Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1115 1115 [Warning from Uzo]


There was a "plop" sound as he fell to his knees.

In the pocket of Sakurako Yamamoto's windbreaker, there was indeed a sealed bag that fit the size.

The material of the sealed bag can easily attract fingerprints. Without even waiting for special extraction, the naked eye can tell where the fingerprints are printed on it by shining it into the light - put the deceased's mobile phone into it, which can exactly correspond to the buttons pressed when dialing, and even the seal, and A trace of blood that went unnoticed in a hurry.

"It's all Naoko's fault!"

Sakurako Yamamoto knelt on the ground and covered her face:

"The year we graduated from college, the students with the best grades were able to get a place to study abroad and an opportunity to intern at a well-known company in the industry - this place fell into the hands of Naoko at that time, so she had what she has now Achievement.

"But in fact, it should have been mine! It was Naoko who shamelessly flattered Professor Yamada, and the professor gave her the spot - if it hadn't been for the old guy Yamada who spilled the beans at the class reunion a few years ago when he got drunk. I’m still kept in the dark!”

Jiang Xia: "..."

...No wonder Yamamoto Sakurako has, in addition to the fresh Naoko shikigami, an old shikigami that looks like it has been peeled off for a while.

But now, as the case was solved, the two shikigami fell off and were skillfully packed and carried back to Jiang Xia by the ghosts.

Izumi Kayori was not a top performer in college, nor was he very motivated.

She had never paid attention to the quota for studying abroad, and she never expected that there was such a thing behind the quota.

Izumi Kayo thought about the news of Professor Yamada's death not long ago, and seemed to suddenly realize something. She looked at Sakurako Yamamoto in disbelief:

"But, even if that's the case, why would you sacrifice your life for two scumbags? You have to resign and open your own studio. This is no worse than Naoko who develops overseas..."

"Haha, you really believe it - the idea of ​​'voluntarily resigning for better development'... That's all a lie." Sakurako Yamamoto's eyes lost their luster.

She lowered her head and looked at her hands, her beautiful face suddenly filled with clouds:

"I no longer have a job. A while ago, I just had a few chats with people from a headhunting company, and my bastard boss actually used the excuse that I had second thoughts and was dishonest to the company, and put me on the layoff list without hesitation. List - I am not willing to give in! Why have I reached this point? If I was the one who went overseas to develop... It is Naoko's fault, it is all her fault!!"

Yamamoto Sakurako was obviously on the verge of collapse. She could not say more and was quickly taken away by the police.

Okiya Subaru looked at her back, her unwilling roar echoing in his mind, and a cold sweat silently ran down his back.

He does not mean that.

At the beginning, Subaru Okiya still harbored a bit of luck that "maybe it's none of Usa's business, it's just that Jiang Xia came to this neighborhood and brought about the murder."

So at this time, he no longer dared to place his hope on it.

——Listen to what Sakurako Yamamoto roared just now. What about "resigning to go solo", what about "developing overseas", what about "suspecting of having second thoughts", what about "layoff list"...

He would never believe it if there wasn't Uzo's touch here.

Okiya Subaru: "..." There is no doubt that this is Usa's warning.

——Uzo manipulated a poor woman and made her spend all her future without knowing anything about it, using her young life to make a disposable microphone. sad.

Subaru Okiya felt some sympathy for Sakurako Yamamoto, but at the same time, he inevitably felt a little guilty.

At this time, Jiang Xia's voice came from the side:

"Mr. Okiya?"

Okiya Subaru came back to his senses, raised his head, and saw Jiang Xia and Mao Lilan arriving beside him at some point.

Jiang Xia looked him up and down, with a hint of warm concern in his tone: "Are you okay? You don't seem to be in a good condition."

"It's nothing." Subaru Okiya sighed and quickly suppressed his complicated thoughts, "It's just that something like this suddenly happened to a neighbor I know, so I can't help but feel a little emotional."

"Indeed. It's really sad that something happened to an acquaintance." Mao Lilan nodded empathetically: Although her family and close friends are still alive, some of the ordinary friends she knew were unfortunately killed, or unfortunately went astray and became The murderer.

She felt that she understood Okiya Subaru's troubles very well.

But understanding is understanding, but Mao Lilan doesn't know how to persuade him - you can't say "you will get used to it if you are familiar with it". Hiss, this is simply not a human word, and it can't even be considered a useful piece of advice, because judging from her own experience, no matter how many times she has seen this kind of thing, she will still be sad when her new acquaintance is gone.

Mao Lilan didn't know where to start to comfort her, so she had to change the topic.

She has always been cheerful and outgoing. At this time, facing Subaru Okiya, who is not a stranger to him, although she knows that Mr. Okiya is sometimes suspicious, it is difficult for her to turn a blind eye.

Mao Lilan then invited: "Would you like to go out with us to relax? Today, we are going to receive two friends from Osaka. If you have time, we can play together."

As you play, you will forget the unhappy things.

Of course, there is also a small chance that other cases will happen during the trip, which will make the already bad mood worse... but it should not be so unlucky.

Mao Lilan thought to herself uncertainly.

"Thank you. But I probably don't have time - the paper I plan to submit is not finished yet."

Okiya Subaru reflexively rejected her.

After all, in his opinion, at this moment, Uzuo was still hiding in some corner, observing in secret. Subaru Okiya didn't want to completely involve two innocent high school students in a possible "sniper shooting on the street."

Therefore, even if you follow Jiang Xia with a detective aura, you will feel very safe.

But Subaru Okiya could only say politely: "Let's meet again next time we have a chance."

As he spoke, he thought to himself: By the way, remember to add Jiang Xia to the "one-click dialing" and "one-click sending emails" lists later.

If something similar happens again, you might be able to ask Jiang Xia to help solve the case, to prevent yourself from being taken away as a murderer for no apparent reason and increase your chance of survival.

The two enthusiastic and friendly young people comforted Subaru Okiya, then went to the police to make a record, and left quickly.

Okiya Subaru really wanted to stay with the police for a while, but he was afraid that he would be too enthusiastic and be invited to the Metropolitan Police Department to take notes... In the end, he had no choice but to say nothing, maintain a low sense of presence, and return to his room next door. apartment.

After the surrounding area became quiet, Subaru Okiya looked at his mailbox.

Seeing that there was no new message from Uzuo, his mood suddenly became a little complicated, sometimes sad and happy.

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