Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1152 1152 [RIP, friend]

Toyama Kazuha and Hattori Heiji briefly reported the situation to their fathers in Osaka, and then were urged by the Tokyo police to go to the police station to take notes.

After finishing all the messy work, it was already dark.

"Oh, so busy."

In a cafe in Mikka Town. Several high school students sat around the table and discussed the past two days.

Yuan Shan and Ye leaned on the bench, stretched out tiredly, and couldn't help showing a slightly doubtful expression on their faces: "Am I really here for a trip? I don't seem to be so tired from school usually."

"Indeed, I encountered such and such things when I first came here." Mao Lilan looked sympathetically at her friends from Osaka who came from afar. Although she herself encountered more cases yesterday than those encountered by Toyama and Ye, she still After thinking about it, Mao Lilan always felt that compared to a relaxed audience like her, the encounter with Ye and the others was indeed more draining.

"However, fortunately, the matter is over." Mao Lilan sighed with a little fear, "I heard from Officer Sato that they found several barrels of fuel from the house of lawyer Ito - those people are probably planning to ask questions. After the mystery is revealed, it will be disguised as a house fire and the people who know too much will be burned inside."

"Hmph, it's not surprising that the vicious guy did anything. She even said she wanted to chop off my fingers before." Yuan Shan and Ye looked at Jiang Xia next to them and felt that he was too gentle, so they suggested, "Let's go." If this happens again, remember to untie me first and let me do it!"

As she spoke, she couldn't help but roll up her sleeves and clenched her fists.

The waiter passing by the store was slightly startled when he heard the word "beating someone", and secretly pricked up his ears to hear the gossip.

Conan glanced sharply and changed the topic in a hurry:

"It seems that yesterday was really dangerous, and she was almost fooled by it - there have indeed been serial arsonists recently. If a fire broke out at Lawyer Ito's house, it might be included in this case."

As he spoke, he felt that it was not very rigorous, so he couldn't help correcting it: "...but in fact, if things really turn out like that, Jiang Xia and I will definitely find the truth and let you rest in peace."

Toyama Kazuye: "..." What this kid said is so unlucky.

Hattori Heiji was sitting next to him, silently lowering his presence.

But at this moment, when he suddenly heard the key word "criminal", he still instinctively interrupted and asked: "Serial pyromaniac? Why is it confirmed that it is a serial one? The methods were consistent, or were people with similar characteristics killed?"

"The method has not been announced to the public. However, since there is no mention of similarities, the consistency of the cases should not be obvious." Jiang Xia thought of this incident, "It was classified as a serial arson case, mainly because there were many traces left in the crime scenes. There was a 'red horse' - not a real horse, of course, just a finger-sized ornament."

There is also some so-called "jargon" within the police.

Among them, "red horse" refers to "arsonist" - the red horse ornament appears at the arson scene. It looks like the arsonist is deliberately showing his identity and provoking the police.

Hattori Heiji was immediately interested in this arrogant guy.

But soon, he realized something and turned to look at Jiang Xia and Conan: "Wait, since you... well, since you know about this case, but the case has not been solved, is it possible that no one has been injured or killed so far? "

Jiang Xia: "..." It sounds like he is only interested in murder cases... Well, he is indeed only interested in murder cases or upcoming murder cases. It's not just him, this group of high school detectives is probably the same as well.

But a just detective should not discriminate against cases.

"It's true that no one was injured or injured. But that's not why I didn't solve the case. It's just that there were not enough clues - I rarely interact with people from the fire crime investigation department, and I can't find out anything I want to ask."

Jiang Xia picked up the juice seriously and took a sip: "There are many related reports in the newspapers, but most of them are just rumors. At present, the more reliable clues are that except for the 'Red Horse', there are only three fires. Location - the first incident was at 'Rizen-cho 1-chome', the second incident was at 'Toriya-cho 2-chome', and the third incident was at 'Okuho-cho 3-chome'..."

"Looking at it this way, which place will be the 4th-chome next time?" Toyama Kazuha thought of something and shuddered, "Wait a minute, the lawyer Ito was at the 4th-chome of Kenbashi Town yesterday!"

"This happened just now. Kenbashi Town is on tight security. The arsonists probably won't do anything there." Hattori Heiji thought of something and suddenly smiled, "I also know of a fourth-chome—I'm going to see Mr. Kusukawa today. When he was there, he said he had a commission, which was..."


Halfway through, Hattori Heiji cut off his words and closed his mouth.

——I really need to change my habit of getting excited when encountering a mystery. I actually forgot that Jiang Xia was also there.

Hattori Heiji: "..." However, if Jiang Xia is here, the client might be safer?

...But I don’t know why, but I always feel that things may develop in another bad direction.

Hattori Heiji was extremely confused.

But soon, he found that he didn't have to worry about it anymore.

——Because of what he said, Yuan Shan and Ye also remembered it at this time.

Yuan Shan and Ye are not interested in solving puzzles, and of course they are not afraid of spoilers from Jiang Xia.

Moreover, completely opposite to Hattori Heiji, she felt that the faster the mission was solved, the more time she had to play.

So he happily invited foreign aid and revealed all the commissions Hattori Heiji was trying to hide: "When we went to see Mr. Kusukawa in the morning, he was still lying on the hospital bed and couldn't get up, so he asked us to do him a favor.

"He said that he had received a commission a few days ago. The client found that there were always suspicious people walking around the house in the middle of the night, so he asked Mr. Kusukawa to go and investigate. But before Mr. Kusukawa could go, he was arrested by the lawyer Ito So he had to ask Hattori to go check it out for him - the client happened to be at 4-chome in Cupido Town!"

"Well, then let's go together tomorrow." Jiang Xia naturally applied to join the team, "The problem can be solved quickly if there are many people. This way, you guys will have more time to wander around Tokyo."

"Okay." Toyama and Ye remembered the reliable Jiangxia and agreed on Hattori Heiji's behalf.

Hattori Heiji:"……"

He was silent for a moment, then grabbed Conan and said, "You come too."

...He can't be the only one who continues to be polluted by Jiang Xia's spoilers!

Conan: "..."

Mao Lilan shook his head: "Conan is going on an outing with a few children tomorrow."

"Outing?!" Hattori Heiji slapped the table, stared at Conan, and said with condemnation, "What time has it been, and you still plan to go on an outing at the critical moment when you can catch the arsonist by his tail?!"

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