Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1169 1169 [Game glasses start to go online]

After Zhu Jiaoming finished doing this, he breathed a sigh of relief and straightened up easily.

He was about to turn on the incandescent light and add a little hypnotic smoke to the hallway.

But before he could reach the switch, he was suddenly tapped on the shoulder: "Thank you for your live demonstration. Do you have any other messages before you go to jail?"



Gongchang Police Department and other detectives sent off the first two Xiaohei. They had just returned to Xuantian Longtoku's house when they suddenly heard a very heavy muffled sound of "duang——" coming from above their heads, and the whole building seemed to tremble. .

Several people were startled and raised their heads suddenly. Thinking of who was upstairs at this time, his face changed slightly, and he rushed forward with various worries.

Police Chief Gongchang was relatively close and was most familiar with Genda Takatoku's family, so he was the first to rush upstairs.

He opened the door of that room with a bang and was about to scold the criminal to stop resisting. However, when the flashlight light shone in, he was suddenly startled.

The situation in the room at this time was different from what he imagined...

It's a little different.

——The extremely vicious arsonist was lying on the ground half-dead like a piece of pancake.

The young detective, who looked like a good student, stepped on the "swinging pancake" with his foot in an action that didn't quite fit his appearance, and was reaching for something at his waist.

Suddenly finding the door opened, Jiang Xia made a move, saw the person coming clearly, and silently took a step back. In the end, he did not take out anything with his hands at his waist. In the blink of an eye, he was back to being the perfect police savior.

Gongchang Police Department: "..." Wrong, is it an illusion?

...But forget it, at least everyone is fine. The noise just now was really scary. He thought the arsonist was desperate and was going to kill him... Wait, speaking of which, the arsonist should be fine!

Police Chief Gong stepped forward quickly and worriedly checked on Zhu Jiaoming's condition.

The remaining people also rushed forward one after another at this time. Except for Xuantian Lunde who was a little confused, the others seemed not surprised by this situation.

Xuantian Lunde was also relieved when he found out that someone had actually been caught - it turned out that the criminal was not himself.


He thought of something and secretly glanced at Jiang Xia, who was in a normal mood. For some reason, he suddenly instinctively explained:

"Well, although Dr. Zhukaku suggested that I find a floor with good sound insulation, my house is an old-fashioned single-family house and there is no such place. And my neighbors happen to be on business trips, so I don't have to worry about disturbing them late at night, so I..."

"..." Jiang Xia came back to her senses and smiled at him with understanding, "It's nothing. Sound isolation doesn't really matter. It's just that the noise he made when he fell to the ground was too loud just now, which scared me."

Xuantian Lunde always felt that something was not right, but he touched the back of his head and didn't think much about it - last night, in order to prevent himself from killing someone in his dream, he didn't dare to close his eyes all night long. Today I stayed up all night trying to catch the real culprit, and my mind was so sleepy that I couldn't think. So after hearing what Jiang Xia said, I decided to just treat it like this.

"In the first arson case, the owner of the house didn't know where the 'red horse' on the scene came from. This was not actually because Mr. Xuantian left the horse in his house while sleepwalking, but because the owner received a keychain from the store manager Xuantian. After receiving the small gift, I forgot to open the package and check it, not knowing what was inside.

"Later, there was an accidental fire at home. The fire burned all the packaging of the red horse, and he discovered that there was an extra red horse in the house that 'didn't know where it came from.' In addition, the police would use 'red horse' to refer to arsonists. This kind of The coincidence was misunderstood by the police and the media, and was widely reported. The fire case turned into an "arsonist's provocation against the police."

"Mr. Xuanta therefore mistakenly thought that he had a recurrence of sleepwalking and set fire, so he went to Dr. Morokaku for treatment. Unexpectedly, Dr. Morokaku wanted to burn down his own house and convert it into a private clinic, so he took advantage of the trick and decided to imitate ABC Murder Case, a crime that allows you to get away perfectly.

"The reason why the 'Red Rabbit Horse' found at the scene of the second and third arson cases did not have its base was because Dr. Morokaku was worried that if the source of the horse was too obvious, it would burn the '4-chome' of his home. Previously, Genda-san would be caught by the police, so I deliberately removed it.”

"Unexpectedly, this matter was discovered by Mrs. Zhujiao. Instead of reporting the crime, she secretly hid the base of the Guan Yu statue that her husband had cut off and used it as a basis to threaten him with divorce. So later, she also..."

After Zhu Jiaoming heard these words, he lay slumped on the ground.

As early as when he was caught for arson, he already had a bad premonition. Unexpectedly, the police actually found the base with his fingerprints on it...

He punched the ground angrily and was dragged away by the police with a look of resignation on his face.

However, for some reason, Dr. Zhujiao was surprised to find that when he left, the young people looked at him with emotion, as if he was a very lucky person.

Doctor Zhujiao: "..." Hehe, these young people who have never experienced social beatings must think that this opportunity to "reform" is a good thing for them.

He originally wanted to twitch the corners of his mouth, showing a bit of adult ridicule, and maintain the scriptwriter's last dignity.

But because I had just fallen on my face and it would hurt to make expressions, I had to give up and was dragged away by the police without a word.

"I thought Zhu Jiaoming just wanted to destroy the evidence, but I didn't expect that he actually planned to burn all the insiders in this house tonight."

While watching his subordinates take away Akira Akira's sleeping gas, Gongchang Police Department sighed: "What a dangerous guy."

Jiang Xia nodded with deep understanding and touched the mass of murderous aura on his hand with emotion - it seemed that Dr. Zhujiao knew the law quite well and did not persist until the trial before losing his murderous aura. The moment he was carried into the police car, he It fell off very simply... Although I lost a little bit of the fun of picking the murderous aura with my own hands, fortunately, the harvest was not reduced.

It's very late. They made an appointment with the naive Gongchang Police Department to go to the Metropolitan Police Department to take notes when they had time, and each went back to their respective homes.

After Jiang Xia got home, she tidied up briefly and quickly lay down and fell asleep.

I slept until two or three in the morning when a buzzing vibration suddenly came from next to the pillow.

Jiang Xia opened her eyes. Turning around to look expectantly, he saw the strange glasses placed beside the pillow, with a string of silver light suddenly flashing on the frame.

Immediately afterwards, Noah, who was being held down by him like a water pillow, also jumped up and said expectantly: "The positioning device on Belmode's equipment has also been removed!"

Although the pairs of "game glasses" Jiang Xia sent out to deceive cadres were not really equipped with Noah-level high-tech, some small mechanisms were added to prevent them from being thrown away as toys.

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