Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1120 1120 [Black and the man in black]

Jiang Xia responded first, and then remembered something: "Mihua Park?"... Not a school?

"Yes, they are holding an 'errand run' today. The children will set off from Rice Flower Park, go to Rice Flower Shopping Street to buy the items on the list, and then return."

Mao Lilan obviously knew more about the inside story. She smiled and said, "My dad is bored and doesn't want to go. It's a pity that he is the only adult in the family who can be the guardian - he should be hiding in a corner and sleeping lazily."

"Okay, this activity sounds good and very educational." Jiang Xia felt better.

Moreover, "Mihua Park" and "Mihua Shopping Street" sound very prosperous at first glance. Obviously, it is easier to meet some interesting people and have some interesting things happen. The insulator is much more pleasing to the ear than the case of "Elementary School":

"Then hurry up and take a look."

The two of them went all the way to Mihua Park.

There are many parents gathered here in twos and threes, chatting happily in low voices, waiting for their children to come back after buying the things on their lists.

Mouri Kogoro, on the other hand, had no interest in communicating and was sleeping on a bench at this time.

Mao Lilan strode over and pulled her father up by his ears: "Is this how you become a guardian?"

"It hurts, it hurts!" Mouri Kogoro woke up from his dream, and when he saw it was her, he yawned faintly, "Those kids thought I was getting in the way by following behind - and the shopping street is only five hundred meters away from here, they I have been traveling all over Tokyo all day, and now I am just working as a cameraman for another kid, which is more than enough. What does it matter if I follow or not?"

With that said, Kogoro Mouri wiped the saliva from his sleep, picked up his earphones, selected a channel, and lay down happily again, basking in the sun while listening to the horse betting news.

Dr. A Li is also there.

Seeing Jiang Xia and Mao Lilan, he came closer to chat: "Don't worry, some children don't have enough self-control and will run around. It's probably that the child they were responsible for named 'Xiao Hong' also went to play elsewhere, so he had to come back so slow."

Jiang Xia nodded, hesitated for a moment, and then took out his phone:

"It would be bad if they get lost. I'll ask them where they are."

With that said, he called Haiyuan Ai. Although he didn't say it explicitly, the word "want to get involved" was clearly written in his eyes.

Dr. A Li and Mao Lilan didn't think much about it when they saw Jiang Xia's appearance.

They remembered that when Jiang Xia was a child, she seemed to have few common topics with her peers. She was always poking in corners alone, looking very cold.

The few times they played together was when Jiang Xia passed by, Kudo Yukiko saw her sharply and hugged her to play together.

The two of them thought silently: It must be because of the lack of childhood when he was young that Jiang Xia likes to be close to the Youth Detective Team so much now - he probably wants to make up for all the things he didn't get enough of before in a planned way.

Dr. A Li: "..." However, those children seemed a little afraid of Jiang Xia. Jiang Xia is obviously very friendly to them... It seems that he will create more opportunities for children to come into contact with him in the future.

Dr. A Li thinks with great confidence - as long as they have more contact, the children will be able to deeply understand Jiang Xia's gentle and tolerant character and his consideration for the elderly and the young!

A few hundred meters away.

Hui Yuan Ai quickly answered the phone: "Jiang Xia?"

She was a little confused, wondering why Jiang Xia suddenly came to her.

The next second, Haiyuan Ai thought of something. She instinctively took out a hat from her bag and put it on to cover her hair. At the same time, she secretly looked around, worried that there was a suspicious man in black hiding nearby, and Jiang Xia was planning to give her some reminders.

in the park.

Jiang Xia took two steps away as if nothing had happened to avoid Mao Lilan and Dr. A Li from hearing his voice. He asked Haihara Ai in a low voice: "Are you still doing that 'errand game'?"

After all, there is a strong friendship between Conan and Hattori Heiji.

Jiang Xia always felt that if she called Conan directly, there was a chance that she wouldn't be able to find out the truth - it would be better to go directly to Haiyuan Ai.

On the other side of the phone, Haiyuan Ai was silently relieved when he heard that it was not the organization's business.

Although she was confused as to why Jiang Xia was suddenly interested in primary school students' activities, she still answered seriously:

"The event isn't over yet - the kid named 'Xiao Hong' we were responsible for following the photo couldn't seem to find the corresponding store. Until now, he only bought the items on the list. After buying all the items, he returned to the park. It’s definitely going to be some time yet.”

Jiang Xia listened carefully to the background sound and found that the environment on the other side of the phone was quite normal, and Huihara Ai's tone was also very calm. It really didn't sound like he was at a crime scene.

So he asked another more concerned question: "Has Hattori gone to see Conan?"

Huiyuan Ai was startled.

She recalled Conan's previous calls to Jiang Xia and Hattori Heiji, and finally understood why Jiang Xia called her.

There was a little more smile in the corner of Haibara Ai's eyes. Although Hattori Heiji was also shady, it was better for Jiang Xia to hang out with such a harmless high school student than to hang out with the shady guys in the organization:

"Don't worry, he has never come. Even if he comes, Hiro has been running around the block, and Kudo is worrying about him - he will definitely not have time to receive the Osaka guest for you before the event is over..."

Halfway through the words, Hui Yuarai's breath suddenly stagnated and he suddenly stopped talking.

The next second, through the phone, Jiang Xia vaguely heard a loud noise, like countless metals hitting the ground.

"What happened?" Jiang Xia was startled and asked the question he had wanted to ask for a long time, "Where are you now?"

Although they also participated in errands, the mission of the Junior Detective Team today was not to run errands in the competition, but to be a "following team".

Hirokawa Hiroshi, who is in charge of them, is a very playful child.

After setting off from Mihua Park, Hiro did not go directly to the shopping street. Instead, he took a Masked Superman figure and ran to the open space near his home alone. He played happily by himself for a while, and then went to a nearby abandoned building. lock up.

During this period, the Young Detective Team lost track of him several times due to traffic and red light obstructions.

It was only just now that the Young Detective Team saw Hiro outside the abandoned building and were able to follow him.

After that, Xiao Hong seemed to have had enough fun, and finally came to Mihua Shopping Street peacefully and began to try to buy the items on the list.

Jiang Xia's call came at this time.

When Haiyuan Ai answered the phone, Conan glanced over instinctively and found that the caller was Jiang Xia.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

——If you go out with Jiang Xia, you will certainly lose a lot of the fun of solving puzzles. But of course Conan still prefers playing with his peers than playing with children.

Although he didn't know why Jiang Xia didn't come to him, but called Hui Yuan Ai. But in Conan's heart, he was already expecting Jiang Xia and Xiao Lan to come over soon and accompany them to worry about the naughty boy.

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