Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1100 1100 [Belmod: A sinking feeling on his back]

Jiang Xia paused, looked around, and saw Suzuki Sonoko with a serious look on her face.

Jiang Xia: "..." When did this person sneak in?

…Don’t any of these classmates have access control at their homes?

He thought for a moment, then peeled off the quilt, revealing only half of his arm, which was wrapped with the bandage he had carefully disguised just now.

Although Conan's nose is sometimes sharper than a dog's, for a certain reason, Jiang Xia's family always has blood bags - they are all specially made from the black market. Even gin and vodka, which are often used to see blood, can be fooled. Conan shouldn't be a problem either.

As expected, Conan didn't smell anything unusual.

He observed for a moment through the gauze, and felt that the problem was not big, and the bandaging technique was indeed professional...Jiang Xia, the European emperor, could even be shot so easily. It was a sniper bullet.

Just as he was thinking about it, a person came quietly next to him.

——Suzuki Sonoko also followed Conan's example. While looking at it seriously, she followed him and stretched out her hand and poked Jiang Xia on the arm. Of course, he didn't dare to poke the wound directly, so his hand fell to the arm next to him.

Jiang Xia silently retracted his arm.

As soon as he moved, Suzuki Sonoko suddenly discovered something and said in surprise: "Huh? When you move, there are actually muscles in your arms! You can't usually see them..." As he said this, he instinctively reached out and pinched twice.

Jiang Xia's eyes twitched, and she completely hid her arms under the quilt: "..." Just because Mao Lilan looks like she has no muscles, you can't think that all martial artists with the same style as her have no muscles...

Although he was touched for nothing, it just gave Jiang Xia a reason not to show his arms.

He pressed the quilt tightly again, leaving only his head exposed, and began to chase away the guests: "I've seen the wound, so don't worry - go back quickly, I'm going to sleep."

Although Mao Lilan didn't know much about this, he just joined in the fun and took a look. It really didn't look like he was seriously injured, so he was finally relieved.

Suzuki Sonoko was uncharacteristically cautious today.

She touched her chin and said seriously: "But it is a wound after all, and it is bleeding. It is best to let the doctor take a look - Xiaolan, if you can't move it, I can help you!"

Conan's forehead twitched: "...Brother Jiang Xia said that professionals came to handle it just now."

As he spoke, he glanced around the room, habitually verifying what he heard.

Then sure enough, I saw a medical kit nearby. There seemed to be used disinfectants and injections in the trash can beside the table.

Conan leaned over and rummaged through the trash can, then opened the lid of the medicine box and took a look:

"It's really professional. Have you found a private doctor?"

Jiang Xia looked very sleepy and answered his question casually: "I'm not a doctor, just the boss helped me with it and sent some medicine - he seemed to have worked in a summer camp before and often accidentally scratched himself, so he was very good at it. These."

Conan: "?!"

Jiang Xia closed her eyes and could feel Kudo's shock and alertness.

He was enjoying himself and pulled up the quilt, half of his face covered by the edge, blocking his expression.

Jiang Xia remembered that Toru Amuro had already successfully escaped from the building based on what a certain working cat had peeked into.

After that, according to "Bourbon's" prudence and caution, he would not continue to be at the explosion site at the complete disadvantage of "he knew nothing about Uzo's current situation, but Uzo knew everything about his own situation" Long stay.

Moreover, Toru Amuro didn't want to deal with the police under Usa's nose, and he didn't like taking notes in the first place. According to the speed of his car, Toru Amuro must have been gone for a long time when Maorilan and the others slowly finished writing the notes and drove back to Mihua Town in a police car that obeyed the law and never speeded.

Now Jiang Xia is quite proficient in holding the pot.

——He doesn’t know any trustworthy surgeons. If he follows Conan’s words and admits that he has found a “private doctor who will come to his home to treat wounds,” he will have to lie again if he talks about this topic in the future.

It's better to just let the boss work harder - he happens to be from a police academy and has been an undercover agent for so many years. He looks like he won't get tired even after carrying eight hundred pots.

Conan and Tohru Amuro, the two vests, are still in the stage of mutual suspicion and will not sit down together in a friendly manner and give confessions.

Of course, even if they really matched up and exposed the fact that "Toru Amuro didn't come tonight"...

Isn't there Belmode?

Jiang Xia fell asleep peacefully, and possible scenarios regarding this matter in the future seemed to have emerged in her mind.

——The simplest thing is, of course, that Conan did not verify it at all and found no abnormalities.

And if Conan asked Toru Amuro, according to Amuro Toru's common idea of ​​"prioritizing internal secrets to solve problems", no matter what doubts he had in his heart, he would first admit it according to Conan's words, and then go to Jiang Xia privately for confirmation.

In this way, Conan's question drifted to Toru Amuro and became Toru Amuro's question.

After that, Toru Amuro, who was suspicious, only needed to find out the "detective of a high school student who was innocently shot" to get the information that "Toru Amuro went to help treat the wound that night."

And Toru Amuro was very sure that he had never been here. He didn’t have twins who looked exactly the same. Plus, with his expertise in “medical skills”…

there is only one truth.


——Bermode must have disguised herself as "Toru Amuro" and entered a house at night, and the famous detective who was very interested in her carried out the despicable act of "taking advantage of the situation".

After all, whether it was "disguising herself as Toru Amuro" or "contacting high school student detectives", Bellmode was already a habitual criminal, and she had more than one criminal record.

At this point, all the remaining troubles are between the two Riddlers.

As the top king among the Riddlers, Belmod cannot communicate well whether he is facing Conan or Bourbon.

Not only will she not have a long conversation with bourbon about this kind of pot, but she will deliberately stir up trouble... Then if Jiang Xia is lucky enough to happen to pass by nearby, she will be able to pick up a wave of apples and coffee while they are confronting each other. murderous look.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia was looking forward to the scene where Conan went to confront Toru Amuro.

In the bedroom of Jiang Xia's house.

Suzuki Sonoko's suggestion to "resolutely send her to the hospital!" was not adopted.

——Although she has a serious face and manages her expression well, she is still only a 17-year-old young man after all, and her face is too thin.

Unfortunately, Suzuki Sonoko's blush revealed her true intentions, and she was ruthlessly pointed out by Conan, and was finally dragged away firmly by Mao Lilan who suddenly realized it.

...After the three classmates left in a hurry, Jiang Xia took out the uncomfortable corner of the quilt from under her body, fluffed the quilt again, and prepared to sleep.

As a result, just a few minutes after I closed my eyes, the phone rang again.

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