Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1105 1106 [Loyal subordinates]

Gin knew that cats would have the habit of "stepping on milk" when they were in a good mood, but after secretly observing it for a while, he felt that the cat's behavior toward vodka was somewhat different from stepping on milk.

——More like struggling to hold onto something.

"..." Could it be that there is dust on the vodka, and it is beating up the dust to catch it? I just spent a lot of time on the roof of the building, the night wind was strong, and there was indeed a lot of dust on my body.

Gin quickly came to a conclusion.

Even Uzo's cat was, after all, just a cat, not a tiger. There was no way he could kill Vodka under his nose. Moreover, with vodka playing with the cat, Gin's own clothes would not be scratched.

So he ignored the secret struggle between one person and one cat, and dealt with business first, calling Jiang Xia about Ireland.

After finishing the call, Gin hung up the phone and suddenly remembered that he had forgotten to mention the cat.

And Uzo didn't even ask - I don't know whether he forgot or just assumed that this cat was free-range.

"I remember you explored it just now." Gin asked as he took the cat off Vodka's head.

Vodka wanted to shout "This cat is a spy sent by Uzo!", and then watch Gin beat the cat into a cat cake, and then go to find the cat's owner to pack it up and send it away... Unfortunately, he did not dare to lie.

I could only keep a serious look on my face and replied honestly: "It has no metal on it and no source of transmission."

In other words, this cat was really not sent by Uzo to locate it.

Gin said "hmm".

He didn't think Uzo would be stupid enough to use a cat to carry a transmitter, but he just needed to be sure to be on the safe side.

The cat had already been brought into the car at some point, and the speed of the car was not slow, so there was no need to stop for it. Just throw it out when it got to the right place.

Happening to be in the same space, Gin simply paused what he was doing and looked at the cat in front of him carefully.

Gin has no interest in pets.

But when he thought about how this cat could deliver messages accurately and play with vodka, he couldn't help but think of Uzo.

Although Uzo is a troublesome colleague, his vision in selecting his subordinates is really good.

——Whether it was the unlucky kid who helped Uzo run around when Miyano Akemi defected, and was folded and stuffed into a bag by Uzo without saying a word; or the kid who was brought back by Uzo and fed interrogation drugs that caused intermittent changes. The fake "Uzo" who is mute and terminally ill, and who will be ruthlessly exploited by Uzo for the rest of his life in just over a year, has an eye-catching level of loyalty.

The unlucky child has been burned to ashes, so let’s leave it alone.

Gin actually really wanted to see what kind of surprising performance the fake Uzo, who was said to be called "Xitu", would bring if he played for the organization... But it was a pity that he was a short-lived ghost whose body was on the verge of collapse, and, although not Knowing how Uzuo trained his subordinates, Xitu's loyalty at this time was undoubtedly directed at Uzuo alone.

If he really covets the abilities of Uzuo's subordinates and feels that Xitu is overqualified for staying with Uzuo, having him work under him... is tantamount to inviting a wolf into the house.

Thinking of Xitu who dared to intercept his gun, and then look at the "Uzo subordinate" on his lap who was staring at vodka intently and looked friendlier no matter what.

Gin inevitably became interested.

A cat that can deliver letters, know how to use a knife, can accurately recognize people, and even has a plan to provoke and provoke vodka... If used well, it might really work wonders for certain things.

Anyway, Wu Zuo is free-range, so if he keeps it here for a while, it won't delay anything.

Gin lowered his gaze, looking thoughtfully at the cat who began to claw at something again.

Of course Jiang Xia has not forgotten about the cat.

It's just that the opportunity is rare - the puppet cat wanders outside and consumes much less murderous energy than other vests. Unless Gin suddenly goes on a business trip and the distance is too far away, Jiang Xia can barely accept the amount of murderous energy consumed by letting the cat follow him for a day or two.

He didn't believe that Gin really lived in the car.

——This mysterious cadre must have some relatively fixed footholds. Let the cat follow and explore the location. In the future, whether it is to regularly harvest murderous energy, pick up ghosts at specific locations, or occupy Gin's safe house for your own use... it will be very convenient.

After Ginjiu hung up the phone, Jiang Xia put the incident behind him and picked up another mobile phone.

Toru Amuro knew Jiang Xia's identity as a "peripheral member of the organization", so he had two of his numbers at the same time.

However, perhaps due to the undercover's natural resistance to the organization, when Toru Amuro found Jiang Xia, he preferred to use his usual account.

Jiang Xia: "..." This is just right. The two people are staggered and will not bump into each other.

If there is a real collision, the blame can only be placed on the "mysterious cadres who have recently become entangled with famous detectives and often make harassing phone calls."

Toru Amuro called suddenly, not because he received an inquiry from Conan.

But just now, when he returned to the apartment after dealing with all the troublesome things, and washed off the swimming pool water and vehicle debris on his body, for some reason, Toru Amuro always felt that someone was talking about him in the dark... He suddenly thought of Jiang Xia.

"..." Think about it, the high school detective was involved in Uzo's hunting ground tonight because of him.

As a rare conscientious owner, Toru Amuro made a decisive call and wanted to ask about the situation - if Usa was like Gin before, and liked to drag Jiang Xia to be cannon fodder no matter what, then this call would be made. Just enough to stop Uzo's conspiracy.

But fortunately, maybe Uzo doesn't care about a celebrity who can be contacted at any time, or maybe tonight, Uzo's attention is on "Bourbon" and he has no time to persecute others.

Jiang Xia quickly answered the phone smoothly.

Apart from sounding a little sleepy, there was no other abnormality in his voice. He didn't look like an innocent detective who was being troubled by Uzo, but more like an ordinary employee who was suddenly disturbed by a work email while he was sleeping:

"Boss? Do you want someone to take over? Send the address and work details to my email. I'll be there soon."


Listening to Jiangxia's cheering words, Toru Amuro instantly felt like an evil capitalist who was squeezing labor.

While his conscience ached, he couldn't help but wonder: Did he really look like that terrible iron-faced boss? He thought Jiang Xia would guess that he was going to ask about his injury, but he didn't expect that Jiang Xia just thought he had a new job...

After thinking about it, the top class catalog that he had sent to Jiang Xia came to mind. Amuro Toru's eyes drifted slightly, and he stopped worrying about such trivial matters.

He cleared his throat and said nonchalantly: "No, I don't have a job. I'm just asking you how the situation is there - if it doesn't work, go to the hospital. Don't hide your illness and avoid treatment."

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