Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1107 1107 [Gin’s Safe House] (Additional updates with monthly ticket)

Jiang Xia patted Noah gently and said in the sound effect of Dundun:

"I remember that you have information about Sindora Company - you can design a compact 'holographic game access device' made into glasses or a hat.

"It doesn't have to be really effective, as long as it looks like it's condensed with high technology - the organization is a group of adults, and they may not be as easy to fool as high school students. They may not be able to accept it if they only use mobile phones to connect. Anyway, do it first. An instrument, just show off."

Noah nodded and took note of it carefully.

"In addition..." Jiang Xia looked at Noah's skills and thought for a while.

Noah's "confidentiality clause" seems to be very powerful, but in fact it is only strong in "confidentiality".

——If the user does not actively press consent, or the desire to "leave the game" is very strong, the failure rate of recruiting people will be particularly high.

...So we have to find a way to make people willingly run in and play.

There's not much of a problem with the high school students. Each of them is more curious than the other. It is enough to throw in a little ambiguous information as bait.

As for the organization...

“Using a little false ‘Shirley-related information’ as a reward should attract Gin and Belmode to come in.

"When the 'rewards' are distributed, lead them to Shuichi Akai's haunt. In this way, even if they fail to catch Shirley, it is not because the game information is inaccurate, but because the hateful Shuichi Akai is covering Shirley. , the two sides may even have a head-on collision."

Jiang Xia thought about the scene and felt wonderful. At the same time, she said cautiously:

“However, we can’t use this kind of information to deceive every time, and we need a more practical reward.

"——Counting the days, the Suzuki Foundation's art museum in Osaka seems to be opening soon."

Jiang Xia remembered that the Suzuki Consortium would display an "Egg of Memory" at that time.

——This is the secret treasure of the Romanov dynasty. The interior is made of pure gold and has various exquisite mechanisms. It is worth 800 million.

The "Memory Egg" was once a toy for Suzuki Sonoko when she was a child. But it didn’t take long for Suzuki Sonoko to lose interest in the plain-colored egg and throw it away to gather dust in the warehouse.

Now, the Suzuki family happened to be opening an art gallery, so this egg, which had fallen out of favor so quickly, was dug out, cleaned up, and prepared to be put on display.

At the same time, a well-known international thief was attracted by this treasure of the "Romanov Dynasty".

Noah thought for a moment and seemed to have retrieved some information:

"'Shi Kaobing' is a wanted criminal by Interpol. He committed his first crime 6 years ago. Since then, he has been robbing the secret treasures of the Romanov dynasty from all over the world. According to the available information, his identity is a mystery, and his gender and body shape are unknown. There is no information about his appearance. The only fixed feature is that he shoots out his right eye when killing people. Based on this, some people speculate that he has eye disease, but there is no confirmation yet. "

"It should be 'her'. This person is a descendant of Rasputin." Jiang Xia's thoughts were slightly divergent. "The treasure trove accumulated over the past 6 years should be enough to cover the gin and bombing of the Shinkansen for a year - he will definitely not refuse. .”

Rasputin, known as the "monster", although he does not have much reputation, he is also a legendary figure in various senses. It is said that he was missing a right eye when he was assassinated, so when "Scott Bing" killed someone, he only punched the right eye - which happened to be in the same direction as the monocle Kidd often wore.

“After clearing the game and getting information about Shi Kaobing as a ‘reward’, I can go on a business trip to Osaka to capture Shi Kaobing.

"Gin, Belmode, and the accompanying vodka, knowing that this is information obtained from an organization that has mastered 'high technology', might also go over to join in the fun.

"When the time comes, I will use the identity of 'Usa' and call Akai Shuichi... No, I will call my loyal subordinate Okiya Subaru."

... Ever since he discovered Akai Shuichi's ever-changing murderous aura, Jiang Xia wanted to take him with him wherever he went, to observe the wonderful reactions that might occur, and to accumulate some magical murderous aura, so that the rare ones that he had been collecting could be used. The number of murderous flavors is doubled.

As for the "game", that's it.

For the psychic, the matter was of great importance. Jiang Xia did not rush to sway people. He just asked Noah to slowly design the "high-tech game login glasses" to fool the organization cadres.

After all this work, he finally felt sleepy and fell asleep.

A few days later.

I don’t know how many times Gin finished quenching his thirst.

He threw the bag of cash to the vodka, and when he returned to the car, he felt vaguely that something was missing.

After carefully recalling it for a moment, there was a hint of realization in his eyes:

The cat is missing.

Gin looked around through the car window.

Uzo's cat has obviously been free-range all this time - if Uzo hadn't said that it was his cat and asked the cat to deliver letters, Gin would probably have thought that it was a stray who had a home all over the world. cat.

It happened to be not far from Mikka Town, and it was probably within this cat's usual territory. Maybe when he got out of the car just now, he saw a familiar place and sensed that the owner's aura was not too far away, so he slipped away to find Uzuo.

Gin: "..." Leaving your post without permission is really unorganized and undisciplined.

…But forget it, it’s just a cat after all. It is already considered a gift among cats.

And when the cat is around, the efficiency of vodka is much higher than usual.

——On weekdays, Vodka is often careless, leaving some traces that can be traced, and Gin needs to be reminded.

But in the past two days, with the cat by his side, Vodka's state became obviously tense, his words and deeds became cautious, and he even started to think... and he wasn't as tense as when the real Uzo was around, it was just right.

"..." It's a pity that this busy environment is not suitable for raising cats...

Since the cat ran away on its own, Gin didn't think much about it.

He quickly got back to work.

the other side.

Jiang Xia waited in the living room for a while.

Not long after, he saw a cat swooping up the wall, falling into his yard, and then trotting all the way into the house.

The cat also carried a fluffy murderous package on its back. Compared to its size, the "package" seemed extremely huge. As soon as she got closer, Jiang Xia could smell the smell of vanilla ice cream and wine.

——Apparently, this is what the cat brought back after spending two days at Vodka and Gin.

The murderous aura cultivated in the pattern space can be accessed at any time, but the one that has just been harvested cannot.

Fortunately, Ganfanmao was indeed a Ganfanmao, and he was strong enough to carry back all the murderous intent he had received.

Jiang Xia calmed down his murderous intent kindly and weighed it in his hand.

It's pretty good. It can barely make up for the amount of murderous energy consumed by letting the cat run around outside.

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