just complimented it beautifully, Chairman Tokiwa I just took the opportunity to talk about it.”

Conan also remembered something and pointed to the side: "What about this painting? When did it arrive?"

"Last night." Hidehiko Kazama was somewhat impressed by the painting. "Several employees moved in together. I didn't follow them to see the details. I just met them at the elevator entrance. But Mr. Kisaragi supervised the whole process - after all, It was his painting and he took great care of it.”

Tohru Amuro is always worried that this murder case will affect major events.

He thought of the time bombs planted by organizations throughout the banquet hall, and just wanted to solve this murder case as soon as possible. Toru Amuro recalled everyone's expressions just now, and took advantage of Hidehiko Kazama's words and said:

"So, Mr. Kisaragi seems suspicious."

The Memu Police Department shook his head. He also found the small wine cup upside down on the ground: "But this is a serial murder case! In the second case, Mr. Hara's death, Mr. Kisaragi had a solid alibi— -look."

As he spoke, he had already found out the information on the second case. Well prepared and very friendly to the detectives.

Amuro Toru frowned and glanced, his eyes suddenly fixed on one of the photos. That photo captured the overall condition of the corpse - above it was the dead Yuan Jiaming, holding a silver table knife firmly in his hand.

That "silver table knife" made Toru Amuro vaguely think of something, and his eyes changed slightly: Silver, GIN...

Gin? !


Next to him, Jiang Xia silently observed the changes in his eyes: ...Why do the boss and Conan have the same brain circuit, special attack on gin?

Or is it because Gin's luck is so bad that his identity is always guessed by chance?

Jiang Xia sighed and stopped interfering with the battle of wits and courage among the organization cadres.

He lowered his head and looked for clues along the stage. After walking a few meters, he was suddenly startled.

"..." Jiang Xia received the news from Wutian Dog following the contract.

Wutian Dog was clinging to Haiyuan Ai as a bodyguard, following her around. Now one person and one ghost have reached more than fifty floors. The foggy dog ​​was vaguely aware of the familiar murderous smell of alcohol, which was located in the computer room on the 40th floor of the building.

——Gin actually ran into this building instead of sniping from a distance.

Jiang Xia: "..." It couldn't be just now. Gin saw Suzuki Sonoko with Haibara Ai's hair perm from a distance, so he excitedly chased her with a gun - Jiang Xia actually always suspected that this boss had some shame. blind. Thinking of this, he raised his hand and touched his hair, thoughtfully, a little curious whether Gin would recognize him next time he got an afro and went to see Gin.

...but we’ll talk about the fun later.

For now, we still need to understand the current anomaly.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia glanced at the freight elevator in the distance, then looked back at the people surrounding the stage who were busy solving the case. She found that no one was paying attention to her for the time being, so she moved her feet slightly and secretly drove from the banquet hall on the top floor. slip.

Although the time of the explosion was not far away, Jiang Xia was not afraid of the explosion as he had a fireproof and invincible ghost beside him, as well as a Matsuda Jinpei who could quietly do something about the bomb.

If you are idle now, you are idle, why not go down and join in the fun.

Speaking of which, Jiang Xia always felt a little strange - if Gin really chased Suzuki Sonoko into the building, then he should have entered the banquet hall on the top floor, but now, he stayed on the fortieth floor... Could it be Did he find something interesting on the way, such as Haihara Ai wandering around the building, so he changed his route?

In addition, in addition to Haibara Ai, the current instability factor also includes Akai Shuichi who is hiding somewhere.

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