Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1148 1148 [Is Jiang Xia Uzuo’s teammate? 】

Misari Ito: "!!"

The moment she fell to the ground, a flash of light flashed through her mind, and she suddenly understood why Jiang Xia didn't run away or arrest anyone after she had gained the upper hand, but instead blocked the exit from the attic.

Misari Ito: "..." This vicious detective is not trying to save people at all! I'm afraid he just thinks it's more fun to hit people like this... Those reports about Jiang Xia actually said something about "hatred of evil and the embodiment of justice". What's even more unbearable is that she, she actually believed in that Spring and Autumn style of writing before. !

But now it's too late to wake up.

Screams of pain and rhythmic knocking gradually echoed throughout the attic.

Outside the attic window, in the thick shade of trees.

A man's face turned pale and he slid down from the tree silently. He felt that he accidentally knew too much and was on the verge of being silenced.

Okiya Subaru: "..." Why does Jiang Xia have this hobby of "beating people"? !

He felt that the glorious image of "just detective" in his mind was shattered.

Once the established impression is broken, doubts suddenly arise.

"..." Especially when I think about how not long ago, Jiang Xia did not solve the case and watched Toru Amuro being murdered by Uzuo; and how many times Jiang Xia appeared near the cases planned by Uzuo; even just now, even Uzuo's cat was there Help Jiang Xia kick the gun...

Is it possible that Jiang Xia really colluded with Wu Zuo?

Okiya Subaru: "..." Although when Jiang Xia solved the case, the calm tone and the fast-forwarding without stage effect were not in line with Uzuo's aesthetics, which made Jiang Xia very different from the identity of "Uzuo's subordinates" Far.

but if……

Okiya Subaru suddenly had a terrible idea.

——What if Jiang Xia is not actually Wuzuo’s subordinate, but his partner or colleague?

"..." Although many of the cadres of the organization are loners, I heard that some people do have relatively fixed teammates.

——If you think about it carefully, Uzo looks so scary and has an intimidating aura. He might have some difficulty getting close to his target.

But if the person responsible for planting hints to the murdered "actors" is actually not Wuzuo, it is Jiang Xia who is difficult to defend, and Wuzuo is only responsible for providing the best stage. These two people worked together to create a terrifying legend that even the organization cadres were shocked to hear...

This assumption made the fear that "the good person he trusts the most is actually the boss" creep into Subaru's heart silently.

The noisy screams and screams in the attic disappeared at some point. There was dead silence all around, except for the occasional rustling of leaves in the wind.

Okiya Subaru suddenly felt that the movement of the grass blades when he landed was extremely loud, as if every step he took would disturb some terrifying creature lurking in the shadows.

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a soft click above his head.

Okiya Subaru's feet froze, and he suddenly had a bad premonition.

He didn't want to face it, but he could only face it and turned around little by little.

At the attic window, Jiang Xia opened the window and was standing there, looking down at him.

The face that once represented "justice", "a way out" and "reliable thigh" in Okiya Subaru's heart was now buried in the shadow cast by the eaves, making it difficult to see clearly.

"..." Being stared at like this, Okiya Subaru suddenly felt like he was facing Usa.

The intuitive alarm in his mind turned into a buzzer, and he opened his mouth. He didn't know for a moment that he should kneel down and shout, "I'm sorry, I didn't hear anything! I won't say anything, please let me go!" If so, it's better to pretend to be stupid first.

At this time, Jiang Xia suddenly spoke.

——There was no hint of a gloomy sneer as Subaru Okiya imagined; nor was he raising his index finger to his lips, then stroking his neck, suggesting "if you can't keep your mouth shut, just sleep forever"...

Jiang Xia just leaned against the window sill, took back the stick in his hand, looked at him up and down for a moment, and said in surprise: "It's you, I thought there were other accomplices hidden here... By the way, I'm going to call the police, you Let's get out of the courtyard first - although people who break into the courtyard to save people are usually exempt from liability, the prisoner this time is a lawyer after all, and he might deliberately cause trouble for us."

The completely different voice and tone from Usa brought Okiya Subaru back from the terrifying whirlpool of brainstorming.

He subconsciously responded and walked out of the hospital the same way he came. He tidied up his clothes that were stained with dust, and then slowly woke up.

Okiya Subaru: "..." Jiang Xia was seen at the scene of the beating, how could he act so calmly.

...Is it possible that I am overthinking it?

Just as he was thinking about it, Mao Lilan walked over from the side.

——The kidnappers howled too much just now, and the sound insulation of the attic was average. Even she vaguely heard the noise.

Mao Lilan thought of Jiang Xia's little habits that were not very harmonious, and regretted that she didn't insist on going in just now. Maybe she could stop Jiang Xia or help subdue the enemy. Judging from the tone, there seemed to be two or three gangsters inside. Those people At that time, there were Hattori and Kazuha as hostages... Thinking about it, it felt dangerous, but fortunately Jiang Xia was able to handle it smoothly.

Thinking about this now, it's obviously too late. but……

Mao Lilan secretly thought: Mr. Okiya doesn't look like the kind of person who can't adapt... and he already knows everyone. With the frequency of encounters between the two parties, sooner or later he will see Jiang Xia's love of knocking... ahem, hatred of evil. It would be better to get used to it in advance.

Thinking about this, Mao Lilan looked at Subaru Okiya who seemed to be shocked, and chose his words nervously:

"Well, in fact, some prisoners are really cruel. If they are not controlled in time, they may have terrible consequences. And Jiang Xia should know better and will not really hurt or maim people..."

Okiya Subaru's brain was a little overloaded just now. It took him a while to digest what Mao Lilan just said.

He came back to his senses belatedly: "..." Wait, Mao Lilan also knows about Jiang Xia's love of knocking people?

...By the way, calm down and think rationally, it’s not just Mao Lilan.

In that attic, in addition to the three gangsters who were still alive, there seemed to be two Osaka high school students, an elementary school student, and a former detective who was very skilled in pretending to be dead... At present, it seems that there is no sign that they are about to be silenced, and it seems He didn't show much surprise at Jiang Xia's behavior just now.

...It's as if Jiang Xia often does this, and those acquaintances all know it.

Okiya Subaru couldn't help but start to hesitate:

This point... seems to be somewhat in conflict with the speculations I just made.

Everyone knows that organizations pay attention to concealment, and cadres who mix in society are often very good at disguise.

In particular, if Jiang Xia is really Wu Zuo's partner, who is usually responsible for maintaining the image of a "good detective" and contacting victims, then he seems to be less likely to do such things as "beating prisoners for fun", and has been seen by many people …

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