Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1135 1135 [Organizing gossip spreaders]

A case was successfully resolved.

All that's left is the truck crashing into the cafe.

Jiang Xia pulled up a stool and sat next to it, carefully watching the police running around collecting clues. She was not in a hurry to solve the case - she would wait until the boss showed more murderous intent.

Gin and Belmode, perhaps because they had killed too many people and wanted to kill too many people, were haunted by murderous intent all day long.

Toru Amuro is not always risking murderous intent.

Jiang Xia: "..." It's rare that the boss met Okiya Subaru today, and he was in a bad mood because of the vehicle "accident", so he might as well take the opportunity to replenish some coffee stock.

And there happened to be a "car accident" nearby, so it was reasonable for him to hang up for a while and paddle.

"This is the car you drove here, right?"

Miwako Sato was a little tired after running around for a long time. She looked at Toru Amuro who was wearing a driver's uniform across from her. She was silent for a moment and finally couldn't help but ask: "...Why do you always work in various places?"

"Collect intelligence." Toru Amuro answered very calmly. He withdrew his gaze from Subaru Okiya and said seriously, "I am a private detective. I receive all kinds of commissions, and I have to find a way to complete them."

Sato Miwako: "..." That's nonsense. Jiang Xia is the only one working in your "Amuro Detective Agency".

With this in mind, she looked at Jiang Xia, and Toru Amuro also looked over at the same time.

Jiang Xia was originally looking into the distance and distracted.

Noticing the gaze from the side, he was slightly startled and looked back.

The ghosts whispered in Jiang Xia's ears and repeated the conversation between the two policemen.

Jiang Xia glanced at the coffee-smelling murderous aura on Amuro Toru's body, and nodded in a dignified manner: "Indeed, the boss has provided a lot of important information, otherwise many cases would not be solved smoothly."

Toru Amuro: "..." Although it was indeed the rescue he wanted to hear, why did his conscience feel a little painful...

Sato Miwako was doubtful.

However, now is not the time to dwell on this, let alone worry about Jiang Xia encountering an unscrupulous boss - after all, after today, Boss Amuro may go in.

Officer Sato looked at Toru Amuro with complicated emotions: "Tell me, what happened today? You parked the truck on the slope and then went directly to deliver the goods?"

Speaking of this, Toru Amuro couldn't help but frowned: "I'm pretty sure I pulled the handbrake and the gear lever reached the four-wheel lock. If no one did anything, the car wouldn't be able to slide down on its own."

The little policeman next to him was helping the police officers from the forensics department sort out the physical evidence.

Hearing this, he turned around and interjected: "We just checked the condition of the truck - the handbrake is not on and the wheels are not locked."

Amuro nodded clearly and said calmly: "That means someone wants to harm me. Or they want to use me to kill the people in the cafe below."

As he said that, he turned to look at Subaru Okiya - while waiting for the police to arrive, Toru Amuro asked the high school students about the situation in the cafe, and then learned that Subaru Okiya was almost hit by a truck.

Okiya Subaru accidentally met Toru Amuro's eyes: "..." Such a calm demeanor and such a determined tone. This person almost said "Uzo is behind this"... How many times did Mr. Amuro have to be tricked by Uzo to be so skilled?

Okiya Subaru: "..." Speaking of which, could it be that the source of rumors about Usa in the organization is...

He couldn't help but secretly look at Toru Amuro, reviewing the opponent's momentum and abilities. Then the more I looked at him, the more I thought - maybe this is the legendary hero who has battled wits and courage with Uzo countless times and is still alive today.

As someone who had also been persecuted, Okiya Subaru was in awe.

Toru Amuro originally wanted to get some potentially useful feedback from Subaru Okiya after finishing these words.

However, for some reason, Subaru Okiya looked at him with a strange look. Toru Amuro thought and compared it for a while, and was surprised to find that the eyes of this mysterious graduate student seemed to coincide with the admiring eyes of the public security subordinates looking at him. .


Toru Amuro: "..." Uzo's subordinate seems to be in an abnormal mental state... Did Uzo cause mental problems?

Full of doubts, he looked back, temporarily put aside Uzo's matters, looked back at the police who were staring at him, and decided to solve the immediate trouble first.

When he thinks of "solving the case", Toru Amuro instinctively wants to look through Jiang Xia's case reference book - with just a little bit of evidence, Jiang Xia can integrate all the information in an instant and find out the truth of the case, much faster than solving the case by himself. .

However, thinking about Jiangxia's distracted state just now while looking up at the distant building at a 45-degree angle, and thinking about the car that crashed into the coffee shop, and the unlucky dead person who was crushed... Toru Amuro was silent for a moment.

——The reference answer may not be online today.

It seems that I can only work hard on my own?

He sighed inwardly.

"Then I'll be honest. I don't think this was an accident, but a deliberate murder." Toru Amuro pointed to the flat area at the top of the slope:

"I usually park my car on that platform, but today, there was already a private car parked there - that car, and it hasn't left yet. So I had to park the car on a nearby ramp.

"In short, rather than questioning me, we might be able to find out the truth of the case faster by checking the owner of that car."

Miwako Sato nodded. Although I have a little prejudice against Toru Amuro, it cannot be denied that what the other party said makes sense - no clues can be missed when handling a case, especially this is a murder case.

She turned her head and planned to give instructions to the little detective next to her.

But before speaking, a person came over nearby:

"Well, that's actually my car."

Sato Miwako was startled, turned around and saw a middle-aged man wiping sweat with a handkerchief.

She couldn't remember who this person was or how he got into the crime scene: "Are you...?"

"He was a friend of the deceased." Jiang Xia didn't know when he came back to his senses and provided clues like an ordinary witness. "When he entered the store, the gentleman said he had a reservation and sat at the window. The truck hit When he came in, he happened to go to the bathroom because he forgot to take the handkerchief, so his companion died, but he escaped... he was really lucky."

President Ohara's expression froze: "..." A seemingly normal thing came out of this detective's mouth. Why did he become so suspicious? !

But what the other party said was all true... Tsk, this person should have been killed as well.

President Ohara felt a trace of malice in his heart.

However, it was too late to regret it now. He could only squeeze out the sadness. He raised his handkerchief and wiped the corners of his eyes: "Yes, I really regret it. It would be better if I didn't come here today."

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