Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1091 1091【Bourbon】

Chapter 1091 1091 [Bo——Ben——]

As early as when he crossed the communication bridge on the 45th floor, Jiang Xia raced against time to let the shikigami fly upstairs.

As soon as he crossed the bridge, he immediately put on the most villainous vest, and in front of Akai Shuichi, he put Haibara Ai into his arms with a mysterious provocative smile, and then waited for the "variable murderous aura" to spurt out. And out.

In the night, Jiang Xia looked at the other side from a distance through the gap in the building from a distance of tens of meters.

However, in the aisle over there, Akai Shuichi frowned slightly.

After a while, the murderous aura on his body slowly changed from the smell of alcohol to a colorless smell. Although it increased slightly, it did not have the blowout effect Jiang Xia had expected before.

Jiang Xia: "...?"

...I promised to help my sister protect her sister.

My sister is already in Uzuo's arms, and you actually only risk such a small amount of murderous intent to deal with it? ?

tui, scumbag!

...But soon, Jiang Xia realized the problem himself.

He looked down at Hui Yuan Ai and took off the hat on her head.

Seeing this overly cautious little girl, she had obviously carefully prepared for today's "Twin Towers Experience" - not only did she dye her hair black with the quick-acting hair dye invented by Dr. Ali as she did when she was pretending before, but she also I purposely straightened my curly hair.

Jiang Xia silently looked at Haihara Ai, who had straight black hair, wore a pink children's mask and a cute bow hairpin, and seemed to be wearing a pair of black contact lenses: "..."

...In fact, there is no need to be so cautious.

Several children had just been knocked unconscious by the explosion. At this time, Haiyuan Ai was picked up from the ground alone and felt an extremely strong tissue aura. She gradually woke up from the instinctive panic.

Hui Yuan Ai rubbed his eyes and saw the man in black close at hand. When he raised his head, he met the dissatisfied eyes of "Uzuo" and was frightened.

Jiang Xia looked at her for a moment, then looked away and looked across the bridge again.

After a brief moment of murderous intent, Akai Shuichi probably didn't understand Usa's purpose of holding the child. In addition, he was currently wearing the identity of "Okiya Subaru", so he didn't bravely jump out to confront him. He quickly turned around and left quietly along the corridor.

Jiang Xia sniffed the murderous aura that was going away, and then looked at the frightened Hui Yuan Ai in her arms: "..."

...Why is it different from the imagined script?

Speaking of which...

Jiang Xia slowly remembered something.

He raised his head and glanced sideways at the roof of Building A - although he couldn't see clearly through the building, he could vaguely feel that there was a murderous smell of coffee above, and Miss Spider was busy there.

Jiang Xia was a little confused for a moment: The boss and Akai Shuichi happened to be in Building A, and they were not too far apart. How about opening a vest and tearing off Akai Shuichi's disguise to make up for the loss of not getting a lot of murderous energy?

However, although he has not completely understood the reason behind Akai Shuichi's murderous intent, it now seems that he is most likely targeting whomever he is targeting, or whoever he is focusing on will become murderous.

If he went to tear off his disguise in front of Toru Amuro, he would probably only get twice as much coffee-flavored murderous aura.

And in this way, the inference "Subaru Okiya is somewhat suspicious" will completely change to "Subaru Okiya = Shuichi Akai". Once this key point is exposed, no matter how "Usa" coaxes him in the future, Shuichi Akai will probably not lurk in again using the identity of "Okiya Subaru" - because Bourbon will definitely expose him and use this to severely suppress "Usa" "Zao" is Okiya Subaru's boss.

Jiang Xia: "..." Without the identity of "Uzuo's subordinate" as a transfer, if you want to regularly pick up Akai Shuichi in the future, you have to find his hiding place first. It is far less convenient than being able to call upon him at any time now, and When necessary, Shuichi Akai can be called to come over as a thug, just like he was loading bombs before, and let him lead the group of FBI to do some troublesome chores.

After thinking about it, if I want Akai Shuichi and Bourbon to meet, it is better to ask them out separately on another day, and without exposing "Okiya Subaru = Akai Shuichi", send Akai Shuichi to have a good talk with the boss, so as to facilitate this pair of undercover agents. The face of a good brother.

Moreover, Subaru Okiya, this little brother, is actually quite convenient: he has a gun, and he will not refuse his request. In the future, Subaru can carry a big sniper with him when traveling on business, and then Uzo can fire a bullet at a critical moment. Falling from the sky, melee and long-range carry everyone...

Jiang Xia briefly thought about the bright future.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly felt a small hand pushing gently on his chest.

When she came back to her senses and lowered her head, she saw that Hui Yuan Ai had eased out of her panic state. At this time, she was carefully moving back, looking like she wanted to quietly break away from the arms of the "man in black".

Haihara Ai still remembered this curly-haired man dressed in black.

——A while ago, she was looking up at the night sky on the balcony of her home. When she was feeling sad alone, this person suddenly passed by her door. He had a strong aura of the organization on his body, especially the appearance that looked like a member of the organization. Haiyuan was frightened. Ai rolled off the balcony.

At that time, Haihara Ai thought that the guy from the black organization had touched her position.

But later, when she secretly talked to Jiang Xia about this matter, Jiang Xia said that the curly-haired man seemed to be a member who did not obey the orders of the organization. Even if she really found out her identity, she probably would not tell Gin...

Hui Yuan Ai: "..." Why did this person suddenly appear here?

What does he want to do?

As she secretly speculated, she moved uncomfortably again, trying to find an opportunity to escape. Being too close to the man in black is not good for her heart.

But as soon as she moved, the man in black noticed it.

He lowered his head and glanced at Haiyuan Ai, then with a look that was mixed with "boring", he put her on the ground and turned around without any hesitation.

Haibara Ai:"……???"

All the speculations and conspiracy theories just now came to an abrupt end.

Hui Yuan Ai's face was filled with confusion. He couldn't help but lower his head and look at himself, trying to see what was objectionable about him.

At this time, all the guests in the building have left safely.

Akai Shuichi went to the elevator and took a look, but found no stranded passengers, so he escaped secretly along the passage left in advance.

In Building A of the burning Twin Towers, there was suddenly only one unlucky person left.

The banquet hall on the 75th floor.

Although Toru Amuro felt rationally that Usa would not dare to murder the cadre in front of his face.

But when he thought about it carefully: he actually knew nothing about Uzo, and he might not even have had any face-to-face contact with him. And the only rumors about "Uzo" in the organization are mostly about how this guy is moody, how he persecutes his teammates, how he likes to throw people into his "death scripts" and struggle...

No matter what, Toru Amuro doesn't want to bet his life on "Usa will avoid murdering his colleagues like a normal cadre."

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