Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1094 1094 [The outlaw

Although she did not doubt Jiang Xia's judgment, Miwako Sato felt a little complicated when she heard the reason for the murder: "...just for this?"

"Artists are usually very persistent and have a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder - the perfect composition in their minds is being painted from the center with money and power, which inevitably leads to extremes."

Jiang Xia was not too surprised by this. He looked like he had seen too many similar artists:

"And I heard that the deceased Miss Tokiwa, although she was nominally a teacher of Kisaragi Hosui, she actually didn't study painting seriously. She just got a lot of paintings through the master and apprentice. After the speculation, Sell ​​it and make a lot of money.

"It's hard to explain Kisaragi Hosui's motives. You should try your best to investigate for yourself. In short, the necklace that Chairman Tokiwa was wearing at the time of the incident may have been given by Kisaragi Hosui. Later, he took advantage of the darkness to come to Changwa. Behind Chairman Pan's back, he secretly took away the necklace she was wearing, then pretended to help her tidy up her clothes, and put another necklace with a steel wire that he had prepared in advance to put on her neck. After that, the director only had to wait for the heavy painting to fall. If he grows up, he will be strangled by his neck and hung up, and he will die soon."

"The evidence may not be complete. You should work harder for the next thing and investigate slowly based on speculation." Jiang Xia sighed after saying the information he wanted to reveal. "I don't feel well today. If I have something to do, we can talk next time. .”

Then he hung up the phone neatly.

Underneath the twin skyscrapers.

Sato Miwako looked at the darkened mobile phone screen. When she heard Jiang Xia say that he was unwell, her eyes couldn't help but reveal a bit of worry... and a bit of suspicion.

——When I was on the phone just now, I always felt that there was the sound of a motorcycle engine over there in Jiangxia. Is it an illusion?

"..." Forget it, things are in a mess now, and this is not the time to catch a high school detective racing a car.

Sato Miwako sighed, shook her head, and quickly prepared to deal with this murder case as Jiang Xia said. She raised her head and looked at Building A, which was still on fire - unfortunately, the evidence was probably still in the building.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw the main door of Building B suddenly open, and a group of people rushed out.

"Huh?" Sato Miwako was startled. Seeing that her boss was among them, she immediately rushed to meet him, "Why are you in such a hurry? What happened?"

"Nothing, it's just that Mr. Amuro said that Building B may also be planted with bombs... Anyway, there is no one in Building A. We plan to evacuate first and check the situation."

Mumu Police Department raised his hand to straighten his hat that was askew, still a little confused.

——I didn’t know what was going on just now, but as soon as Toru Amuro gave the order, he subconsciously followed him and asked others to follow him. It was really strange...

But if you think about it carefully, what the detective boss said makes sense. The bomber tonight was so crazy that he actually caused an explosion of this scale. You should really be careful.

At first, when they heard that the explosion was in a computer room, the police thought it was another group of annoying financial giants waging a business war.

Who would have thought that now, the banquet hall would also explode... The purpose of the mastermind suddenly became confusing again.

Just thinking about it gave Memu Police Department a headache.

He sighed and handed the wet crutch in his hand to the forensics department personnel who arrived nearby at some unknown time:

"Take it for examination. This may be an important piece of evidence in that serial murder case - there may be something hidden in the cavity of the crutch."

The police officer was startled, then took the crutch and took it away carefully.

Next to them, other people were also evacuating from Building B one after another.

Toru Amuro came to the flat ground outside the Nishitama City Twin Buildings and glanced in the direction of Building A.

When his eyes fell on the observation elevator, he was suddenly startled.

——The shell of the observation elevator is transparent, and the location of the elevator is extremely conspicuous from the outside.

But now, looking at it this way, the elevator did not stop on the first floor, but was stuck in the sea of ​​​​fire. The elevator was full of flames and smoke, and it looked like it had been burning for a long time.

——The second elevator full of passengers failed to reach the first floor smoothly.


When Toru Amuro was planning his escape just now, he didn't even think about taking the elevator, so he forgot to pay attention to the movement of the observation elevator - he felt that he was "the target of Uzo", and of course he would not choose to "view the elevator". "View Elevator" is a very convenient evacuation method for assassination.

It's just that Toru Amuro didn't expect that even though he didn't touch the elevator, the elevator was still attacked midway... Could it be that Uzo deliberately forced the elevator to stop at 40 in order to block his escape route and prevent him from slipping down the elevator shaft? Above the floor?

"..." That's a total of nine living people, Uzo, a demon who doesn't care about human life!

Toru Amuro's face changed slightly as he thought of the elevator man.

At the same time, he suddenly understood something.

——No wonder just now in the banquet hall, when the passengers got on the elevator, Okiya Subaru became "kind" and pushed Jiang Xia into the elevator together.

At that time, Toru Amuro thought that this guy might have a clear conscience, or simply wanted to clear the place... But now it seems that he simply wanted to pack Jiang Xia and innocent people and burn them to death in the elevator.

Thinking of Uzo and his narrow-eyed subordinate who exuded a disgusting aura, Amuro Toru felt murderous intent.

He was about to steal a fireman's uniform and rush to Building A to see if the group of people could be saved.

But at this time, Miwako Sato followed his gaze towards the elevator, realized something, and explained:

"No one was trapped in the elevator - Jiang Xia and his classmates opened the elevator cover, and then evacuated from the 45th floor contact bridge to Building B. They got downstairs safely just now."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko happened to pass by, followed by Conan who had joined them.

The three people turned their heads and looked around in the chaotic crowd, still holding mobile phones in their hands, as if they were looking for someone.

Toru Amuro saw Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko passing by, raised his hand, stopped the person and asked:

"What happened over there before? Why did the elevator stop?"

...Although it is unlikely, if we collect more relevant information, we may be able to find clues about Uzo.

"Huh? Mr. Amuro? Why are you covered in water?"

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko were suddenly stopped. They were startled and stopped. After seeing the person who stopped them, they couldn't help but feel a little surprised in their eyes. They looked at Toru Amuro curiously.

After blurting out the question, they found that Toru Amuro's face was a little hard to explain. The two of them thought about it: Mr. Amuro, who was enthusiastic, might have rushed into the fire scene to save others in order to get wet, and was stopped by Officer Sato on the way, so he looked like this... So he thoughtfully didn't ask any more questions.

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