Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1098 1098 [Akai Shuichi’s weak areas]

Akai Shuichi looked at Okiya Subaru and was speechless. He suddenly discovered that Okiya Subaru's psychological shadow on Uzo seemed to be greater than he imagined.

Is Uzo really that scary?

Akai Shuichi couldn't help but recall the figure in black he saw through the stubble of Building B not long ago... The aura was indeed quite strong, but it didn't seem to be scary.

Speaking of which, there is no need to worry about this matter - now that Uzo has discovered the abnormality of "Okiya Subaru", it will not be long before he will find "Okiya Subaru" to go out to "work", and then he will take over Okiya's place. Subaru would naturally learn more about Uzo if he went there.

So now, Akai Shuichi simply recalled Okiya Subaru's description of Usa without thinking too much about it.

——Thinking too much now may affect your true judgment.

He turned to the real Okiya Subaru and got down to business again: "As for the two weeks before your evacuation..."

Speaking of this, Akai Shuichi couldn't help but hesitate.

——In fact, in these two weeks, it is the safest way for him to play the full role of Okiya Subaru.

But Akai Shuichi is actually very busy. In addition to Uzo, he is still keeping an eye on Belmod. He also has to conceal his identity from time to time and contact some peripheral members of the organization to try to obtain more information. He also has to find time to learn to disguise himself and try to get the best results in a short time. Master the method to disguise himself as "Okiya Subaru"... Especially when doing this series of things, he must avoid the eyes and ears of the organization and avoid being caught by them as "Akai Shuichi".

Therefore, this "full play" method is not realistic.

Akai Shuichi sighed:

"For matters related to Uzo, I will come forward for you. But usually, I'm afraid you still have to live on your own - if you encounter Uzo when you go to class, remember to send me a message immediately."

Okiya Subaru: "...After meeting him, will I still have a chance to send a message?"

Akai Shuichi thought seriously for a moment and nodded: "According to his method, it should be possible - your fighting skills are actually not weak."

"..." Okiya Subaru mentally calculated his winning rate in a fight with Uzo.

After a moment, he recalled in his mind the first time he saw Uzo, when the man held him down with one hand so that he could not lift his head. He almost pressed him onto the half-corroded skeleton, making him and "assassination" "Props" Let's have a kiss that spans life and death.

Thinking of the horrific corpse, the cosmos growing out of the corpse and swaying in the wind, and the putrid smell that still lingers in his memory, Okiya Subaru shuddered silently and turned blue.

Shuichi Akai glanced at him and realized that this graduate student with very quick thinking had gone off the rails. He added:

"What I mean is that Uzo seems to prefer to use murder cases to achieve his silence plan - you don't have to be able to beat Uzo, you just need to be able to beat the murderers."

As soon as he finished speaking, Akai Shuichi thought about what he had just said, and suddenly found a loophole.

——He thought of the elite cadre Bourbon who was tricked into the Twin Buildings by Uzo for some reason two hours ago and was almost blocked by a bomb.

Akai Shuichi: "..."

...Speaking of which, if it was Subaru Okiya who went to the Twin Towers tonight instead of him, then he would have been shot in the leg by Bourbon and then forced to lie dead in the building.

If Usa really had murderous intentions and then deceived someone who was about the same level... no, if someone with half the level of Bobon came over, Subaru Okiya would probably "accidentally die".

After a moment of pause, Akai Shuichi changed his words nonchalantly: "How about you take two weeks off first?"

Okiya Subaru heard the wavering in his words: "..."

...In the past, this FBI's legs seemed quite reliable.

But now, why did his painting style suddenly change when he met Wu Zuo?

"This can only be done for now." Subaru Okiya sighed sadly, reluctantly expressing his understanding.

——No matter how talented Shuichi Akai is, and no matter how many areas he specializes in, he probably does not include the research direction of "how to survive".

Okiya Subaru: "..." In this aspect, it is better to protect yourself... As long as you survive two weeks, a beautiful new life will be in front of you!

He took a deep breath and silently encouraged himself.

After calming down, Okiya Subaru's thinking ability quickly returned to normal state.

"I have to send a message back to Uzo first..."

Okiya Subaru reluctantly took his cell phone, opened his mailbox, and began to respectfully write a reply to Uzo.

——When you receive an email from your boss, especially such a "sincere" email, it would be really rude not to reply.

It's not surprising to Reito, he behaves like a loyal little brother, Uzo might be able to keep him around for a few more days.

It is certainly not a good thing to arouse Uzo's interest and gain favor.

But on the other hand, if you step on Uzo's face and crush him to the ground, or deliberately confront him tit for tat, I'm afraid you will only die faster and more miserably...

Jiang Xia originally planned to go to bed early tonight to "recuperate."

But after sending the email, he couldn't help but check his mobile phone for a while - technology seems to have made a small leap forward recently, and the entertainment activities on mobile phones are richer than before.

After swiping and swiping, Okiya Subaru's reply arrived.

Jiang Xia found the mailbox and clicked to check it.

The complicated greetings at the beginning, the cumbersome politeness at the end, and the ending of the salutation that is longer than the actual content...

All kinds of formulaic language are densely packed on the screen. At first glance, it's a bit disturbing.

Fortunately, Jiang Xia has become accustomed to Subaru Okiya's way of sending emails. Even when he wants to send honorifics to customers, he will pull out suitable sentences from Subaru Okiya and read them back... He patiently read the two pages of words. After reading for a while, I quickly found out what Okiya Subaru wanted to express.

——Be sure to be on call, work hard for your boss, and never resign.

Jiang Xia nodded with satisfaction.

Not only Okiya Subaru, this must also mean "Akai Shuichi".

Although Shuichi Akai is not very reliable when it comes to "protecting others", he has always worked hard to fight against the organization and will never let go of this opportunity to get up close and personal with Uzo.

From the looks of it, it won't be long before he can have a source of ever-changing murderous aura at his command.

"..." The only problem is that, according to Jiang Xia's observation this night - maybe it's because Gin killed Miyano Akemi, or maybe it's due to some other entangled old grudges, Akai Shuichi's usual hatred value is always Locked on Gin.

In other words, if there were no accidents, Akai Shuichi would always have a murderous aura smelling of alcohol.

If you want to get that kind of unruly "colorless murderous aura" in batches, you have to observe more and find a more effective way to brush the murderous aura...

Jiang Xia yawned, put down her cell phone, and while thinking about a suitable place for "Okiya Subaru" to work in a murderous manner, she reached out and turned off the bedside lamp.

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