Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1160 1160 [Red Horse Incident] Please vote for me

Chapter 1160 1160 [Red Horse Incident] Please vote for me (づど)

Houses made mostly of wood burned very quickly, and the fire in the Morokaku family was extremely strong, and it spread throughout the house in the blink of an eye.

When the three people arrived, they were surrounded by crowds of onlookers with different expressions.

Firefighters carried a person out of Zhukaku's house, quickly covered him with a white cloth and carried him into an ambulance. Although the person was so burned that he couldn't see his face, at this time, only Mrs. Zhujiao was at home, so the identity of the deceased was quite obvious.

Mr. Zhujiao and the Feng Shui Master were at the forefront of the crowd of onlookers.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Jiaoming was stunned for a while, then rushed over: "Ryoko!!"

Mr. Soga followed quickly and patted his old classmate on the shoulder, as if comforting the man who had just lost his wife.

After a moment, he turned back and glanced at the burning house.

Every inch of the house was licked by the fire, and nothing in it would remain.

A few meters away, in the crowd of onlookers.

Conan looked at the two people, frowned for a moment, and whispered to Eka and Hattori Heiji: "Didn't they go to drink? I remember that there were no izakayas in the nearest stores. They should have gone further. place. Why did it arrive faster than us?"

"Perhaps there is something he forgot to take. Or maybe someone saw the fire and informed him." Jiang Xia frowned and analyzed while taking a bite of the chicken roll in his hand. "Of course, it may also be part of the murder plan. Because I was worried, I wanted to come back and have a look.”

Conan and Hattori Heiji smelled the aroma, looked at his hands faintly, and their stomachs growled hungry: "...It's been so long, and you still have time to eat!"

One of them just ordered ramen and the other ordered curry rice.

The hot meal was served, but before I could take two bites, I saw a fire truck roaring past, and of course the meal was left behind in the restaurant.

Jiang Xia looked at the chicken roll in his hand and sighed: "The fire truck passed by so suddenly just now that I didn't react, so I grabbed it and went out. I wanted to throw it away on the way but couldn't find a trash can, so I had to eat it first. Drop it, otherwise you can’t put it in your pocket and take it home.”

As he spoke, he took another sad bite.

After a pause, Jiang Xia seemed to remember something and said with emotion: "No wonder Boss Amuro always said that qualified detectives should always prepare portable food when making commissions - Speaking of which, every time I go out with you, it seems that I always I will miss my meal..."

"...Huh??" Hattori Heiji felt like there was an extra pot on his back. "The second half of the sentence should obviously be my line!"

...Even he himself often encounters cases. But every time he comes to Tokyo, or his classmates from Tokyo go to Osaka to hang out with him, the chance of missing a meal will obviously increase a lot.

Although Conan also felt that there were many murders around Jiangxia, he took a closer look at himself before speaking.

"..." Then he rationally discovered that even if Jiang Xia was not here, he would indeed be unable to eat due to unexpected cases.

So when the words came to his lips, he had to change the topic: "Boss Amuro has never been a serious detective at all. I don't think you need to listen carefully to his suggestions. After all, he..."

I was about to make some insinuation about Tohru Amuro's suspicious behavior.

At this time, a child's voice suddenly sounded from the crowd of onlookers nearby: "Mom, look! What I said is right. The red horse that brings fire has appeared!"

"Red horse?!" Several detectives immediately forgot about other topics and quickly approached him, "Kid, what is the red horse you are talking about?"

The red horse is the police code for "arsonist". Moreover, the previous three serial arson cases occurred at 1, 2 and 3 Chome respectively. In each case, a small red horse ornament appeared at the scene.

The child feels that he has seen something extraordinary. When someone asks, share it with them decisively:

"I saw it with my own eyes! When I was watching Masked Superman in the living room just now, I wanted to sing the theme song along with the TV, but before I could say anything, it suddenly became very bright outside."

"I looked over at the curtain and was shocked." The child stretched out his short arms and tried to gesture to something that seemed very huge to him. "On the curtain, something so big was reflected. The shadow of a horse!”

The child's mother hugged him and looked at the few people who suddenly rushed over to ask, with a hint of alertness in her eyes.

Jiang Xia looked at her: "Which side of the house on fire is your home on?"

The young housewife looked at him, then at Conan, who was about the same age as her son among the two high school students. She felt that they didn't look like bad guys, so she raised her finger hesitantly: "On the right. That's the closest building. .”

Hattori Heiji and Conan looked at each other. Before the fire was out, they quickly rushed to the wall of the woman's house. In the blink of an eye, they climbed over the wall and entered the hospital, trying to restore the child's perspective and collect clues.

Jiang Xia turned to look at the shocked woman: "This fire is probably part of the recent serial arson case. My classmates probably heard the shadow of a horse on the curtains of your house and were worried that you would also be set on fire. They broke the mark, so they broke in suddenly... I'm really sorry, I'll catch them out right away."

Seeing the woman nodding slightly gratefully, he also ran towards the wall and climbed in quickly.

As soon as Jiangxia entered, he saw Hattori Heiji and Conan, who were already standing outside the window of the woman's living room, looking seriously at the Morokaku family next door.

The fire was extremely fierce, and the entire house was wrapped in flames. It was not known how Mrs. Zhujiao was rescued just now.

Directly opposite here, there is a window with a slit open.

Where it was opened, there was a horse covered in blood. It was the size of a palm, but its aura was very scary. Against the background of the flames and twisted air, it looked like it had just crawled back from hell with blood all over its body.

Jiang Xia took out her phone and took a photo to prevent it from being burned.

By the way, you can also show the photos to the homeowners outside: this kind of hell drawing from a shooting perspective may divert the attention of the innocent homeowner and make her forget to investigate the matter of three detectives trespassing in other people's yards.

Two high school detectives, I don’t know what the mature and steady social detectives are thinking.

Seeing Jiang Xia joining them, the two discussed the case with him: "The child saw the shadow of the horse when Masked Superman was on air - the show started at 7:30 in the evening. When he sang the theme song, he I saw a 'bright light' and no shadow, and then I saw the horse on the curtain... It sounds like an arsonist set a fire at 7:30 and put the horse in the window gap, and then caused the phenomenon."

At the same time, three people could not see outside the hospital.

Next to the fire scene, among the crowd of onlookers, a face that was somewhat familiar to the three detectives appeared.

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