Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1084 1084 [Sniper kills

Building A of Nishitama City Twin Towers, directly opposite the observation elevator.

A few hundred meters away, another building stood quietly.

——Nishitama City Municipal Building.

This building was the tallest building in this area before the completion of the Twin Towers. The rooftop is opposite the observation elevator.

At this time, Building A of the Twin Towers was completely dark after a power outage. Only the sightseeing elevator was still on. In the night, it was like a target attracting flying knives, making it an excellent sniper spot.

On the roof of the municipal building, in a dark corner.

Gin held the sniper rifle calmly, raising the muzzle and scope simultaneously, aiming at the elevator that was lowering in height.

Soon, a beautiful woman with short curly brown hair and a tall figure appeared in the circular field of vision framed by the scope.

The man was tilting his head slightly, concentrating on talking to the girl next to him, and seemed to be in a good mood.

"Oh, you thought you could escape from death by taking this elevator, so that's why you smiled like that?"

Gin chased the elevator with his muzzle, adjusted the aiming position, and locked the hitting range on the head.

He looked at the slim figure with curly hair in the scope, suddenly grinned with a sneer, slowly tightened his finger on the trigger, and whispered with emotion:

"Rest in peace on this elevator to heaven, rest in peace forever, Snow..."


A hand suddenly broke into the scope's field of view, and naturally placed it on "Shirley"'s forehead, just like checking the body temperature when she had a fever.

It happened to block the laser red dot that symbolized "death".

"..." Gin was startled, and his finger on the trigger instinctively stopped.

Almost at the same time, the daring blocker seemed to have lost his footing and pushed "Shirley" to the side, leaning against the innermost wall of the elevator.

Once the position changes, the field of view in the scope changes accordingly.

"Shirley" was pushed out of the sniper scope, and the center of her field of vision was replaced by the person who dared to block their assassination plan.

Gin looked through it with murderous intent, and was shocked to see Uzo's face.

In the elevator, Jiang Xia turned around and looked over from the air.

The two sides were obviously several hundred meters apart, and one side was still on the dark roof of the building, but Uzuo seemed to have discovered his hiding place, and looked at him accurately in the sniper scope, and then showed an unknown smile.

The rooftop of the municipal building opposite the elevator.

Next to the gin.

Vodka was holding another telescope, concentrating on monitoring the bridge connecting the two buildings A and B - the communication bridge on the 60th and 45th floors. It was illuminated by the emergency lighting temporarily installed in Building B. From the bridge The figures passing by were extremely clear in Vodka's eyes.

In Vodka's hand, he was holding a remote control firmly.

——They installed a large number of bombs at one end of the communication bridge on the 60th floor, which can be detonated immediately by pressing the button. Then the bridge on the 60th floor will fall from a high altitude, breaking the bridge on the 45th floor and sealing the two passages at the same time.

Vodka's mission is to bury Shirley here as soon as she sees her crossing the bridge.

——Of course, the possibility of Shirley walking across the bridge is actually not high, so the more important role of these bombs is to seal off the 40th floor to the top floor of Building A after the people evacuated along the communication bridge. The Shirley hiding inside was burned to ashes.

After the explosion, Vodka had been staring at the communication bridge intently, fearing that Shirley would escape accidentally.

It wasn't until just now that he suddenly heard Gin speaking in a low voice that he relaxed his vigilance a little.

——It seems that what the elder brother predicted was right. Shirley must have taken the elevator to evacuate.

In this case, she would have no chance to walk on the communication bridge again.

Vodka relaxed, looking towards the building one after another, while listening to his elder brother's prelude to murder like he was reciting poetry.

Unexpectedly, halfway through the chant, Gin suddenly got stuck.

Vodka was startled and quietly turned his head in confusion.

Seeing Gin's expression clearly, he was suddenly startled - Gin's eyes were extremely cold, burning with a kind of shock and anger that was stabbed in the back, and followed by a monstrous murderous intention. In a daze, it was a bit like that day. The scene when he suddenly discovered that "Akai Shuichi is an undercover agent".

Under Vodka's blank gaze, Gin squeezed out a cold voice from between his teeth: "...He really has something going on with Shirley."

Vodka: "...Who?"

After asking, he responded on his own.

——This timing, this courage, plus the tone of the elder brother...

Who else could it be?

It must be Uzo!

Vodka: "..." Uzo was really won over by Shirley's care and beauty?

There is such a good thing, brother, shoot quickly!

The elevator's downward speed is not slow. If it continues downward, it will exceed the range that the sniper rifle can aim at.

Gin stared at the elevator coldly, pondered for a moment before it was about to leave the fire area, and suddenly tightened his fingers and pulled the trigger.

"Boom!" A bullet came out.

Vodka couldn't help but punch the wall and said excitedly: "Brother, you did a great job!"

The heavy bullet carried strong kinetic energy and was shot at the building opposite. It shattered the outer wall of the elevator and crashed into the elevator at a calculated and precise angle.

...Then it brushed Jiang Xia's arm and dug heavily into the dashboard next to it.


In the violently shaking elevator, Jiang Xia glanced diagonally downward. His clothes were torn open by bullets, and the skin on his upper arms was dented by the airflow at a speed that the human eye could not detect, and then bounced back to its original position in an instant.

——Miyano Akemi's "One Second Invincibility" has taken effect. At this time, Jiang Xia's entire body, including his skin, was in an indestructible state.

Jiang Xia touched her hot arm, remembered a normal person's world view, and made a shallow cut of blood.

At the same time, he turned back and glanced at the gloomy black shadow of the municipal building opposite the elevator.

Even if Gin wants to kill a cadre, he must report it to the boss in advance, unless he suddenly discovers that the cadre has rebelled, and that person is in an emergency situation where "if he is not killed, he will immediately escape control."

But now, although the elevator continues to go down, it will be temporarily out of Gin's sight. But when they got out of the elevator and came to the street, the sniper was still able to snipe--after careful calculation, it actually did not meet the scope of "can kill on the spot".

In this case, even Gin, if you want to kill him, you have to ask the boss for instructions first, and then wait for the boss to reply.

Jiang Xia: "..." However, even if he couldn't kill him, he thought that Gin Jiu, who was obsessed with "Shirley", would get carried away with the murderous intention and break an arm or leg first to vent his anger.

Unexpectedly, Ginjiu thought of something else and only traced an edge... wasting a skill.

Jiang Xia felt a little sorry for the wasted murderous energy.

Fortunately, after thinking about it, the process of "creating fake wounds to trick the killers' world view" became much simpler.

In addition, since the first shot did not kill anyone, there should be no more shots in the future... If he wants to shoot again, he can only let Gin experience the "Legend of the Black Panther Jumping on the Rooftop at Night".

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