Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1117 1117【Uzo comes to the door】Please vote for me

Chapter 1117 1117【Uzo comes to visit】Please vote for me (づど)☆

However, while thinking, Subaru Okiya looked around at the "safety fortress" he had carefully set up these days, and then thought about the experience of being interrogated by Officer Sato and almost being taken away as a suspect for questioning...

Although he believed in Shuichi Akai, Subaru Okiya was after all a top student from a top university and occasionally had his own judgment.

He rationally refused: "I actually don't have many acquaintances here. Moreover, I am more familiar with the terrain in this area, know where there are potential dangers nearby, and have eliminated some dangers.

"On the contrary, if I really move to a strange place, Uzo really needs to adapt to the new stage, but at the same time, I also have to adapt to the new environment. I...well, I don't dare to bet that my adaptation speed will be faster than his." quick."

While listening to the call, Akai Shuichi looked around Subaru Okiya's house through the scope, and suddenly realized that this engineering graduate student with strong hands-on skills had actually secretly made a lot of hidden emergency mechanisms at some point.

...If Subaru Okiya hadn't mentioned this, he really wouldn't have noticed it just now.

Thinking of this, Akai Shuichi secretly thought: Since he didn't notice it, maybe Uzo would accidentally fall on it?

"That's fine. Then you can stay."

Since this temporary teammate had his own ideas, Shuichi Akai stopped interfering with Subaru Okiya's choice: "I will continue to let my colleagues stare here. You should remember the four photos I showed you before— —They work in pairs, rotate every 6 hours, and will pick you up when necessary."

After listening to these arrangements, Okiya Subaru had a little more confidence in the FBI.

He repeatedly confirmed that the responders had good tempers, had no conflicts with each other, were in a healthy mental state, and had not been talked to by strange curly-haired men in black.

After that, Subaru Okiya reluctantly added Shuichi Akai's teammates to his alternative escape plan.

After discussing the situation, Okiya Subaru breathed a sigh of relief and leaned on the back of his chair with some weakness.

He was about to hang up the phone, but at this moment, he suddenly heard a soft "dong" sound coming from the direction of the door.

...It seemed like someone was knocking on the door.

Okiya Subaru: "...??"

Suddenly, Akai Shuichi's statement "According to Uzo's style, he would just knock on the door" flashed through his mind, and he silently felt goosebumps on his back.

Okiya Subaru: "..." It can't really be Usa here.

No, no, no, there was just a sound. Maybe some debris fell in the corridor and was blown by the wind and hit the door, so...

"Dong dong"

"Dong dong dong"

The knocking sound sounded again, it was clearer than the first time, and there were very clear intervals - no matter how you heard it, it was not an accidental knock, but someone was knocking on the door seriously.


The luck in Okiya Subaru's heart was shattered by Kacha.

His mind went blank for a moment. When he came to his senses, he had already leaned behind the boss's chair, covering himself with the wide steel core backrest. At the same time, he pulled out the gun that had been hidden under the table, clicked the gun, and aimed at By the door.


Okiya Subaru kept his voice steady and shouted from a distance.

There was a slight beat. A moment later, it rang again. The man did not answer, but continued to knock on the door as if nothing had happened.

Subaru Okiya's scalp went numb as he listened to the regular slapping sounds. For a moment, he almost suspected that he had time-traveled into a horror movie.

However, in the face of a crisis, it is useless to just escape.

He carefully ducked to the door, listened carefully for a moment, and looked out through the peephole.

The corridor was deserted.

Almost at the same time, a gust of wind passed by his feet, followed immediately by something tapping his leg.


Okiya Subaru lowered his head suddenly, saw the situation on the ground clearly, and was suddenly startled.

——There is no terrible intruder within sight.

Only one cat walked in through the cat hole at the bottom of the gate. It pressed a gray mark on Okiya Subaru's clean trousers, and he was standing in the entrance hall, looking around his house, as if he was inspecting the territory.

This cat is completely black, with only four white paws. It is about half the size of a cat, and looks like a vigorous cat in the period of youth and growth.

Okiya Subaru looked at the familiar cat and felt very complicated for a moment: "..."

The cat hole at the bottom of the door was specially made when he wanted to keep a cat.

But later, when the hole was opened, the cat ran away from home and never came back. After seeing each other again, Subaru Okiya saw this cat lying on Usa's arms, looking like a dog, which was heartbreaking.

Later, Subaru Okiya kept the cat hole for a while without giving up. It wasn't until "Okiya Subaru" came into contact with Uzo a few days ago that for safety's sake, Okiya Subaru reluctantly locked the hole... Who would have thought that this cat would still come in.

Okiya Subaru knelt down and checked the door with some fear. He was not sure whether he forgot to lock it or whether the smart cat found a way to open it.

After a while, he turned back to look at the dark clouds and snowy cat. The hand on his side stretched out and retracted, retracted and stretched out again, and there was a war between heaven and man in his heart.

——Although Uzo is scary, the cat is innocent.

In the past, when he didn't know that this was Usa's cat, Okiya Subaru had experienced a few days of carefree cat care.

But on the other hand, at this juncture when Uzo was eyeing him, Subaru Okiya was worried that if he took action on these "Uzo-related elements", it would make the already bad situation even worse. wonderful.

Okiya Subaru put away his gun and lowered his head to figure out the purpose of Usa Cat's appearance.

In the distance, Akai Shuichi outside could not see clearly what was going on in the room. But he heard unusual noises through his cell phone and immediately realized something was wrong.

Akai Shuichi's eyes became sharper silently. He didn't rush to ask "what's wrong", but he didn't hang up the phone either. Instead, he held his breath and listened to the situation on the other side. The sniper rifle in his hand was again locked on Subaru Okiya's apartment window from a distance.

Akai Shuichi: "..." The area around the apartment has been locked by him. Just now, he confirmed that no one can sneak in.

If there really was one of Uzo's minions, did that person ambush the apartment in advance, or did he sneak in with the police team just now and not leave after that?

In the room, Subaru Okiya walked around looking at the cat for a while.

After a while, he remembered something, picked up the detector next to him, carefully squatted down, and slowly got closer to the dark clouds and snow cat.

The cat glanced at his instrument and looked away as if he wasn't interested.

Okiya Subaru looked at his phone again and found that there was no message from Uzo, so he quickly checked around the cat to make sure that Uzo was not crazy enough to equip the cat with a listening device.

After checking, Okiya Subaru breathed a sigh of relief and put the phone to his ear again.

He whispered: "I heard something knocking on the door just now, and then I found... that it was the cat raised by Uzo who ran into my house."

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